Pics- 2 weeks in Test C only Cycle

yeah will post some up next, i work on my legs in moderation, once a week like everything else!
but gotta watch it on my legs cause my left knee is bummed out (water in knee), so gotta keep it in moderation!
I really hate to say it because I don't want to put down what you've accomplished, but the people who say you could have gotten these results without gear are correct. You've got good results, but nothing hard work and clean diet won't do.
Awesome progress, and thanks for keeping the log going so we can follow along. How's your energy level been with the 1500cal and the high intensity workouts? What did you decide to do for cardio? It's been 2months, how's it going?

..and not to hijack, but for those of us still new, is dropping the bodyfat before gearing up in order to minimize estrogen effects? Why was that recommended besides jus maximizing the effort in using the gear?...
You've come a long answer the post above...yes it helps minimize the estrogen effects.......even tho this guy couldve done this without gear, the gear absolutely helped him in getting the results he has gotten...He has definately gotten the look of being bulked up while cutting some fat at the same time
Look good...nice change. Def speeded up process on gear. Keep it up lean down and run another cycle in 6 months.

What are your lifts at? Before and after cycle? Did strength go up good
when u said transformation pics i thought you meant of your sex change

my bad put this in the wrong place
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I can definitely see a difference from beginning to the last set of pics. Good job. A lot of people say it could have been done without gear and that may be true, but the truth is that most of us could achieve our goals without it as well, yet we still do it......
Hi Matt, have you contacted 3j yet? I know my man 3j's work and after 6 months, you could be in far better shape. You've been trying on your own for a while now, I think it's safe to say it's time to get the help you need.

Most people, when first getting into fitness, really believe they know and understand good dieting....they are wrong. It is much more than just limiting beer and fast food. It is a lifestyle. Hit up 3j..he'll love to help you