Peptides For Injury Log

Monday update... Back on track and so far no muscle spasms =)
My subject is very please that it went away and we'll just have to see if it comes back this week. Today was IGF-1LR3 day and ya gotta love that burn.
Shoulder workouts are still doing well, only a little soreness but compared what it was like before peptides it's awesome. Running low on peptides and will need to re-order. Thinking about running the IGF-1LR3 a little longer since it's only being used 3 times per week instead of everyday which was the original plan. Will update later on this week.
My subject is happy to report that the muscle spasm in his ab hasn't been back. Bad news is that we are out of IGF-1LR3. I thought I had enough for another week but in filling the pin for tonight I took the last drop. Was gonna top it off with some MGF but figured I would just wait. Probably will order that with some more GHRP and GHRH.
Weight is still where it needs to be thanks to diet and the OxyElite Pro.
Not sure how much appearance difference there really is but when my subject was at the gym yesterday he said he saw this guy there that he sees from time to time and he said "Are you stressed or something man cause you look ERRRRRRGGGGHHHHH" and he made a flexing motion. I think he was trying to say my subject looks a little more ripped but thought it was related to stress I guess.
I'll see if I can post some pics of my subject shortly but as for right now the main things are be thankful spasm is gone, and time to re order some tides.
Will update again later on this week.
Would be nice if a vet could chime in and let me know if it's OK to run the IGF-1LR3 for 2 months since it's only 3 times/week.
Quick Update...
Now I am out of MGF =( Thought I had more, not sure if it's evaporating or what...LOL
The other bad part is that tomorrow is Friday.
I found out the first time that it's best to order on a Monday because the first time I did this I did it on a Thursday or Friday which means I didn't get my peptides till Monday.
The cold pack that they used for cold shipping was toast by then. It was only supposed to be in shipping for 2 days but it took 3-4 because of the damn weekend.
Going to have to wait until Monday to order. I think I have enough GHRP2 to last but even that is low. Probably going to re-order everything including the MGF all over again for one more month.
The other crazy part is my subject HATES needles and laughed when he saw that 90 pack of pins figuring he would never go though all those. Well... we're down to the last 10 pack and may actually need to order more.

Will update later this weekend.
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OK, well now we're out of GHRH =(
Going to have to place another order today or tomorrow. Already ordered 2 more sterile vials so we'll be ready to rock when the peptides get here.
Have a big test for my subjects shoulder coming up on March 10th in about 2 weeks so we'll see how that goes. Was thinking about going with some TB500 this time round but still haven't seen enough on it really. I will order more GHRP2, Mod GRF (ghrh) and then either MGF or IGF-1LR3. We'll see how it goes, will update later on this week.
Ordered a 2nd round of peptides minus the IGF-1LR3, should be here in a couple of days.
All I have left is some GHRP2 which I have been giving my subject twice per day until the rest of the goods arrive.
OK, the 2nd round has arrived.
Going to be the usual combo of 100mcg GHRP2/100mcg GHRH (mod-grf)
first thing in morning and before bed at night.
After workout will be 100mcg MGF ED.
Still pinning the combo in the quad and the MGF in the shoulder at point of injury.
Let's see how this 2nd run goes.
Well, subject is still going strong.
I've decided to up the dosage a little this week because my subject has a physical challenge this coming weekend and it's gonna be a good test for the shoulder.
Appetite increase is back and more than likely due to a bump in dosage.
Will update more this week, shit is getting interesting...
Also had to order more pins, can't believe the whole 90 pack is gone already.
OK, I know you're not supposed to reuse pins but my new box hasn't arrived yet.
So what I am doing is I pinned my subject with MGF and then I ran a little rubbing alcohol though the pin, let it dry and then filled it with the night combo of GHRP/GHRH.
I figured since it will be used within a few hours and it had rubbing alcohol ran through it then it should be OK. I have 2 pins left, one for tomorrow morning and then 1 for the 2 night ones. Hopefully the new box of pins arrives tomorrow. The damn tracking update hasn't updated since Friday which was 3 days ago...
Damn pins still haven't come yet and there hasn't been an update since Friday... WTF
Having to reuse the same pin all day today. Pinned my subject with the combo this morning then alcoholed it down and then loaded with MGF for the evening. Pinned that just about an hour ago and then refilled with the combo for before bed. So far this pin has been though 2 vials then skin, then 1 vial and skin and now 2 vials... Subject says dull pin hasn't hurt yet, but we'll see tonight. We literally have 1 pin left for tomorrow so hopefully the new ones come soon... I mean tomorrow....
im super stoked to have found this log, the main reason i got into the anabolic game is because i have nagging knee injuries that have kept me sidelined for almost 4 yrs. im planning on having yet another ACL/MCL reconstruction this summer and average recovery is 8-12 gonna take anything to reduce recovery time. i have read about peptides here and there and the main one that has caught my eye is IGF-1LR3. please keep us up to date in your progress bro! nice work with your subject so far and hope u have a speedy recovery!
Still waiting on my damn pins... The reused one from last night didn't hurt even though it had been pushed a bunch of vials... Down to the last pin this morning, used it for the combo then cleaned it out with alcohol, then used it to pin my subject with MGF after the gym and now it refilled again with the combo for night time. Pins should be here tomorrow so we'll see what happens. So far still good with the tides, fat loss is very noticeable, abs are starting to pop. Big test this weekend, we'll see how it goes. Right now the battle is where are my pins!!!!
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Finally got my new pins... Was getting sick of reusing the same one all day.
Here is something to note though... For people that question how much does a pin dull after being pushed through rubber and skin. Well, I know it dulls some, but the other day I had a 30g pin that went though 2 vials then skin, then 1 vial and skin and finally 2 vials before the final skin. So that's 5 rubber tops on a vial and though the skin twice and on the 3rd pin it didn't hurt much more than normal at all. Just my 2 cents.
Overall so far things are going well, 7th week in and my subjects shoulder is feeling better and is able to workout a lot more with it. Also subject is looking more ripped and almost looking a little better all around. Big test for the shoulder this weekend so we'll see how it goes.
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Well the test for the shoulder went pretty good this weekend. Overall it went well but unfortunately the test wasn't as long as I would have liked. However I must admit that with how the shoulder was at the beginning, I wouldn't have been able to do this test at all. There is another one coming up at the end of the month so we'll see how that goes.
My subject is getting a lot more noticeably ripped. Abs are popping pretty hard now and arms are not necessarily bigger, but look more cut. My subject took the weekend off from pinning and so we started back up this morning with the combo. MGF later tonight after workout and then another combo before bed. Almost 8 weeks in at this point.
Still going strong and pinning is all back on schedule. So far pretty pleased with the results. Shoulder got a little banged up the other day so it's hurtin a little bit so my subject is gonna take a few days off from the gym, training and diet to relax and let things rest. Still going to be pining the combo in morning and at night and the MGF after workout.
Physical appearance is still looking nice, almost have that "On Cycle" appearance at times, especially just after a workout. Will update later...
My subject has taken the week off from pinning just because he's getting sick of it.
Gonna start up again tonight with the combo before bed, then back to the routine again come tomorrow morning.
OK, so I have about one more pin of MGF for my subject and also the GHRP/GHRH is running a little low. Going to reorder the combo and thinking about swapping out the MGF for TB500. Going to place the order here in the next few days so I'll keep you posted.
Also my subject is pretty shredded right now, may have to post a pic. He's the leanest he's been and this morning weighed in the lightest he's been in years. Strength is still there so it's gotta be fat he loosing cause he went from a 5 pack to about an 8 pack with the outside rib muscles showing as well. Very impressed so far. Also the shoulder got a little reinjured but it seems a little MGF got it back to where it was before the reinjury a few days ago.

The only thing I must admit I am hesitant about the TB500 is that I have seen a few logs online, but none of them seem to finish. The people that start them seem to update for a few days or weeks and then they are never heard from again. Since their account doesn't show they are banned I am wondering if they died.
I mean honestly, if some guy starts a TB500 log and then dies 2 weeks into and never updates it we would never know about it. We wouldn't hear about his death and that would be that. I would like to see a few more successful complete logs about it before I jump on it, but it's tempting.
OK, the MGF is out once again. I think I have made the decision to move forward with adding TB500 to the rotation. Still have about a weeks worth of GHRP/GHRH so will order another round of that as well. Been almost a good 2 months now, will give a more detailed update later after the order is placed.
The order has been placed. I only ordered the GHRP/GHRH combo again as funds are a little tight right now. Will be ordering the TB500 in about a week or so.