Permanent lumps in glutes


New member
Ok so I'm on my 6th week of a 12 week Test E cycle. Last week I decided to stack the test with Tri-Tren.

Basically I have permanent hard lumps under the skin. 24 hours after I inject they tend hurt a little but pain goes and there is just a hard lump left either side.

Is this normal?
^^ what he said.... 1 1/2" pin for glutes, and try and get as deep as you can. It happened to me too, on my first cycle...they go just takes some time
Can't get 1.5" pins from needle exchange here in Uk. They only give you 1.25". An my butt is pretty fat
why are you using if your that fat ? your money would be better spent on a good diet and different training regime. You should be able to pin your ass with 'slin needles ( 12mm) and not get any sub Q issues.
Yup....DM is right: looks like quads (and if you are using short ester gear), and delts for you then. If you are using long ester gear, you might be able to get away with just quads.