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Friend of mine says he can get legit parabolan amps. I told him he was getting scammed because they stopped producing around 97. Am I right in my assumption
Yes Parabolan is no longer made but lots of labs produce trenbolone products. But if they are supposed to be Parabolan they are bogus.
Supra is putting out renbolone enanthate, not the same ester as parabolan, but similar. Parabolan, if theres any left on the face of the earth is extremely hard to find. i wouldnt even chance it, use the acetate. I thought production was stopped around 95, but i could be wrong, who knows.
I'd have to agree with the Bros. There are some amps around that look exactlly like the old Negma. Got a friend that got a couple and is having them tested.

how does the roomate know its not another aas? thats what they do with primo. true, it may be juice, but most likely not parabolan, could be nandrolone phenylpropionate
grafix-gnc said:
how does the roomate know its not another aas? thats what they do with primo. true, it may be juice, but most likely not parabolan, could be nandrolone phenylpropionate

that was gonna be my next question, is it possible that they did work because the amps have a different Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in them?
Some guy emailed me a list that included Parabolan...NOT!

Parabolan generic 1