Osta-Max, S-4, GW501516 Log


New member
This is the first day of my cycle, I have never took anything before so this is a first for me.

Weight: 176 lbs

Dosage: Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg

4:30am - cup of coffee

7:00am - Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

9:00am - Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg, 16oz water

9:30am - 11:00am - Gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

11:05am - Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

11:30am - 1 chicken breast & 1 sweet potato, 16oz water

3:00pm - 1 banana, ¼ cup almonds, 16oz water

5:00pm - Turkey sandwich, 1 pickle spear, 16oz water

Didn't feel any different but strength was way down, had to strain to lift what I normally lift with no problem. I didn't take pre-workout (ran out), so that may have something to do with low strength. I did order some SuperSize for pre-workout should be here in a few days.

This is some horrable tasting shit, could not get the taste out of my mouth, it lasted for about 2 hours. I drank water and milk, that did nothing for the taste. Think tomorrow I might try chewing some gum to see if that helps.

Day 1 pic.
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Day 2 - Jan. 24, 2012

Weight: 174 lbs

5:00am: cup of coffee

7:00am: Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:30am: Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg, 16oz water

9:00am 10:30am: gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

10:35am: Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

11:30am: 1 chicken breast, 1 small can of peas, 16oz water

3:00pm: 1 banana, ¼ cup almonds, 16oz water

6:00pm: 1 chicken breast, 1 small can of peas, 16oz water

7:30pm: 1 small bag of popcorn, 16oz water

Strength was worst than yesterday, had no energy, no motivation, no focus. Brushed teeth and used mouth wash after dose seemed to help with after taste of cycle. Can't wait to get pre-workout to see if it helps with workout. Libido was about the same, sleep was good, and mood was good and no sides.
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i recommend holding some water in your mouth then adding the osta/s4/GW each time. it cuts way down on the taste.

also are you just starting this diet with the chems? might explain some of the exhaustion. i know I'm exhausted right now and i just started to cut
i recommend holding some water in your mouth then adding the osta/s4/GW each time. it cuts way down on the taste.

also are you just starting this diet with the chems? might explain some of the exhaustion. i know I'm exhausted right now and i just started to cut
No my diet pretty much stayed the same before and during. I think it has something to do with the pre-workout, I took 2 pre-workout pills today that I got as a free sample and my workout was much better than the past 2 days. I order some supersize it should be here tomorrow or the day after. I was taking C4 but ran out about 3 weeks ago.
Thank you for this journal chuckparr! For me I cant have a good work out until my aderol and my cup of coffee because Im an old guy lol
try to take an higher dose of S4 as a prewo, bud.

i was on 50mg 30' before training and it was nice, this week i am using 75mg and it's just amazing!!!

i am doing it JUST prior to my boxe training and when it comes to push the weight i just take 25mg, and that's fine for me :)

almost like you, i am ON with sever sarms:

osta-low (8am) 15mg
S4 (5pm) 75mg (or 25mg it depends)
MK-677 (10pm) 12,5mg

and i am happy with results!!!

No my diet pretty much stayed the same before and during. I think it has something to do with the pre-workout, I took 2 pre-workout pills today that I got as a free sample and my workout was much better than the past 2 days. I order some supersize it should be here tomorrow or the day after. I was taking C4 but ran out about 3 weeks ago.
Day 3 - Jan. 25 2012

Weight: 174.6 lbs

4:30am: cup of coffee

7:00am: Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:30am: Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg, 2 Nanostim pre-workout pills (free sample), 16oz water

9:00am 10:30am: gym

10:35am: Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

11:15am: 1 steak, 1 sweet potato, 16oz water

3:00pm: 1 Banana, ¼ almonds, 16oz water

5:00pm: 1 steak, 1 cup rice, 16oz unsweet tea

7:00pm: 1 protein bar

Workout was much better today, think it was the pre-workout I took. Libido was good, mood was good, no sides. No body changes as of yet.
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Day 4: Jan. 26, 2012

Weight - 175 lbs.

5:00am: cup of coffee

7:00am: Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:30am: Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg, 16oz water

9:00am: 10:30am: gym

10:35am: Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

11:00pm: 1 hamburger, 16oz unsweet tea

2:30pm: 2 bananas

5:30pm: 1 chicken sandwich, 16oz water

9:00pm: 1 protein bar, 16oz water

Workout was ok, mood good, libido good, sleep good, no sides, no body changes.
Day 5: Jan. 27, 2012

Weight: 176.4 lbs

5:00am: cup of coffee

7:00am - Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:30am: Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg, GW 10mg, 16oz water

9:00am 10:30am: gym, 2 - 16oz waters

10:35am: Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

11:30am: 1 chicken breast, 1 small can of peas, 16oz water

2:00pm: 1 banana, ¼ cup of almonds, 16oz water

5:00pm: 2 pounds of snow crab legs, 16oz unsweet tea

Libido is through the roof, wifey asked was I on V's. Said I'm like a teenager again. Mood good, no side, no body changes. Strength about the same.
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Day 8: Jan. 30, 2012

Going to change cycle today, going to do 75mg S-4 (25mg am, 25mg noon, 25mg afternoon), 25mg Osta-Max, 10mg GW501516. Received SuperSize pre-workout Friday starting today at 3 scoops.

Weight: 178.2 lbs.

4:30am: cup of coffee.

7:00am: Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs,
16oz water

8:00am: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

11:00am: 1 chicken sandwich, 16oz water

12:30pm: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

1:00pm: 1 yogurt, ¼ cup almonds, 16oz water

3:30pm: ½ cup red beans

4:00pm: 25mg S-4, 25mg Osta-Max, 10mg GW, 16oz water

4:15pm: 3 scoops SuperSize

4:45pm 5:45pm: gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

6:30pm: Protein shake, 1 ½ scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

7:00pm: 1 cup red beans, 1 cup brown rice, 16oz water

Workout today was much better that past days, think it was the pre-workout. Mood is good. Libido is still up. No sides, veins are really showing after workout.
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Day 9 - Jan. 31, 2012

Weight: 174.4 lbs.

4:30am: cup of coffee

7:00am: Bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seed, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:30am: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

10:00am: 1 cup red beans, 1 cup brown rice, 16oz water

12:00pm: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

1:00pm: 1 hamburger, 16oz water

3:30pm: 1 protein bar, 16oz water

4:15pm: 25mg S-4, 25mg Osta-Max, 10mg GW, 3 scoops SuperSize, 16oz water

5:00pm 6:00pm: gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

6:15pm: Protein shake 2 scoops & 1 tea spoon flax seeds

7:00pm: 1 turkey sandwich, 16oz water

Workout seems to be getting better each day. Veins are really only showing after workout. Mood is good. Libido is still good. Sleep is good. Noticed a little difference in arms and chest, nothing to really brag on yet though.
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Day 10 - Feb. 1, 2012

Weight: 174

4:30am: cup of coffee

7:30am: bowl of oatmeal w/1 tea spoon flax seeds, ¼ cup blueberries, ¼ cup almonds, 2 boiled eggs, 16oz water

8:00am: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

10:30am: 1 cup of red beans, 1 cup of brown rice, 16oz water

12:00pm: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

1:30pm: 1 cup of red beans, 16oz water

4:00pm: 25mg S-4, 25mg Osta-Max, 10mg GW, 16oz water

4:45pm: 3 scoops SuperSize

5:00pm 6:45pm: gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

7:00pm: Protein shake 2 scoops w/1 tea spoon flax seeds

7:45pm: 2 chicken breasts, ½ cup mac & cheese, 16oz water

Starting to see a little more muscle definition, shirts feeling tighter, wife asked am I taking steroids. Mood is good, Libido is fucking great can't believe it. Sleep is great. Workout was great today.

Day 11, 12 & 13, Jan. 2 - 4, 2012

Out sick.

Day 14, Jan. 5, 2012

Weight: 176

7:00am: 2 eggs, 2 small red skin potato's, 1 biscuit, cup of coffee.

8:30am: 25mg S-4, 25mg Osta-Max, 10mg GW, 16oz water, 3 scoops SuperSize

9:00am 11:00am: gym, 2 16oz bottles of water

9:15am: protein shake w/1 tea spoon flax seeds

12:30pm: 2 taco's, 16oz water

2pm: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

5:00pm: 2 taco's, 16oz water

6:30pm: 25mg S-4, 16oz water

Workout today was the best yet. Really starting to like this cycle, some awesome shit. Libido is unbelievable, dick is always hard. Mood is great, sleep is great.
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Which of those chems are helping with the libido? Just curious... Are the only way to take them are oraly right???
Which of those chems are helping with the libido? Just curious... Are the only way to take them are oraly right???
I want to say it's the Osta-Max helping with the libido, I'm taking the SARMS. I do believe they have a Peptides for the same stuff. The libido is so fucking great, it's like I'm 16 again walking around all day with a hard on. I can just look at a nice ass and bam it's hard. A BIG THANKS TO OSTA-GAIN AND UNIQUEMICAL, for these great products I'm taking.