P.S.L. (CONTEST) Spring Cutter!


New member
Purity Source Labs (P.S.L.) has decided to do a contest to show our support! This one is going to be a 10 week SPRING CUTTER!

Let me get right to the PRIZES and then on to the RULES!

We are offering store credit on all (INTL) Euro Pharmacies products

We have 3 PRIZES which means we have 3 PLACES.

1st 250$
2nd 200$
3rd 150$

On to the RULES

The contest is going to be 10 weeks long. To enter the contest you must submit a BEFORE PICTURE of yourself to be considered a VALID ENTRY.

We will give a time period of ONE WEEK to do this. That means from now until April the 8th we need BEFORE pictures of each participate to be considered valid entries. You must submit a FULL FRONTAL POSE. We need to see those abdominals. Whats a spring cutter without abs!

Once all the entries are collected the contest will START on APRIL 10th.

Every 3 days until the contest ends we will need each participant to log their progress. We want to know what you ate, and what kind of a workout you did during those 3 days.

At the end of every week we want to see a picture of each contestant in AT LEAST a FRONTAL POSE. We have to see the abdominals.

The final week we will want to see FINAL PICTURE POSES and I will be doing the JUDGING and maybe I might need some help from P.S.L. We will have to wait and see.

The contest will END on JUNE 19th JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER!

Well now we have the contest, now we need the entries. Lets see the before pictures and get this SPRING CUTTER STARTED!
I am thinking that since we don't have any takers here we shorten the contest some weeks. This way maybe some of you can put together a simpler cycle for this?
I'm in.. Was starting a lean bulk anyway,, now I'll just concentrate on leaning out the abs while I run my primo and continue to try and make gains

Should I pm u a pic or what?