OSTARINE MK-2866 log sponsored by Samrs search/truegrit


I am banned!
whats up guys?
so this is my first time trying out Osta, from sarmssearch. thanks to truegrit for letting me log this.

current weight: 181
Bf: 14-16%
goal: maintain the weight between 178-180 and drop as much BF% as i can in 4 weeks.
Diet: caloric deficit on off days and caloric surplus on workout days, starting with 500cal deficit and 200surplus , ill change this as i see progress.
osat dosage: 25mg ED
I'm only taking iso pure protein and a pre workout (mr sups) which finished I'm still waiting to get it so i won't be using it this week.

true grit messaged me on friday saying it was shipped on thursday and i should get it on monday, he was right i got it monday noon and took the first dose around 2pm.
I hate how it tastes, leaves a bad after taste for a while but today when i took the second dose i didn't feel it as much a si did on the first day.

i took osta around 2pm, hit them gym later on around 10pm.
i wasn't expecting anything the first day so id id my workout as usual.

just got back form the gym, took the osta around 1-2pm.
felt a lil better pump and energy was great, better mood as well
iw worked out for about an hour, i do my cardio in the am, i give it my all and even at the end i felt as if i could continue which doesn't happen as I'm so tired that i wanna go home relax but it was the opposite, loved that feeling!
one thing i did notice, maybe it will pass, i felt nauseous.

ill try to keep the logs updated as much as possible.
would love any insight any of the pros have, thanks guys!
whats up guys?
so this is my first time trying out Osta, from sarmssearch. thanks to truegrit for letting me log this.

current weight: 181
Bf: 14-16%
goal: maintain the weight between 178-180 and drop as much BF% as i can in 4 weeks.
Diet: caloric deficit on off days and caloric surplus on workout days, starting with 500cal deficit and 200surplus , ill change this as i see progress.
osat dosage: 25mg ED
I'm only taking iso pure protein and a pre workout (mr sups) which finished I'm still waiting to get it so i won't be using it this week.

true grit messaged me on friday saying it was shipped on thursday and i should get it on monday, he was right i got it monday noon and took the first dose around 2pm.
I hate how it tastes, leaves a bad after taste for a while but today when i took the second dose i didn't feel it as much a si did on the first day.

i took osta around 2pm, hit them gym later on around 10pm.
i wasn't expecting anything the first day so id id my workout as usual.

just got back form the gym, took the osta around 1-2pm.
felt a lil better pump and energy was great, better mood as well
iw worked out for about an hour, i do my cardio in the am, i give it my all and even at the end i felt as if i could continue which doesn't happen as I'm so tired that i wanna go home relax but it was the opposite, loved that feeling!
one thing i did notice, maybe it will pass, i felt nauseous.

ill try to keep the logs updated as much as possible.
would love any insight any of the pros have, thanks guys!

Nice log your super thorough. I just learned a couple things. My log is kinda bland. But I'm trying lol.
Nice log your super thorough. I just learned a couple things. My log is kinda bland. But I'm trying lol.

Believe it or not but this is my second log,ever. Im learning as i see others post and mostly i think about what i would want to see when i search up a product so i know what to expect.
You r doing a log for sarmssearcha s well, right bro?
Y'all are both doing great! You will find that you will have more to put in your logs as the days go along! Keep up the awesome work!
Believe it or not but this is my second log,ever. Im learning as i see others post and mostly i think about what i would want to see when i search up a product so i know what to expect.
You r doing a log for sarmssearcha s well, right bro?

Absolutely and I'm stoked. I've been researching sarms and I'm confident their gonna give me a nice boost.
day 3 Update:
today was back day, i took 25mg osta at 2pm and hit them gym at 3;30.
workout was amazing, one of the best workouts iv had in a while, got everything done and decided to do an extra cardio of 30 minutes.
so far iv only had two concerns with osta, 1- nauseous feeling i get and 2nd- iv had this really annoying stomach pain all day today. I'm not taking anything else so these sides have to be from osta. to add to this, i really don't mind them because the pros overtake the cons which are endurance and solid gains ill be able to keep but ill still wait till end of this to say the final word.
I'm planning on hopping on a recomp cycle so i won't be doing pct.
Day 4: its an off day. Did some cardio in the am.
Only update I can say about today is that my cardio wasn't as tiring as it usually is, either it's kicking in or its in my head and I feel the extra energy- well whatever it is I don't mind it
I always take any supplement on a full stomach. Hey man...cardio not as tiring...that is great!
I always take any supplement on a full stomach. Hey man...cardio not as tiring...that is great!
that was yesterdays update, got busy so couldn't log on, ill update todays log once i hit the gym
ill try osta on full stomach today.
Day 5:(jul 15) chest day
started off with a few stretches and warming up the shoulder joints.
5 sets of bench press (first 2 were warm ups of 15-20 reps)
3 sets x 12-12-10
4 sets of dumbbell incline press
4 x10
3 sets of dips (usually till failure)
3 sets of cable flies 12-15 reps
last i like to do push ups, even tho i can't do a lot i try to do as much as i can

surprisingly i wasn't tired at all or even out of breath so i did cardio for 15 mins, inclined treadmill .

one thing id like to add is, i never do abs during my workouts, i can only workout my abs during empty stomach and that too early morning, if i do try to workout my abs during the workout or at the end, i get this excruciating pain and the middle right side of my stomach hardens and hurts like hell.

so far sarms have shown, increase in strength somewhat, feel my muscles tighten up a bit and endurance!

day 6: which was today, i did cardio and abs, its an off day.

ill be hitting the gym tomorrow doing back or legs, still haven't decided.
Day 5:(jul 15) chest day
started off with a few stretches and warming up the shoulder joints.
5 sets of bench press (first 2 were warm ups of 15-20 reps)
3 sets x 12-12-10
4 sets of dumbbell incline press
4 x10
3 sets of dips (usually till failure)
3 sets of cable flies 12-15 reps
last i like to do push ups, even tho i can't do a lot i try to do as much as i can

surprisingly i wasn't tired at all or even out of breath so i did cardio for 15 mins, inclined treadmill .

one thing id like to add is, i never do abs during my workouts, i can only workout my abs during empty stomach and that too early morning, if i do try to workout my abs during the workout or at the end, i get this excruciating pain and the middle right side of my stomach hardens and hurts like hell.

so far sarms have shown, increase in strength somewhat, feel my muscles tighten up a bit and endurance!

day 6: which was today, i did cardio and abs, its an off day.

ill be hitting the gym tomorrow doing back or legs, still haven't decided.

Great update bro! Glad to see that your strength and endurance are increasing! Keep up the good work bro!
day 7: No gym, something came up so I'm going to go tomorrow.
as a first week review i will say is, ostarine mk 2866 tastes horrible with a worst after taste, gives a stomachache for an hour after you take it, i feel that it is somewhat suppressant but i was taking PSL's cialis so it didn't really bother me much and I'm going to be getting on a cycle once I'm done with this.
suppression would hit you on day 4-5 from what i experienced and the taste and stomachache were from day one unfortunately.
on the bright side endurance and mood are greatly enhanced , i wake up more fresh , i feel like i can workout longer then i usually would, the strength is going up but honestly i can't really tell because its not a HUGE difference and these pros definitely over look the cons such as bad taste and stomach discomfort.

weight last monday was 181
today morning 180
i have been watching my diet and i did cardio 4 times this week, usually its 3 times and thats early morning fasted cardio.

alright guys, ill try to update this tomorrow after the workout.
I have used Mk-2666, never of any feelings of upset stomach.

I had pretty good results, I put on some pounds but I had a COMPLETE body recom**********

its good shit
I have used Mk-2666, never of any feelings of upset stomach.

I had pretty good results, I put on some pounds but I had a COMPLETE body recom**********

its good shit

iv read many guys report upset stomach and some don't have any sides, i guess everyone reacts differently.
day 8:
so i def feel the endurance and strength going up.
i did cardio for 30 minutes today, usually i start losing my breath after 10-15 min but today i did straight 30 mins which is an improvement.
todays workout was shoulders and traps,

2 warm up sets of shoulder presses
Super set:
3 sets of shoulder press 12/10/8( last set i did a drop set )
3 sets of weight front raises (12 reps performed slowly)

3 sets of cable side raises 12-12-10
3 set of bent over side raises 12/10/10
and to finish it off i did 4 sets of rope pulls 15 reps

i think osta is a great harm for endurance, especially for someone who has done AAS such as tren, it really helps you out in the gym, i don't think my strength has gone up the way my endurance has gotten better.

iv been taking only 25mg Everyday, even on no workout days.