overweight girlfriend.

Take a fasting glucose and thyroid (TSH, T3, T4) test. Both insulin desensitization and a thyroid hormone deficiency should be addressed before you even think about anything else.
Tell her to read ALL the replies to this post -- if that doesnt motivate her, you have a problem on ur hands.


ps this thread rocks, i had to add to it
I would make her go to the doctor and have a doctor tell her the negative effects that weight will have on her body/life. If she is morbidly obese (which it sounds like she is, if she is under 6'0), then it may be helpful the the doctor prescribe something like fentermine or something like that to get her going.
send her to asia for a couple weeks. i can hook her up with a nasty stomach virus or parasite. i've lost tons of weight using this (unintentional) method.