phluxx's Test C / Deca Cycle


New member

This is my first cycle. I'm running running 250mgs of test and deca both shot twice a week (monday and thursday). My primary goals is size and strength.

I'm about 5'8 and weigh 170lbs. I'm going to get my bodyfat checked out in the next day or so. For the time being, we'll just say it's probably around 12-13%

My current "main" lifts are as follows, I don't have a 1RM really for them because I haven't 1RM in like 2 months, but will be in the middle of, and at the end of this cycle.

Bench: 255 x 4
Squat: 335 x 3
Deadlift: 335 x 3
Military: 135 (this is this weeks weight for my 5x5)

I'm on a 5x5 routine. I just started two weeks ago, so my lifts are still lower than what I could be pulling on my deads just because I didn't want to set myself up for failure by starting too high. My current weight on my routine's lifts are:

Bench: 225 x 5 x 5
Squat: 255 x 5 x 5
Deadlift: 275 x 5 x 5
Military: 135 x 5 x 5
Alright, so it's been a week since my first shot. I had my 3rd one this afternoon.

I switched to a 22g needle. The 23 goes in like butter. I poked myself with the 22 and it just made me bleed, didn't penetrate. I was thinking, holy fuck, how thick can this thing be? Gave myself a good jab and it went in. I am amazed at how much easier it draws and goes in. No pain after it was in, and my quad doesn't hurt AT ALL.

I'm just rotating between my left/right quad. Should I be doing glutes as well, or does it not really matter?

Anyways, I weighed myself today and im up about 5.5 pounds. I've been eating like mad. I notice I bloat towards the night, but wake up in the morning with none of the bloat. Last night I ate 4 scrambled eggs, 2pieces of toast, a foot long subway sub, and a huge plate of whole wheat pasta and healthy choice tomato sauce all within a span of 5 hours (post workout). I woke up in the morning with none of the normal signs of eating my face off the night before.

I don't really feel any stronger yet. I noticed my pumps are much larger, though. I feel huge all the time. It's nice. Can't wait to see what the coming weeks bring.
The reason you're not feeling any stronger yet is because it's only been a week. A cycle such as this will not yield any VISIBLE results until somewhere between weeks three and six. The 5.5 pounds you've put on are probably just food. Make sure you keep an eye on your sex drive too because deca is known to kill most guys' sex drive, especially if they run it without test...I know you have test in your cycle, but most people take more test than deca for sex drive purposes. Lots of guys use a 1.5:1 or 2:1 test to deca ratio (ie. 400mg deca and 600/800mg test weekly)....chances are you will be fine, but just be advised.
Yeah, I know all of that. I'm just logging what has happened/I've noticed so far for the sake of other people curious in what I'm doing. The weight I've put on is mostly water retention, I think. I haven't been eating so much more than my normal bulking diet to have put on nearly 6 pounds in a week, so it has to be water.

I've been running test/deca 1:1, though, so I don't want to change now. People have said that as long as I'm at least running as much test as my deca I should be alright.
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I had my 4th shot yesterday.

I weighed myself again and I'm 176.5 pounds. I started at like ~169-170. I noticed a very minor strength increase today. This is probably just from my change in routine, though.

I think I will easily hit 200 pounds, not keep it obviously, but it will be kind of cool to say that I've broken 200 at my height. I'm feeling pretty good, and think I might be able to keep 185 @ 9-10%.

Next week I should be starting to feel it a little more. I'll post again soon.
Do you think I should? I've talked to some people and they seem to think if I at least ru n 1:1 I should be OK. I have no problem lowering the dosage so long as it won't affect my gains. Am I not really even benefiting from the extra 100mgs and would be better off dropping to 400mgs?

I'm eating like crazy. I'm getting increasingly hungry as well. I have to wake up in the middle of the night to "feed" sometimes, haha. I've gotten to the point where I'll eat right before bed, and wake up in the middle of the night and have a shake a lot. Eating before bed has done absolutely nothing negative for me as far as getting fat is concerned. It feels like I'm burning calories faster than I can eat them, and I'm eating a shitload. I'm thinking I'll probably work my way up to 4500kcals from the ~4000kcals/day I'm at now.
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I'm not too fond of the 1:1 ratio. If it were me, I would lower the deca to 400mg weekly (like LV advised), but then I would bring the test up to 600mg weekly. That's just me though
Today was my 5th shot. I shot 300cyp / 200 deca. I noticed after I pin sometimes get a strange feeling. I feel like I'm like I'm high or something, haha. Does test start absorbing that quickly that I would notice it, or is it just a placebo effect?

Today is cardio/core. I weighed myself last night and I was still about 176.5 lbs. I noticed I've lost a bit of bloating, I wake up more cut than I usually look, 6pack is more defined. I'm not bloating as bad at night.

I have been having a lot of troubles sleeping. I catch myself getting a little wound up emotionally sometimes, but I realize what I'm doing pretty quickly and put a stop to it. It makes it hard to sleep, though. Anyone have any tips for sleeping? I'm on 10mg of Melatonin. I just stopped taking ZMA a couple of days ago. I might pick up another bottle in the next couple of days.

oh.. update on my lifts for this week

Bench 230 x 5 x 5
Deadlift 275 x 5 x 5 (every two weeks.. so next next week is 295 x 5 x 5)
Squat 255 x 5 x 5
Military - this week my lower back was fatigued from deadlifting so I did seated dumbbell press instead.. a month ago I had trouble putting 75s up, I put 80s up no problem, I could have probably easily put 85s up but it was last set for me.
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I hit 180 pounds! woohoo!

Had another injection today.. 300cyp/200deca.

I've been just rubbing my leg with antibacterial soap and cleaning it off.. but I used rubbing alcohol this time and it fucking burns. :\
Hey man - good cycle be interested to see how you like it. Looks like you are lifting some good weight. I am 2 months into the same cycle but dropped the deca after a week 'cause i got itchy nips - also kick started with d-bol. When you hit week 4 or 5 you'll really feel it and be strong as an ox! Be prepared. You'll be getting lots of complements starting week 5! The diet is super important too if you want to pack on the max. i think you are on the right rtrack w/ 4-4500cals. do you have your post cycle therapy (pct) alll set? Yopu may want to rotate spots for pins - it's good practice for the future if nothing else. the glutes are pretty damn easy - I start looking in a mirror (standing) to find the spot and then pin it without the mirror (i get confused about r & l) I would recommend a 1 1/2" pin for both spots but especially the glutes. IMO - you should always use the alcohol - not antibacterial soap.

BTW nice avi - you look very lean and have a nice V taper - should look great w/ another 25lbs!
Thanks for the nice words!

I've been thinking about shooting my glutes, too, but I'm a little weary about it because I was never "shown" how to do it. I suppose I could just look online, though. I'll do my right glute on Thursday and let you know how it turns out.

As far as post cycle therapy (pct) goes, I haven't picked anything up, but everything I need is readily available (we're talking 15 minutes notice if it comes down to it). I'm torn between clomid and nolva. I've heard clomid is better for HPTA recovery, although has more sides than Nolva. We'll see when the time comes. If I start getting gyno, I'm going to run 20mg of nolva, and if it gets worse, meaning it's from the deca, i'll run letro til it fucks off.

Today I woke up and felt very hard muscularly. I feel like I'm on the edge of massive growth.

How much weight have you gained so far? I haven't even hit my growth stage yet and I'm up about 11 pounds. I should hit 200 easily. I just eat and eat and eat! Even when I don't feel like eating, I usually eat anyway. I'm not getting fat at all, and bloating has gotten under control.
Hey dude; Check out spotinjections dot com - it's a great site for showing where to pin. Fortunately the glutes are so large you're not trying to hit a specific spot - it's a big target. My one work of advie is to do the right one first if you are rite handed - i lack a bit of coordination with my left and it was more difficult the first time. Also - don't go too far behind so you don't have to twist to the max - you want to be relatively comfortable while you are injecting.
I'm 6'2 and was 188 - now 2 mos later - (still 6'2 LOL) and 215 - hope to get up to 220 or 225 in the next month 'cause i know i will loose at least 10lbs when i'm off. I'm about 15% BF now and want to cut to 10. plus I'm way older - late 40's. for me it's a fuckin miracle to add so much muscle and strength in 2 months! -

Good you got the PCt covered - i'm jealous of your access - took forever for me to get all that shit together - way more than 15 mins!

Have a good time with this cycle bro!
phluxx... I'm glad you're enjoying your first cycle. A few things I need to comment on though....

#1. Don't be OVERLY concerned with the number on the scale, quality lean gains are way better than overall mass gains IMO you're very lean now so you shouldn't have much trouble staying lean, but believe me when I tell you 20lbs of lean body mass looks a whole hell of a lot better than 40 pounds of shit mass.

#2. Although your source is very close, I would recommend getting your post cycle therapy (pct) chemicals NOW. Granted he may be solid, but you never know what could/will happen in the future, and you don't want to end up in a bad spot.

#3. This is the major problem with running more than one compound during your first go around. If you get gyno, you will not know if its estrogen or progesterone related. This is why a general rule of thumb is to start with Testosterone and add compounds to future cycles as you learn how your body reacts. Using Nolva for progesterone related gyno will do nothing for you and could potentially aggravate the gyno even worse. Hopefully you won't have any issues, but this could be a problem for you.

#4. Stop the Deca one full week before you end the Test as it takes a week more to clear the system.

Other than that minor stuff, enjoy and keep us updated.
Yeah.. getting it local beats the shit out of from a shady source online.

I just realized how fucking hungry I am. I've had a big bowl of cereal, a protein shake, an apple, and a huge ass plate of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce all over it since 10am (its 2:26 now).. and I'm fucking STARVING still. I am getting ravenously hungry. Should I just keep eating until I feel sick or what? lol

Also, I was actually planning on running the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. (deca 1-10, cyp 1-12)

Should I be controlling my diet more? I don't want to limit my gains by not eating enough, but I don't want to get overly sloppy... that being said I burn fat quite easily.
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Yeah.. getting it local beats the shit out of from a shady source online.

I just realized how fucking hungry I am. I've had a big bowl of cereal, a protein shake, an apple, and a huge ass plate of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce all over it since 10am (its 2:26 now).. and I'm fucking STARVING still. I am getting ravenously hungry. Should I just keep eating until I feel sick or what? lol

Also, I was actually planning on running the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. (deca 1-10, cyp 1-12)

Should I be controlling my diet more? I don't want to limit my gains by not eating enough, but I don't want to get overly sloppy... that being said I burn fat quite easily.

ALOT of research chemicals can be found online and they can be bought pretty cheap... I would look into those

Good job with the research and keeping the Deca shorter than the Test.

If you don't gain fat very easily than eat all you want, just keep the calories clean and eat all you want.

I would take pictures every 2 weeks or so to monitor your progress. If you're gaining too much body fat, cut back on the calories, if your not gaining enough, eat more...
Yeah, I think I'm going to do that. Thanks for the good advice.

Something that caught my eye recently is Clen. I've heard that not only does it cause you to burn a lot of weight off, but that it has a positive effect on reducing catabolism. Is this something that I should consider during PCT, or no?
I realized something today that makes what Milk said so true. I jumped on the scale and at first was a little disappointed to see that I had actually lost a couple of pounds, which seemed bizarre to me seeing as how I feel bigger and stronger than ever. Not only am I burning a lot more fat now, but water weight seems to come and go. I've noticed I've put a bit of what looks like lean mass on this week. I guess the trend present is obviously an increase in weight, but also a bit of a seesaw affair as my weight gets higher.

Tomorrow is my next shot. I think I'm going to shoot glute, but I am a little hesitant. The reason being is because I'm going to do (wait for it, try not to laugh), yoga on Friday. Reason being twofold. One, I don't stretch hardly enough, and I find the heavier I get and the heavier the weight I push gets the more I feel like injury is possible. Two, a really foxy chick I like wants me to come with her. I'd say those are two pretty solid reasons. Anyways, I'm concerned that I'm going to be amazing sore from shooting my glute for the first time. Any advice?