
all my pinning is done in my quads. when i was on test prop along with my enanthate i pinned the glutes a few times but the quads are my sweet spots. never pinned anywhere else.

Where on the quad? Does it hurt more? lol
freak!! u must be on steroid, that shit aint normal,look at those delts popping all over the fucken pic, they r too big, r u on some anabolic steroid? u mutant u ,lol. nice work snigg looking freaky and shiiit..
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More detail please please lol sorry to bother specific exercise / sets

for chest i do incline bench(3x8), incline db flies(3x10), flat db bench(3x8), hammer strength decline(3x8), pec dec fly(3x10)

legs sled hack squat(3x8), leg press(3x8), smith squats real deep(3x8), standing hamstring curl(3x10), leg extensions(3x10)..also seated calves, calf raises on leg press, and standing calves

bi/tris ... close grip bb bench(3x8), precher curl(3x10), skull crushers(3x10), hammer curl(3x10), weighted dips(3x8), some other curl(3x10)

back ... bb rows(3x8), weighted pull ups(3x8), hammer strength row(3x8), narrow grip lat pulldown(3x8), narrow grip seated cable row(3x8)...back day exercises sometime vary

delts ... seated bb press(3x8), seated bb press behind neck(3x8), db arnold press(3x8), db lateral raise or cable lateral raise(3x10), rear delt fly(3x10)..sometimes ill throw in face pulls if im doing cable lateral raises, ill superset them.

my overall workout changes sometimes depending on how im feeling.
for chest i do incline bench(3x8), incline db flies(3x10), flat db bench(3x8), hammer strength decline(3x8), pec dec fly(3x10)

legs sled hack squat(3x8), leg press(3x8), smith squats real deep(3x8), standing hamstring curl(3x10), leg extensions(3x10)..also seated calves, calf raises on leg press, and standing calves

bi/tris ... close grip bb bench(3x8), precher curl(3x10), skull crushers(3x10), hammer curl(3x10), weighted dips(3x8), some other curl(3x10)

back ... bb rows(3x8), weighted pull ups(3x8), hammer strength row(3x8), narrow grip lat pulldown(3x8), narrow grip seated cable row(3x8)...back day exercises sometime vary

delts ... seated bb press(3x8), seated bb press behind neck(3x8), db arnold press(3x8), db lateral raise or cable lateral raise(3x10), rear delt fly(3x10)..sometimes ill throw in face pulls if im doing cable lateral raises, ill superset them.

my overall workout changes sometimes depending on how im feeling.
Thank you so much bro I have been looking for a routine
no problem. i dont really use any specific routine, i just kinda run a body part split and use exercises that i like/have worked for me.

weight is up to 187 with about 4 more weeks in my cycle. eating like a horse, hoping to get upwards of 195!
whats your height? With the leaness and muscle fullness, you look alot heavier than that. nice work man!
I told someone on here id post some pics last week so heres two i snapped just now. 5 1/2 weeks into test E cycle. kick started it with prop 75mg EOD and test E about 500mg/week. Im now pinning 250mg of test about every 3 days or so. critiques welcome.

looks good:cool:
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