Ostarine Cycle - info on suppression and feedback


New member
Hey guys, Not sure if this is the right section, but was planning on running an ostarine Cycle at 12.5mg for 8 days, and then 25mg for 21 days. I've read a lot about this but am finding it hard to come to a conclusion regarding the suppression. Some say none with 25mg or less, some say up to 40% suppressive. I know this cycle won't get me anything near the results that test or other aas would, but wanted to start off on something like this first. Just wondering if any of you would have any feedback or thoughts?

Thanks guys
Im literally going to start almost the same sarm cycle next week. Just running ostarine on its own starting at 15mg for first week then go up to 25mg for 5 weeks. Only thing im worried about is the suppression aswell, not sure if i need to run a pct or not, though i think its wise by what ive read. Im 28, been out of training for a year, am 12 stone, have been 14 before so i know ill make gains cuz of muscle memory, but the reason for taking SARMS cycle is to give me a boost in growth and get some fat loss aswell as its meant to be good for that. Have never taken steroids or sarms before so this is a first step in this direction for me. I suffer from tachycardia so wasnt sure about jumping to steroids just yet with no experience in cycling and going through pct. Let us know how u get on, ill keep people updated each week on what i think of this sarms stuff.
for starts i would run the cycle longer.. Unless i misunderstood your post and you are running longer.4 weeks of osta isnt going to do much,especially with 1 week at 12.5