Osta Rx


New member
Anyone tried out the new Osta Rx? Now that the price is already doubled, just wondering if the price is really worth it over the straight liquid.
Anyone tried out the new Osta Rx? Now that the price is already doubled, just wondering if the price is really worth it over the straight liquid.

I bought some before the price went up. I am going to be starting a cycle soon and will run a log on it. Check some forums out, there are plenty of logs on it and results seem good. As far as the price, initially I did not mind paying the 55 bux, even though it had the extra supps in it, ie, tribulas, etc, rather then just osta, but again, the price was fair so I bought it. Now that it has just about doubled, I dont really know if I would spend that kind of money. I would prefe3r to but Prohormones or designers, almost like two for one. I know its a unique product, and I am sure it is legit being its from IML, but again, I dont know if I would spend that price..SJ
Anyone tried out the new Osta Rx? Now that the price is already doubled, just wondering if the price is really worth it over the straight liquid.

Straight liquid research chem osta= chance that it is under dosed, spiked, or not even osta at all.
You're paying pretty much the same price and knowing exactly what you're getting.
There's my 2 cents.
Yes but even supp companies can be just as sketchy as research chem companies (I don't trust any of em) but I would guess that unique has to be legit because it only sells SARMs and is a board sponsor. I mean if people went around seeing no results on their SARMs then they be out of business cuz thats all they got. I have not tried unique but I plan to purchase from them in a week or 2 for mk-2866 so I guess i'l find out pretty soon
Yes but even supp companies can be just as sketchy as research chem companies (I don't trust any of em) but I would guess that unique has to be legit because it only sells SARMs and is a board sponsor. I mean if people went around seeing no results on their SARMs then they be out of business cuz thats all they got. I have not tried unique but I plan to purchase from them in a week or 2 for mk-2866 so I guess i'l find out pretty soon

Oh no doubt, look at the big controversy with Craze right now. And we have countless other past cases with numerous companies spiking, mislabeling, etc etc.

I have faith in RC grade SARMs, I myself ran some osta (from a certain RC that caps all their stuff) and saw good results.
Now do I have pure 100% dosed as claimed ostarine to thank for my results? Not sure, but whatever is in the RC's that I've tried does work.

We can also question wether this Osta RX is going to be any good. All the logs were from RC's. So maybe a user gains 5 pounds of lean mass off of a 20mg/day one month run, and then they use Osta RX and don't gain jack?

I agree there are lots of variables at play with this stuff.
Ok, so now I'm reading alot from a certain company saying the research chem. companies are not testing the Osta they are selling. I have purcahsed from SS, Osta-Gain and Unique. I have noticed slight differences from the first time I used Osta. I just assumed my body is getting used to the Osta. Does anyone know if these companies are actually testing what they are selling or is this certain company just bashing everyone else to justify their prices?
I'm using osta rx now and liking it very much...I, however, have no previous experience with this compound to compare
Anyone tried out the new Osta Rx? Now that the price is already doubled, just wondering if the price is really worth it over the straight liquid.

There are about 20 logs on Osta RX. They are all positive so far. Guys are reporting LBM gains, fat loss and raised libido.

There's a coupon code for 25% off

Hey guys, im looking to run ostra rx however in a previous cycle of super dmz i got small gyno, i was wondering if the ostra rx will make this worse?