Pinning Glute Tips


New member
Any good tips for pinning glutes? I alwasys have done delts and quads. wanna start using glutes and calves. Any tips.

I have a lean body and like no ass fat at all seems a lil scary as i dont wanna hit any nerves in my ass.
Glutes are hard to do the bigger you get so hit em while you can. Just try to stay very still, it is a funny twist but you'll see. Also say if your pinning the left cheek, try to keep your weight on the right side. Thats about it, easy.
Glutes are hard to do the bigger you get so hit em while you can. Just try to stay very still, it is a funny twist but you'll see. Also say if your pinning the left cheek, try to keep your weight on the right side. Thats about it, easy.

Also, I would try not to pin calves. I could see if your running suspension or something like that, but you have plenty of injection sites without hitting bis or calves. Just my opinion here.
Just avoid the middle of the glute, I have stuck a needle in the centre of my ass cheek (left one) and hit a nerve or sumshit. Lemme tell you, it f*cking hurt I must have jumped a foot, needle was outta me faster n you can say "pinned wrong spot". Always try to hit the outer upper corner of your glute.
To this day I get some soreness in my left ass cheek from time to time. I can actually feel it now probably because I'm thinking about it.
Glutes are hard to do the bigger you get so hit em while you can. Just try to stay very still, it is a funny twist but you'll see. Also say if your pinning the left cheek, try to keep your weight on the right side. Thats about it, easy.

Also, I would try not to pin calves. I could see if your running suspension or something like that, but you have plenty of injection sites without hitting bis or calves. Just my opinion here.
Yes I have this issue already, more so when pinning the left glute since I have to use my left hand to do the pinning. Not flexible enough to get a good entry angle but its working for now.
You'll get use to it...all good advice thus far. However, I would skip pinning the calf (shit is painful), if your looking for a good solid spot go with the chest. 1" above your nipple...use a 25g 5/8...its very easy because it in front of you and virtually painless..I have been hitting these spots for a long time and have never had any fav. place to pin by far.
Thumb at the top of your ass crack, spread your hand and
Extend your pinky to the outter side of your glute., make a triangle
In that area, your good to go

You will not hit the sciatic nerve . Use a "dart " motion as it will pretty
Much go n painlessly
Thumb at the top of your ass crack, spread your hand and
Extend your pinky to the outter side of your glute., make a triangle
In that area, your good to go

You will not hit the sciatic nerve . Use a "dart " motion as it will pretty
Much go n painlessly

Also try not medically sanctioned, but the pics give u a pretty good idea. Cheers!
The ass is the easiest place IMO. The only one I'm hesitant of are the delts. Haven't worked up to those yet.....
hit the upper outer quadrant of the glute to stay away from the sciatic nerve. don't do calves. fat has nothing to do with hitting a nerve or not, you're injecting into the muscle not the fat.
Lats, glutes, and quads (For anything but Prop) are my favourite sites. I would use delts but I have 1.5 inch tips and I do not like to use them for that even though you can stop an inch in.
glutes are easy, make sure to stand on opsit leg you are pinning, and after the first couple you'll almost certainly get no PIP... they say to use 1.5" but i have used both 1.5 and 1" and as long as you stay to top of your glute, 1" will do, also i place my thumb on the top of my hip bone in the front and extend my pinky around, thats the spot I will pin.

Pinning the opsit side that you are handed is the hardest lol... but you figure it out

a interesting post on pinning your chest,
You'll get use to it...all good advice thus far. However, I would skip pinning the calf (shit is painful), if your looking for a good solid spot go with the chest. 1" above your nipple...use a 25g 5/8...its very easy because it in front of you and virtually painless..I have been hitting these spots for a long time and have never had any fav. place to pin by far.

Interesting..... I got 25g 5/8 for calves but I would try chest bf calves lol.. I am going to give this a try.. I have small calves and I know site injections dont matter as to grow size but what the hell its worth a shot. I am going to try chest first and then maybe calves when I get the balls to do so. Thanks for the help brotha.

Thanks everyone for the great tips I will put to use.