pic updates at the beach 250lbs

Crazy fkn wheels man! can you give me an example of your leg workouts? lol
rest of the body is huge too! vascularity is insane! Keep it up!

thnx everyone!For legs and for every other bodypart iv always believed in high volume.I go as crazy as 25-30 sets for quads and back.For legs one of my routines.Smith machine squats 5 sets,hack squats 5 sets,leg press 5 sets,barbell lunges 5 sets,leg extension 6 sets,lying leg curls 5 sets,standing 1 leg curl 4-5 sets,leg press wide and upper stance for hams and glutes 4-5 sets and dumbell or barbell straight leg deads 4 sets.Sounds INSANE but it works for me.I go to complete failure.I got pumped up since the first exercice but i go on and on.It works for me...
Looking great Max, when are you competing?

Thnx buddy!Im 12 weeks out.Your words keeps me motivated.Im gonna start diet and cardio tomorrow seriously.Im over 250lbs now.With great hope ill be able to compete at 220 lbs.
what are you running ?

at the moment:500mg test-e every 3rd day,330mg tren-e e3d,330mg eq e3d,50mg d-bol on training days and just started masteron-e e3d at 330mg.letrozole at 0.625mg ed.Running this through the show and last weeks im using test prop instead of test-e and adding anavar at 50mg for last 6 weeks while dropping the d-bol.Clen 160mcg 2 weeks on 2 off from 10 weeks out.Last 6 weeks t3 at 50-75mcg.Eating only whole foods.As supplements i take only vitamins,minerals and multi.
Holy shit, I now have to live in the gym and eat like a horse. Awesome pics bro! Keep it up and good luck in the contest. I posted my routine and someone made a comment that I overtrain on legs. I think they are the ones missing out. I have noticed significant gains on the wheels with high volume as you have stated. I knew I was onto something. I think people are just too fuckin lazy and scared to feel the pain to reach their true potential. Now time to get some gear and look like Max. LOL!
Holy shit, I now have to live in the gym and eat like a horse. Awesome pics bro! Keep it up and good luck in the contest. I posted my routine and someone made a comment that I overtrain on legs. I think they are the ones missing out. I have noticed significant gains on the wheels with high volume as you have stated. I knew I was onto something. I think people are just too fuckin lazy and scared to feel the pain to reach their true potential. Now time to get some gear and look like Max. LOL!

LoL...yeah most of the time eating.Thnx for your comment.Don't worry about overtrain...if you eat enough protein to feed the broken muscle tissue.Yeah people to fck lazy to hit the wheels with high volume.They get tired and they stop...lol but you have to push beyond since legs are the most powerful muscles on the body and they always on the move.You don't have to stop when you tired"IF YOU GOING THROUGH HELL...KEEP GOING..."
Yeah bro, if I don't puke or almost puke from legs, I know I didn't hit them hard enough. I trained a dude today and he was in the locker room puking at the end. He said he has never had that much of a burn from working legs and wants on my full routine now. Keep up the work bro, because you're looking amazing!