Ozzyozzy21's First Cycle

Nice results man.....you decided to go clomid only post cycle therapy (pct) huh? What ratio on mixing your HCG did you decide on?
Based on all I've read and vet here I trust feels this is the best way

Ya I hear ya...its a tough call....based on individual results I guess...I have a while to decide yet...

thinking maybe even try Torem only, it supposedly has equal or better results as clomid with less sides...mixed results from what ive studied, but for those who have had good results, seem to love it

I think less bacwater/hcg ratio would be better just because of the fact of less fluid to inject, but it really doesn't matter. It may be a little difficult if HCG is in a 1ml vial tho...i think mines in a 2ml.

well....best of luck thru post cycle therapy (pct) bro, still followin:biggthump
Just did first pin of HCG. Mixed it in the small vial it came in. Added 1ml of bac water. Pulled the Slin pin back to 20 mark. Going for 1000iu every other day for a ten day stretch; hope I got the mixture right. LATER!
Unreal mate well done. I see you added an oral in at the end, iam thinking about this myself any advice bro?

170lbs + 8lbs from cycle so far
5F 10
Age 27
Bf 13%

3200 cals daily
230g+ Protein


Weeks 1-12 test E 600mg per week 300mg on the Monday and other 300mg on the Thursday
Weeks 1-14 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Arimidex 0.25 EOD


clomid 100/50/50/50
all looks good bro. I really only added oral because I had it sitting there and it fit my goals. Trying to lean out a bit and Var is awesome for that and strength. 600 a week is plenty; you'll see some awesome gains with that alone.
2 weeks after last pin. Starting Clomid 50/50/50/50 tomorrow. Bench workout was the worst (strength wise) since about week 6 or 7. Later!
Great log here man. You have been a machine about following my diet to the t and its showing!