Pet Peeve's you have at the gym


New member
I don't know about you guys, but when I go to the gym I go there to workout and get out. The gym requires hard work and discipline. Something a lot of people don't have. I try and get the best out of my workouts by having (what I think) is the best form on all my reps.

Anyway, enough of my rant, what are some things that you guys see at the gym that just get on your nerves.

One thing that bothers me is people that do, literally, half-ass squats. You either go 90 degrees (or even lower) or you don't squat at all!

Another thing that bothers me is people using their cell phones while they are working out. Ummm, hello?! This is not a social convention.

I seeing punks that want to look big, short themselves by cheating on lifts (slinging body on curls, bouncing bar off of chest on bench, etc.) but my worst peeve is when a group of guys want to chill and hang out on the equipment.
mine is seeing this skinny guy in the gym wears the same warm-up pants and tight ass small under armour and he has a group of 2 other small and frail kids that follow him he trys to train them bnut has no idea what hes doing he grunts when doing 185 on bench for 5 and spends more time talking to girls then working out not to mention he drinks soda while working out
There's a few older guys at my gym that really piss me off.

I give them respect for being so old and training, but seriously:

One guy does ALL his training in the power rack. I mean, He'll drag an inclining bench all the way from the other side of the gym to do CHEST in the leg's area. After he does his strenuous 315lbs for 4 reps squatting, he'll rerack with a manly grunt and collapse on the floor like he was Atlas lifting the world for the first time.

Then there's this other old guy, I like to call him "Owl Man". With his glasses on, he looks like a fucking owl. It's rediculous.

So this is his normal routine. 15 minute.. jogish type run on the treatmill, stopping every 2 minutes to wheeze and change the speed/incline.

After that, he'll go knock out about 15 sets on the leg press. (Side note: He really pissed me off one day. Of all the plates in the gym, he has to grab plates off the leg press I was using.. while I was using it... with 800lbs on it.)
Then it's on to chest. He'll pull a bench over to the smith machine, knock out about 145-155 about five times and he's done.

There's one of those crazy neck exercise contraptions next to our smith machine. This is the ONLY thing he seems to be able to handle any weight on.
He'll load 90lbs on this thing and rock his neck like there's no tomorrow. Which, you'd think he'd have a huge neck, but he sways his entire torso while doing it, thus not isolating the neck.

Then, the final exercise:

We have one of those standing preacher curl benches. Well, this crazy man likes to stand on one leg, grab boths sides, put his nasty, sweaty other leg on the bench and proceed to kick towards the sky. What this does, I have no idea. But he does it with the vigor of an over-enthusiastic Jehovah's witness in a new neighborhood.

/end rant
people in my gym that should just stay at home.
they all piss me off.
i want a gym that is real a hardcore gym with no kids or old fuckers that cant move.
i want a gym that is real a hardcore gym with no kids or old fuckers that cant move.

i used to train at an outside gym in North Carolina that had actual concrete weights. Not the cheap ones covered in plastic... actual concrete weights. No nonsense.

Man I miss that place.
i used to train at an outside gym in North Carolina that had actual concrete weights. Not the cheap ones covered in plastic... actual concrete weights. No nonsense.

Man I miss that place.

Where in NC?
i would have to say. biggest peeve is watching a guy make a scene when he's about to bench. Doing an obnoxious cough or grunt to get everyones attention. like he's king fucking kong in this bitch. When I know if I bring one round house kick to his face he's down on the ground.
i used to train at an outside gym in North Carolina that had actual concrete weights. Not the cheap ones covered in plastic... actual concrete weights. No nonsense.

Man I miss that place.

thats what i'm talking about.
i dont need windows tv's dance music or the rest of the crap that comes with a gym of today.
1. The people who come into the gym, once every month or two, doing "ultra-intense" cardio... stomping on the treadmill/grunting like there running a marthon or something... 2. Trainers who think there big/or hot shit, whom cant even get big w juice... I would love to bitch-slap these dueche's.. But, instead i flirt w their girlfriends/hot clients:dance2::cum: at the gym. Talk about stepping on somebody's toe's lol
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-People who talk/laugh so loudly in English or foreign language(worse) that you cant concentrate on what youre doing.

-People that do random exercises, use random machines, steal your machines/stations.

-When people want to bullshit with you when you just want to get your workout over and get out of there.

-Guys that grunt/make loud and strange noises every rep they do, whatever the exercise.

-Shit not where its supposed to be, especially weights. Weights not re-racked (ignorant people, employees not doing anything but could walk around and re-rack weights).

-People that hog stations/machines and are not using them-talking on the phone, bullshitting, procrastinating.

-Foreign languages.

-Bigger guys that have a bad attitude towards everyone else.

-People that walk around the gym like they have Alzheimers.

-People making spectacles of themselves/their groups.

-Couples that work out together (especially if she is hot and he looks pissed cuz everyone checking her out and talking to others about her as guys do... come on dont bring your woman around a bunch of fucking perverts, what you think will happen?)

-Somebody fucking with me in the middle of a set.

-Bad spotter.

-People doing weight they cannot handle-never ends well.

-Those certain people at the gym that just irritate you in general, their very presence and for no particular reason. Some people are just irritating for many reasons and its not just one thing about them, its just them. Fuck you! Fuck off! :flipoffha
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LMFAO!!!! no fucking joke dude. im suppose to move there soon!!! hahaha

Bro you're moving to Raleigh? You gotta hit the weights with me sometime.

I live down at Fort Bragg. It's maybe 45 minutes.

I've always wanted to check out Gold's in Raleigh anyway. Huge building. It looks like a Sams Club or something.

Edit: Damn thing doesn't recognize Russian. :(
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