Picture of Me 11th Week Cycle


That Other Guy
I am on my 11th week of 500mg Test E and 500 mg of Eq a week. Problem is I had a bad diet plan. I gained 10lbs I am 168lbs now and its all lean. My room mate wouldn't get out of bed to take a good picture at a good angle so fuck him. But here it is. I went 2 sizes down in pants. I can't do bench press and such because I popped my should four years ago and still hurts sometimes.

But good news is my max on dumb bell press each hand is 85lbs which is high. But my workout deals with cable machine more than anything. My amount of weights I lift went up a lot. But give me opinion of the picture. Funny thing is I lost body fat a lot. Gained small amount of weight, but my abs are starting to show.
i know what you mean with your shoulder... it sucks but its like that.

then you have to manage a diet as you need, and with your possibility and schudles.

Good continuation! take care!
Honestly I do think that youre size is something you should have had before you went on. And at 168 you have plenty more to loose to be ripped.

Im not trying to be an ass or anything, its just that seem to think steroids is something that will do the training for them.
Roids wont do nothing if you dont eat right,rest,or train hard. You have alot of bodyfat you need to lose in order to see any definition. Iam not knocking you just giving constructive criticism. Keep training and do the other things right and it will come.
Honestly man, no disrespect here at all, but you gotta figure something out with your diet/training/supplementation. Had I not known that you were on gear, I wouldn't even think that you worked out.

How tall are you?
I am 5'8" Dieting and workout time had to do with it. I should have stayed more than a hour a day in the gym with every 4th day off. I was on EQ and Test E. I used a Calipher today on just above the hip said I am at 10.8 percent body fat. Which is high. I take 1000 mcg of B12 every other day also. But my hunger never when up. But I think smoking has to do a lot with it also with the eating issue. My intake with protein shake alone is 150grams a day. I should of had more protein. Ok let me know more so I can improve on more.
Well first off man... You are no where near 10.8% body fat. I'd put you at about 16% at the least. As far as being in the gym for more than an hour at a time, maybe if you count weight lifting and cardio combined that may make sense, but lifting sessions IMO should not take more than 60 minutes.

You're diet is hard to tell because you didn't make it very detailed. But I would bet that if you're diet and training were on point and you were eating 3k calories a day with complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, you would be looking a lot better (both bigger and leaner).

With more details, we can give you more critiques.
Well first off man... You are no where near 10.8% body fat. I'd put you at about 16% at the least. As far as being in the gym for more than an hour at a time, maybe if you count weight lifting and cardio combined that may make sense, but lifting sessions IMO should not take more than 60 minutes.

You're diet is hard to tell because you didn't make it very detailed. But I would bet that if you're diet and training were on point and you were eating 3k calories a day with complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, you would be looking a lot better (both bigger and leaner).

With more details, we can give you more critiques.
So this Accu-Measure Calipher chart is useless. What is the best formula with tape and caliper to measure body fat. Since I don't have one of those body tank around to measure bouacy.
Hey bro.. we need a before pic to really say whether or not progress was made. do you have that?? Actually 10% BF is low, considering (unless you are a BB competing), and I agree w/milk.. in that pick your much higher then 10%.
Quite smoking, plan your diet out before hand and then STICK TO IT, and follow a tried/tested & true training plan to get better results. Maybe start w/5x5, I think you'll like it. Best of luck bro and keep plugging at it! :)
So this Accu-Measure Calipher chart is useless. What is the best formula with tape and caliper to measure body fat. Since I don't have one of those body tank around to measure bouacy.

right now it sounds like your best method might be to post some pics and let these guys tell you what you are. I would say they are going to be +/-2% on their estimates. I would take at least four pics. front, side, back and legs. (ouch, hope that one didn't scare you lol) If it's a digital camera it should have a time lapse option. put the cam. on top of something and get ready to take automated pictures till your head explodes from holding your breath too long. lmao
First off why is it important for you to know what bf youre at? I tend to be around 9-10% in my offseason and I do compete, I then have fully visable abs and a vascular look. But I never measure as It's not important, I dont measure before a contest either.

Put up youre lifting days... something like this might be worth trying out.
Mon: Legs/Calves
Tue: Chest/Abs
Wed: Back
Thur: Delts/Traps/Calves
Fri: Arms/Calves

I do something like that personally with good result, having weekends off if not getting ready for a competition.
Then look at youre food... honestly, if you say you "cant" eat thats bullshit. When I started off I forced myself, washing the food down with water if I felt I couldnt eat.