People running OP test e.....

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Well, pinned my right glute with 1.25cc's about 3 hours ago. I feel absolutely nothing, doesn't even feel like I got injected. I pinned my left glute this past Thursday and same thing. Yesterday it started to swell up and I'm sure by Wednesday my right glute will swell up too. I just can't understand why this swelling is showing up 3 to 4 days after injection and is lasting just about two weeks. Just in time for the site to be pinned.

Same with me. It happened after the fact. My shoulder is still red though. I have to switch to a long ester of a brand that I know won't do this to me. Not knocking the quality of gear just I have to perform at work and can't show up not being as to loft my arm one day and limping on my leg the next day. If I was sedentary at work I could probably swing it , but that's not the case.
Same with me. It happened after the fact. My shoulder is still red though. I have to switch to a long ester of a brand that I know won't do this to me. Not knocking the quality of gear just I have to perform at work and can't show up not being as to loft my arm one day and limping on my leg the next day. If I was sedentary at work I could probably swing it , but that's not the case.

Yeah and not only that but performance at the gym where it really matters. Where has Doc been? He should chime in. Sent him a PM last week and heard nothing.
From what I have seen is that doc kind of comes and goes periodically on this board. Who knows he might be traveling for work or something. I don't think the gear is bunk. Just a little to harsh for a beginner maybe.

Have any of you guys done any OP orals recently? How were they?
How much are you pinning per pin?

1.5ml of the test prop and 1 ml of the npp. Only did one pin of each. I'm not pinning no more cause of my job. I have immediate access to some europharm gear from my friend so I'm switching to that tomorrow. Going test e and var and/or eq. I know it doesn't have much pip. More manageable for me.
From what I have seen is that doc kind of comes and goes periodically on this board. Who knows he might be traveling for work or something. I don't think the gear is bunk. Just a little to harsh for a beginner maybe.

Have any of you guys done any OP orals recently? How were they?

I still consider myself a beginner but this is my 2nd cycle. My cycle I ran pinnacle test e @ 500mg a week and with that gear I got pip for about the 1st couple weeks, no swelling at all. After a couple weeks it was all smooth. I was expecting pip for a couple weeks with OP gear but not this much swelling.
I have used their Test E, Tren Ace, Megabol, Test Cyp, Primo...Have not had any issues at all. I have some Test E that I just got and I will hit it tommorow and let you know what happens.

Any update?

Twice a week. Running a low dose testE along with trenA. Planning to up testE to 500mg per week soon.

Ah ok. When you pin a full mm let us know how it goes. From my experience nothing really happens til a couple days later.
I was planning to start a OP testE cycle this month I never used them but now I am debating it, considering jumping on another lab. I'll decide after reading a few more peoples experience with OP.
Ok...Started OP Test E this week. 250mgs glute with no pain. It sounds to me like the BA content maybe too high for someone just starting out. I have used a lot of their products for several months with no issues and great result. Do you get the same issue when you mix the Test E with another compound in the same injection? Some people do have a sensitivity to test. when first starting out.
I had a thread up about OP's test-e. Too many people complain about the PIP for them all to be pussies, just sayin'. I mix .75ml of test-e and .75ml of deca together and that seems to help. It's still hit and miss though. Might be no PIP at all and there might be PIP for a week sometimes, though I don't get the swelling so much anymore.

Still waiting on my sensitive test lab results on this gear... today looks like it is gonna be day 3 without any word from privatemd. ='(
First OP products have 1% BA , the labels say its 2% but they even reduced more about 1 year ago.
Second most of Bro s Who have PIP are injecting to Glutes, just change places, start rotating.
Also i read some guys 150 mg Prop in one time, thats too much for many users
Again 100 mg NPP will always hurt a little like all short esters. Its normal
EVERYBODY use same products, so some Bros have pain , many Bros have not. That doesnt make sense.
Please double check everything , like technique , training ect...
My Tip : Make injection before SLEEP. In morning it will be great. It Works way better
PS : I am back , just write me all you need
Hey doc, welcome back bud. I'm not really getting bad pip from the test e, no where near crippling pip. I just swell up a couple days after the injection. I have my gf do my pins. She's real good at it and knows what she's doing. We rotate each site, right glute left glute right delt left delt. Sometimes when the swelling comes redness comes later. Also, one time we pinned my right delt and about 3 days later my tricep got red and swelled up, weird because it wasn't even near the injection site. Like I said it's not really pain, just discomfort. When my glute swell up I can walk fine and all but when it comes to laying down in bed or sitting down I gotta take my time. Yesterday we pinned my right delt all went fine. After the pin and all day today it felt fine, like it never even got pinned. Just a couple hours ago I started feeling it. No pain, just a feeling that I know it got pinned. Now tomorrow I'm sure it'll swell up and I won't be about to sleep on my right side.
Sometimes the liquid which you injected can move inside the muscle, For example:
You injected in upper back shoulder and 2 days later you can have a swelling in lower shoulder.
The reason of this is simple, gravity, if you are standing and moving too long after injection , this can happen.
Make your injection and rest or sleep. Let the muscle relax and consume . Its much better
Sometimes the liquid which you injected can move inside the muscle, For example:
You injected in upper back shoulder and 2 days later you can have a swelling in lower shoulder.
The reason of this is simple, gravity, if you are standing and moving too long after injection , this can happen.
Make your injection and rest or sleep. Let the muscle relax and consume . Its much better

Something to think about. I'll give it a try.

I've actually seen the PIP from the Test E lessen a bit with each pin. I'm now injecting very slowly and massaging the area for a good 10 minutes afterward.

Once again, the Tren E is very smooth by comparison. I have pinned it separately 3 times and just get an appropriate amount of soreness the next evening, and on into day 3. For me it is at least as tolerable as Pinn's, maybe moreso.

As far as efficacy and side effects from the tren, in week three at 500mg / week, I'm barely able to sleep and last night I awoke with sweats about 3-4 times. Not too shabby, I thought to myself when I noticed that I had forgot to turn on the heater before going to bed, and the thermostat read 64 degrees (F). Pretty chilly for night sweats!
Yes thats typical Optimum Pharma Tren, i have the same feeling all night, sleep with a towel next to pillow for dry my hair and face when i wake up because of faking wet pillow :)
Yes thats typical Optimum Pharma Tren, i have the same feeling all night, sleep with a towel next to pillow for dry my hair and face when i wake up because of faking wet pillow :)

Try it with hair halfway down your back and a huge beard. Have a mini fan that's been blowing in my face for 2 weeks now while I sleep and have to switch pillow case every night. Running the Tren 150 and the night sweats I get from this at by far the most intense. Tren cough set in today. I don't mind those two sides, it's the getting winded walking to the mailbox that kills me.
Try it with hair halfway down your back and a huge beard. Have a mini fan that's been blowing in my face for 2 weeks now while I sleep and have to switch pillow case every night. Running the Tren 150 and the night sweats I get from this at by far the most intense. Tren cough set in today. I don't mind those two sides, it's the getting winded walking to the mailbox that kills me.

Yes, a small fan on the nightstand is a requirement. I will put it in the bed with me if need be. Plus the ceiling fan on high overhead. Aaand I open up the door for about an hour before going to bed, so the room temp gets down well into the 60s.
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