Pec Muscle Atrophy need advice please


My girlfriend found out she has a herniation in her c4 and c7 disc last year. With that she had a pinched nerve which caused muscle atrophy in her arm and chest, her arm is back to normal but the left side of her chest is still a problem. Is there anything she can do to get back to normal?
done a shot of 2cc of sustanon 250 in my glute area.I'm having alot of swelling which started a couple hours afterwards.It seems to be like an absess, alot pain,headache ,teary eyed,cold chills andmucsle spams.Tried the other side for my next shot and same thing is happening. The color isn't clear. Could this be bad,expired or tempered?
My girlfriend found out she has a herniation in her c4 and c7 disc last year. With that she had a pinched nerve which caused muscle atrophy in her arm and chest, her arm is back to normal but the left side of her chest is still a problem. Is there anything she can do to get back to normal?

She needs her spine back to 100% first... Ie alliviate the pinched nerve. If the nerve is pinched the muscles in question will never "fire" correctly and can atrophy or develope tendonitis.

Once she un-pinches the nerve she will need to weight train.
Thx 4 the reply . She's been weight training n getting strength results but her left side is still not where she wants it 2 B. Were pry goin 2 c a specialist n take it frm there.