Ozzyozzy21's First Cycle

Started my first cycle one week ago and iam running 600mg of Test E P/W. Have you noticed any big changes to you size strength and if so what week? Keep up the log bro.
Started my first cycle one week ago and iam running 600mg of Test E P/W. Have you noticed any big changes to you size strength and if so what week? Keep up the log bro.

Didn't notice a lot the first 4 weeks; after that I got what I would just call solid and steady gains. Around week 8 is when the WOW strength gains started hitting me. As far as size, I keep a bi weekly log so I'll let the numbers speak for themselves.

9/20/12-------------Body Part--------------------------------7/16/2012
37.5----------------Stomach at belly button-----------------39.75
38------------------Waist line---------------------------------39
Just did 1st pin of week 11. Did quad. Easy as pie. I will mention I'm on week 4 of 50mg Anavar (var). And sometimes I find my heart racing a little while I'm basically at rest sitting down or whatever. I feel great. Strength, sex drive are up while body fat is down. Juice is good! Later!
Great log. Im doing just about the exact same cycle, except goin test prop for 10-12 weeks. 50mg Var for week 4-8. Would like to go longer but Var is pricey...haha. Anyhow, keep it up. Good read. Ill be following for sure...
1st pin week 12. Pinned glute. Forgot how much my glutes bleed. Been doing quads for about the last 3 weeks almost no blood. Wife called in sick to work so I couldn't pin at home had to go to buddy's house. Monday is chest day for me and what I've found is about the last 6 weeks my last set of bench has been going up about 10 pounds every week.

Last week
This week
8 reps@245
Only have this week and next week left before I start post cycle therapy (pct). LATER!
Just left the gym. AWESOME workout! I can honestly say there is not much better feeling than being ON cycle, jamming out some rock/metal on the ipod absolutely blowing it up in the gym! Did shoulder, bi/tri. Usually I do shoulders one day and bi/tri the next, but felt a little run down yesterday. Only got about 4-6 hrs of sleep the two nights before and I think it caught up with me because I came home at 3:30 and crashed. LATER!
Good log. Get those pics up during post cycle therapy (pct). Sure your gains are pretty good. I enjoyed this log. I have a similar one myself. 12 weeks Test prop and 8 weeks 50mg/day Anavar (var). So the before and after pictures will make for awesome comparison. Good job dude. Now just maintain these results after pct...it's a lifestyle. haha.
Good log. Get those pics up during post cycle therapy (pct). Sure your gains are pretty good. I enjoyed this log. I have a similar one myself. 12 weeks Test prop and 8 weeks 50mg/day Anavar (var). So the before and after pictures will make for awesome comparison. Good job dude. Now just maintain these results after pct...it's a lifestyle. haha.

I know right, I semi-jokingly asked 3j if when I was done with my cycle, I could eat a little less. He was like Na bro. This brings me to what I wanted to write about this week. Just did 1st pin of week 13 headed to the gym soon, but my topic here was gonna be diet. Two weeks after first shot, we doubled my protein intake, meaning I went from eating 4 to 8 oz of chicken 2 times per day; went from eating 4oz of talipa or ground turkey to 8oz and for supper went from eating 6oz london broil to eating 12oz. Additionally, I eat 3 large eggs and 6 egg whites for breakfast. This was awsome to begin with as I was a little hungry with the smaller servings, but recently it's become a bit of a hassle. 12oz of london broil aint no joke! What I've learned is bodybuilding would definately not be for me. I'm a little sad about coming off, but the sooner I come off the sooner I can get back on. I'll get those pics up soon. Been getting a few compliments lately espcially on my shoulders. Cant wait to see what you guys think!
Wish I knew. I'd recommend all get bloods done before you start your cycle

Thats what Im trying to do. What is it called in professional terms and what do I tell my doctor? Im dreading telling her that I went crazy from my last bloodtest and Took Triptorelin. Mine was 243. but I only got levels checked not my whole endo system. from what the 300 vs 600 mg article says. you prob had like 500-700ng/dl cuz 300mg gives ppl 691 increase from baseline and you r on 500mg. 600mg gives 1347ng/dl increase from baseline around. I think everybodys different.
Thats what Im trying to do. What is it called in professional terms and what do I tell my doctor? Im dreading telling her that I went crazy from my last bloodtest and Took Triptorelin. Mine was 243. but I only got levels checked not my whole endo system. from what the 300 vs 600 mg article says. you prob had like 500-700ng/dl cuz 300mg gives ppl 691 increase from baseline and you r on 500mg. 600mg gives 1347ng/dl increase from baseline around. I think everybodys different.

IDK about the doctor I went to privatemdlabs.com and bought the female hormone panel. 55 bucks. I got all my info from the thread below. Enjoy.
Did last shot today. So I guess I ran a 13 1/2 week cycle 500mg of test e and finished the last 6 1/2 weeks with anavar. Never pinned the delts like I wanted, oh well. Mixing up and pinning the hcg tomorrow. Doing 1000iu every other day for ten days then waiting 4 days. Ester should be cleared by then at which time I'll start clomid at 50/50/50/50. I'll post right on through PCT.

10/15/12-------------Body Part--------------------------------7/16/2012
37.5----------------Stomach at belly button-----------------39.75
38------------------Waist line---------------------------------39

As said before, running a carb cycle with 3j, so the diet was clean. Probably only had about 10 cheat meals over the course of three months. Later!
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