Pics- 2 weeks in Test C only Cycle


New member
just wondering what my body fat percent is, and need some feedback and suggestions thanks

As far as my diet is concerned i got really sloppy for awhile and now back the wagon of chicken, fish, veggy's ect, no pizza ect lol
Plus the fact i am a alcoholic but been sober for 5 months and not looking back :)

2 weeks in my cycle of Test C at 400mg a week

5'11 weight 210


Monday- chest
tesuday- bi's tri's
wed- shoulders
thurs- legs
fri- back

sat and sunday rest
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just wondering what my body fat percent is, and need some feedback and suggestions thanks

As far as my diet is concerned i got really sloppy for awhile and now back the wagon of chicken, fish, veggy's ect, no pizza ect lol
Plus the fact i am a alcoholic but been sober for 5 months and not looking back :)

2 weeks in my cycle of Test C at 400mg a week

5'11 weight 210


Monday- chest
tesuday- bi's tri's
wed- shoulders
thurs- legs
fri- back

sat and sunday rest

you should have dropped some bf before u started the cycle,do you have your post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in order.
yes arimidex for Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but not taking unless sides
clomid and Nolv for PCT

will i notice a diference later in my cycle def and mass wise?
yupperz awesome thread, got my diet in check as we speak, wanna keep my protein up and stay at a maintance level, not looking to put on to much weight as i don need it, just wanna get that cut bulky look
yupperz awesome thread, got my diet in check as we speak, wanna keep my protein up and stay at a maintance level, not looking to put on to much weight as i don need it, just wanna get that cut bulky look
lol theres no such thing bro either u cut or u bulk,steroid help alot but diet, cardio, intensity,and consistency are the key dont ever do cheat meal its a bunch of shit we cheat enough.I like u keep safe bro
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thanks much appreciated :), i goto the gym and hammer my routines, my downfall was the drinking, but all good now :)
how much cardio u recommend, i havent been doing cardio at all, so i plan on starting some cardio this week
my strength is up big time, before the cycle but wanna shed those love handles and get those abs kickin as well :)
what u think my body fat percent is right now bro?
thanks much appreciated :), i goto the gym and hammer my routines, my downfall was the drinking, but all good now :)
how much cardio u recommend, i havent been doing cardio at all, so i plan on starting some cardio this week
my strength is up big time, before the cycle but wanna shed those love handles and get those abs kickin as well :)
what u think my body fat percent is right now bro?

I really have no clue about the bf prob up there,cardio wise start slow and find something u dont mind doing..example I hate to run but I dont mind bike riding so I stick to it I still run here and there but I hate it know what I mean start 3 4 days cardio after weights for about 30 min
1500 calories a day and a hour of cardio. Keep your workouts high intensity as said. Super sets and little to no rest between sets. Depending on your age try to maintain a target HR for fat burn during ur entire workout! Just F'in go hard man!

U should have dropped 20 pounds before u started pinning
Im no expert and very new to the gym.
I was 195 2 weeks ago and just from dropping beer and takeout, switching to chicken/fish and veggies, running 15 mins to and from the gym and no food after 8 i have already dropped 20 pounds.
just celebrate your success and you will be there in no time :)
i agree dan, i have droped some pounds too since i have cleaned up my diet and doing cardio as well
added in 10 min on the bike ( cardio) daily, after my workouts!
u have before and after pics, the progress u have made so far dropping 20 pounds, interested in seeing them, post them up on here if so bro, thanks