People running OP test e.....

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Only one way to find out. Personally, I always split my pins that are over 1 ml. Call me a puss, don't care.

I won't do over 1ml in delts. Glutes I'll take 2.5, I got a big ass lol. I don't think it's about being a puss, just cautious.
Good news here.

Yesterday was my TRT injection. Since I got 200mg Test Cyp at the clinic, I only pinned 1mL of the Tren E when I got home, and none of the OP Test E.

For the tren I used a 1.5" 25g into the quad.

Results: Absolutely ZERO PIP today from the Tren E. No redness, soreness whatsoever. Cannot even tell I had an injection yesterday, much less a full 1mL. This is actually less PIP than Pinnacle's Tren E, which always gave me at least a little.

I'm really starting to believe that OP screwed up this batch of Test E, with too much BA. I'm happy about that, because if I get satisfactory gains I'll just choose their test cyp in the future.

I'll be pinning both their Test E and Tren E separately on Monday and will compare.
I did .7ml of testE in the delt on Thursday eve. So, thats almost 48 hrs ago.
Immediately and for about an hour after pin my shoulder down into my bicep was burning. Not terrible, but much more noticeable than the product I have been using. Felt like too much BA for sure.
There was no pip the next day (good) and today the area is a little tender but no biggie. I don't expect it to get worse tomorrow, but will report if it does.
I plan to continue using this vial for now.
Some of u guys have been on there test e for at least a few weeks now. Anything noticeable other than pip.

I started there test prop and npp yesterday. Went very smooth, the gear seems very thin. No real pip to complain about here though, only tiny bit.

But are you guys noticing any gains?
Some of u guys have been on there test e for at least a few weeks now. Anything noticeable other than pip.

I started there test prop and npp yesterday. Went very smooth, the gear seems very thin. No real pip to complain about here though, only tiny bit.

But are you guys noticing any gains?

Tomorrow is the start of week 5 on my test e cycle. No, not noticing any gains or strength increases. Hopefully by week 6 I'll notice and see some gains.
Some of u guys have been on there test e for at least a few weeks now. Anything noticeable other than pip.

I started there test prop and npp yesterday. Went very smooth, the gear seems very thin. No real pip to complain about here though, only tiny bit.

But are you guys noticing any gains?

I'm on the T 400 not E, and Tren blend. Week 3 and the tren is kicking in. Bright yellow piss in the morning, Night sweats, sweating getting dressed, sweating walking to the bathroom. No noticeable gains yet but squeezing a few extra reps. I figure 2 more weeks I'll notice some gains. I haven't stepped a scale since I started, I try not to rely so much on the scale as it can be deceiving.
I'm on the T 400 not E, and Tren blend. Week 3 and the tren is kicking in. Bright yellow piss in the morning, Night sweats, sweating getting dressed, sweating walking to the bathroom. No noticeable gains yet but squeezing a few extra reps. I figure 2 more weeks I'll notice some gains. I haven't stepped a scale since I started, I try not to rely so much on the scale as it can be deceiving.

Well that's cool that you are feeling something a few extra reps on week 3 isn't to shabby especially hat you aren't taking an oral. Good luck hope it all works out for you. I just started so I should know myself in a few weeks.
Not any warmer than any other parts of my body. It's just weird, the redness appears a few days later and not at injection site.

Seen this......maybe. Was the redness most significant after working the muscle the gear seeped into? And subside after recovering from the workout?
Remember when I said I had very little pip... Well it turned out to be a lie.
Pinned 150 mgs of test prop in my glute on Saturday and that flared up yesterday pretty good but it felt better this morning. But I guess this is to be expected with prop.

I also pinned 100mg of npp into my left delt on Saturday and it went smooth as well. But yesterday it kicked up and it still hurts today. My shoulder is red and hurts to touch. Gained some mobility back today but I will not be pinning the npp again because I cannt do my job in that condition.

I'm not complaining but I believe short esters for a second timer is a little much for me.

How are all you guys doing with you OP products?
I have used their Test E, Tren Ace, Megabol, Test Cyp, Primo...Have not had any issues at all. I have some Test E that I just got and I will hit it tommorow and let you know what happens.
I have used their Test E, Tren Ace, Megabol, Test Cyp, Primo...Have not had any issues at all. I have some Test E that I just got and I will hit it tommorow and let you know what happens.

Yeah please let us know how it goes. I didn't split my shots up Thursday because my right glute was still swollen. Today it isn't so I'm pinning that right now. Also what's the MFG date on your test e? All mine say 02/2014 just wondering if everybody got the same batch or not.
Well, pinned my right glute with 1.25cc's about 3 hours ago. I feel absolutely nothing, doesn't even feel like I got injected. I pinned my left glute this past Thursday and same thing. Yesterday it started to swell up and I'm sure by Wednesday my right glute will swell up too. I just can't understand why this swelling is showing up 3 to 4 days after injection and is lasting just about two weeks. Just in time for the site to be pinned.
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My right delt js fine from pin on Thursday eve. Pinned left delt this am and had the same burning for about an hour but feels normal now.
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