Pain in the upper back and lats


New member
Recently started some Tes-p and the day after I started to experience a sharp stabbing pain in my right lat and upper back area. Would like to know if any other members have experienced this.
Sounds like a Muscle Strain, in your Upper Back.
And you are also feeling it in your Lats.

Did you do something to possibly Injure yourself in the last couple of days.
Heavy Dead-Lifts or Squats, or Rows.

If you answered No to the above.
Then take Gill's advice and go see a Doctor.

If you can Trace it back to a Possible Gym Injury, give it a few days rest.
If No Improvement, take Gill's Advice and Go see a Doctor................................ JP
The Test isn't causing this Pain, unless you Injected into your Lats ~ Bad Move !
Thanks for the reply guys. I went to see a sports medicine doc yesterday and they agreed it is most likely a muscle strain. I pinned wensday and started experiencing the pain on Thursday. And I pinned in the glutes right side. It is weird. I did some really hard sparring Tuesday. Was a little sore wensday but nothing like I am experiencing now. And nothing really comes to mind besides that. I’m cutting so not doing a lot of heavy lifting.
also wanted to include that a lot of times, guys get ahead of themselves once they get on the gear especially if its for their first cycle which i assume it is. your body isnt used to ANY of what is happening right now so just take it slow
Guess I’m not sure if I need to stop pinning. It comes and goes with the sharp pain. I still have full range of movement and most of my strength. Like I said just certain movements or really deep breaths sometimes.
also wanted to include that a lot of times, guys get ahead of themselves once they get on the gear especially if its for their first cycle which i assume it is. your body isnt used to ANY of what is happening right now so just take it slow
It’s my first in 7 years lol and I agree sometimes I do need to take it slow. Just trying to get a good boost after so long
Go see a sports therapy person, usually they are chiropracters.

A regular doc will just tell you to take ibuprofin and stop working out for a while.
Thanks for all the feedback. I ran out of sus early and I am finishing my 8 week cycle with this prop. I haven’t done a lot of “heavy” lifting since I’m cutting. I did some heavy sparring the day before pinning the prop. But didn’t feel any soreness until the day after pinning. I did go see a sports medicine doc. They said it was a muscle strain. They gave me electro- acupuncture it did help. It’s just weird because I seem to have my strength and full range of motion. It is just certain movements and deep breathes that cause the sharp pain. I’m also stacking clen as well 2 days on and 3 off. Pinning the prop eod. I’m open to all advice and criticism. Thanks again men.
Glad to hear it's just a Strain.
But they can be Stubborn to heal, especially if you don't give them Adequate Time.

So take 5 Days Off, just do some Mobility and Body Weight Exercises (if you can do them, Pain Free).
Then get back into your training ~ Slowly............................. JP
Thanks for all the feedback. I ran out of sus early and I am finishing my 8 week cycle with this prop. I haven***8217;t done a lot of ***8220;heavy***8221; lifting since I***8217;m cutting. I did some heavy sparring the day before pinning the prop. But didn***8217;t feel any soreness until the day after pinning. I did go see a sports medicine doc. They said it was a muscle strain. They gave me electro- acupuncture it did help. It***8217;s just weird because I seem to have my strength and full range of motion. It is just certain movements and deep breathes that cause the sharp pain. I***8217;m also stacking clen as well 2 days on and 3 off. Pinning the prop eod. I***8217;m open to all advice and criticism. Thanks again men.

You must be young because you are acting like this is unusual. Wait until you are 50 and you've got crap like this in two or three parts of your body - all the time.

Get a hard foam roller and a lacrosse ball and roll it out.