People running OP test e.....

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That PIP isn't normal. Im sure the gear is fine, dosed correctly (ive never tried them personally) but with everyone getting long lasting PIP something isn't right. Either they use EO and everyone on here complaining of the PIP is allergic or something isn't right with the recipe.
That PIP isn't normal. Im sure the gear is fine, dosed correctly (ive never tried them personally) but with everyone getting long lasting PIP something isn't right. Either they use EO and everyone on here complaining of the PIP is allergic or something isn't right with the recipe.

I think they use EO from a previous post by doc. BA is 2% which isn't unusual in ugl. I think the guys having pip for days on end have something else going on, poor technique? Idk...
If the pip is as bad as people are saying you guys should pm their rep and find out what the issue is. I haven't heard this in the past at all about them. Ive done lots of injections from different brands and never had pip like described. But I would rather have pip than under dosed gear.
Well today is pin day for me. I'm really thinking about pinning each glute with half the amount I usually pin. Just afraid it won't make a difference and my delts won't fully recover by the time Monday comes around. I pinned my right delt on the 20th, on the 25th on the back of my arm turned red. Kinda looked like a sun burn. It also happened to my left arm when I pinned my left delt, I believe it was on the 6th or 10th of this month, but it was my bicep that got red a few days after the pin.
Well today is pin day for me. I'm really thinking about pinning each glute with half the amount I usually pin. Just afraid it won't make a difference and my delts won't fully recover by the time Monday comes around. I pinned my right delt on the 20th, on the 25th on the back of my arm turned red. Kinda looked like a sun burn. It also happened to my left arm when I pinned my left delt, I believe it was on the 6th or 10th of this month, but it was my bicep that got red a few days after the pin.

Ok redness is not ok IMO. I've never had that happen. Just the discomfort. Any warmth in the area?
Ok redness is not ok IMO. I've never had that happen. Just the discomfort. Any warmth in the area?

Not any warmer than any other parts of my body. It's just weird, the redness appears a few days later and not at injection site.
I'm no doctor but I'm thinking it could be the gear coming out of the muscle and seeping down between the skin and muscle. Btw I'm using 1" 25g for my delts and 1-1/2" 25g for my glutes and probably taking close to a minute to inject 1.25cc's.

That's why I'm thinking about splitting the shots into two. Less BA% in injection site (if that could be my reaction) and less to seep out.
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Not any warmer than any other parts of my body. It's just weird, the redness appears a few days later and not at injection site.

I had the same thing happen with a vial from Pinn. Couple days later an area below injection would get slightly sore and red. Not like infected but rather irritated. I chalked it up to either higher than advertised BA, or me just getting used to it and EO.
I had the same thing happen with a vial from Pinn. Couple days later an area below injection would get slightly sore and red. Not like infected but rather irritated. I chalked it up to either higher than advertised BA, or me just getting used to it and EO.

See that's what I'm thinking. Although I never had that problem with pinnacle. But wouldn't it make sense that if I split the shot into two shots meaning half the amount of 1.25cc's in two different injections sites, wouldn't that mean less BA% in return less reaction and faster recovery?
Also, I will pin my delt tonight with 1/2ml and report back later.

It would be my glutes today, both delts are a little sore still. I pin 1.25cc's twice a week, so tonight if I split the shots I would do about .625cc's in each glute.
See that's what I'm thinking. Although I never had that problem with pinnacle. But wouldn't it make sense that if I split the shot into two shots meaning half the amount of 1.25cc's in two different injections sites, wouldn't that mean less BA% in return less reaction and faster recovery?
Only one way to find out. Personally, I always split my pins that are over 1 ml. Call me a puss, don't care.
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