Oxandrolone and Gyno: A Discussion


New member
I know I have spoken to several members from 3 boards who claim they got gyno from anavar, even using products which tested good. I believe macro formulated that this gyno could be induced by increased IGF levels....so if this is the case would something simple like using Arimidex concurrently with your Ox help to alleviate the elevated IGF levels to help prevent this?

Talk amongst yourself i have faclemph.
It could be from almost anything. Nandi has postulated that most instances of gyno come from a low test/est ration. So, using his theory, the oxandrolone shuts down your natural test production, thereby lowering the test/estrogen ration enough to where you get gyno.

However, gyno is probably more influenced by genetics than anything else. In other words, some are more susceptible to gyno regardless of the gear being used.