Pinned in my right quad, its swollen up massive all the way down to my knee


New member
Pinned in my right quad, its swollen up massive all the way down to my knee, I can barley walk. What can I do to fix this or prevent it?
Yeah first injection. My quad is swollen past my knee, I tried to walk it off for about 3 hours just made my leg super tight and even more swollen. I don't mind the pain but my foot isn't responding to what I want it to do cus its so fucked up my leg is giving out and putting strain on my knee. I did work out my legs yesterday twice as hard as I have been maybe even more then twice, for example added 140 pounds on my squat and did it 20 extra times with not much down time.
So work out normally. It take a while for Test to kick in. I am assuming you pinned Test.

why don't you give us some details. What is your cycle? How many mg and ml did you pin? What did you pin? Any redness or signs of infection? Where in your Quad did you pin? What gauge needle? How long was the needle? Did you wipe the stopper on the vial with alcohol prior to drawing? Did you clean the injection site with alcohol prior to injecting?

How old are you? Height? Weight? Body fat %

Give us all the details please.

Don't pin the same spot until the pain and swelling goes away.
1 cc of test e taking oral winstrol, no signs of infection at all. I pinned the middle muscle of my quad right in the middle of it. I used a 23 gauge needle I would say the middle was about a inch long I put it in 3/4. I wiped the vial and my leg with tons of alcohol. I'm 27 weight yesterday was 161.4, height 5,7 and 12 percent body fat. is it smart to pin it in different spots like half in one leg and half in the other, then in 4 days do half and half in each cheek? I've had my leg iced for about 7 hours now. Normally you can see the muscles in my thigh currently its so swollen you can see none.
It is just PIP. It happens when you pin "virgin" muscle. Take it easy until it feels better. Try to have a steady hand when you pin and don't rush the injection. Take your time pressing the plunger.

What is the strength of your Test E (mg/ml)? Again, details help.

More sites the better. Delts, quads, glutes, Ventroglutes are all ones I like.

I prefer pinning with 25g needles. Might want to switch.
250mg/ml, i pinned super slow when I did do it, I could barely feel it. I felt no pain at all when I put the needle in, I pushed it in super slow. should I not work out the muscle I pin right away? I work as a server so I have to run around all day long anything I can do to prevent this a little bit. I don't really care if it hurts damn bad I just don't want to limp around all day.
You pinned in the middle? As in the very top of your Quad in the front? If so thats why your shit hurts. You pin the outer portion of your quad, where your hands rest with your arms at your side.
Quads are the worst for me. Outboard and lower helps a ton. Glutes, ventroglutes, and delts are the most pain free, but it gets better quick.
looks like you pinned exactly in the middle of your leg lol. go watch videos on how to pin before you hurt yourself
looks like you pinned exactly in the middle of your leg lol. go watch videos on how to pin before you hurt yourself
Yeah I did saw it on a video and thought it would be an easy injection site was totally wrong its so damn tight and swollen. its not all way down to my knee anymore. any recommendations what I can do to make it a little better stretch it out, when i do it gets even more swollen though.
Try wrapping an ace bandage around the site. Snug but not so tight that it cuts off your blood circulation. This may help the abscess get absorbed into your body.

P.S. Painting your toe nails pink often helps too.
Ah hahaha...
" P.S. Painting your toe nails pink often helps too" :)

Dude, it's science. I feel quite confident in predicting strong correlation between painted toes and what substances that person is absorbing. It's not 100%, but strong nonetheless. :).

I aim for my woman to absorb a little every day.