Pics, flex friday before contest ends:)

wow, where did you go?? looking a bit depleted bro, definitely need to carb up night before the pics for the contest to fill out
I agree, carb up day is always sunday lol, its for this 3j and psl online shredder contest bro haha
Just random pics taken today china :), def depleted tho
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Not trying to go off course with the thread but just curious, what does the winner get?

I believe 1st place gets $250.00 psl store credit, 8 week carb cycle plan with 3j
But just to clarify things there is a thread 3j and psl online schredder contest
Not on a cycle bro, just on my cruise dose 200mg/week test e
Anyways u dont need much to cut, pretty much throughout my cut thats all I needed to run, pretty much all u need really to preserve muscle while on a deficit, I added in tren for 8 weeks on this cut gained about 15lbs lbm ( carb cycling), and still was loosing bf while putting on some lbm, but as far as the cut goes, nothing else was used like clen, t3, ect, just my cruise dose and my diet, limited cardio as well
Op would you mind me posting my last cutting cycle? Of test/mast I don't wanna just post a pic and jack your thread so with your permission?
Those pics are unreal, nice job. In my mind you've won.

Edit: When I say this, I mean that just setting a goal and following through with it to the degree you have means you've won. I am in no way qualified to be a judge in a bodybuilding contest. Both you and Joe are at different levels of your bodybuilding careers and should both be applauded. Fantastic dedication.
Great, you just achieved a swimmer body with steroids.

Now all you need is gh igf1 and insulin to look like a natural bodybuilder.

well thats the difference between leaning out get to a low body fat percentage then staying half ass in so so body fat range. or u could just stay fat all year round and look good in a shirt
u tell me how to play this one out big guy, u must be a monster!
Great, you just achieved a swimmer body with steroids.

Now all you need is gh igf1 and insulin to look like a natural bodybuilder.

Ignore this guy ^^ matt.

This is the same dude who would rather watch gay porn than go with dana linn bailey, a woman, because he believes being with bailey, a WOMAN, is gayer than gay porn.

I'll let you digest that sentence for a moment :)