It’s my first in 7 years lol and I agree sometimes I do need to take it slow. Just trying to get a good boost after so longalso wanted to include that a lot of times, guys get ahead of themselves once they get on the gear especially if its for their first cycle which i assume it is. your body isnt used to ANY of what is happening right now so just take it slow
Thanks for all the feedback. I ran out of sus early and I am finishing my 8 week cycle with this prop. I haven***8217;t done a lot of ***8220;heavy***8221; lifting since I***8217;m cutting. I did some heavy sparring the day before pinning the prop. But didn***8217;t feel any soreness until the day after pinning. I did go see a sports medicine doc. They said it was a muscle strain. They gave me electro- acupuncture it did help. It***8217;s just weird because I seem to have my strength and full range of motion. It is just certain movements and deep breathes that cause the sharp pain. I***8217;m also stacking clen as well 2 days on and 3 off. Pinning the prop eod. I***8217;m open to all advice and criticism. Thanks again men.