Pictures of Mutant!


Genetic Freak
Here are some pictures of me. I posted these on a couple other boards, and thought I would throw them in here too. These were taken cold, and just after post cycle therapy (pct) of my last cycle. Tell me what you think. My stats are:
10-12%bf (guessing)
In very early 20's
Your arms and shoulders look huge. Maybe reply with some chest pics and a better back pic or two? Your legs dont seem as impressive as your upper body but there's no dissing 'em. Your legs almost seem like they are just naturally big and not earned in the gym but dont quote me on that as the lighting on the photo is a bit dodge. Otherwise you look like you've done a bit of hard work... keep it up and keep high standards

Looking good bro, any competing thoughts?
Anyways, calves need work... back seems to lack abit thickness...
The rest looks solid! keep up the good work!

Btw, what cycle did you do? and how many have you done?
i would definately say your around 10-11%bf. looking good bro. that last pic with the bi and the shoulder looks kinda the way my shoulders are formed. very similar body types.
Bast said:
Looking good bro, any competing thoughts?
Anyways, calves need work... back seems to lack abit thickness...
The rest looks solid! keep up the good work!

Btw, what cycle did you do? and how many have you done?

I hope to compete one day, but I think I need to gain a bit of mass first. Also, my last cycle was relatively simple.... I ran Sustanon (sust) @ 750mg/wk for 15 weeks & ran Dbol @ 40mg/day for the first 5 weeks. (along with 30mg of Tamoxifen citrate/day)
you look pretty solid bro, i would focus more on the lower body now such as your calves. wheelz look pretty thick all you gotta do now is get a lil more definition on them. other than that id say you did a good job and keep up the sweat and hard work.
i dont get it. you look bigger then i think i look, yet i outweigh yo by 30lbs or so. and i am about your height.

you look awesome by the way, just thinkin gout loud.