Pinn's Liquid Proviron


I like turtles.
Hey guys,

I recently picked up a bunch of goodies for my next blast and decided that I would give proviron a try after reading about it's ability to assist with keeping testosterone from binding to SHBG. I'm not necessarily using it for it's Aromatase inhibitor (AI) benefits (that's a bonus) nor its anabolic effects. This is more or less a test to see how it affects my test levels. Anyhoo, after opening my package I noticed that there was a bunch of crystals at the bottom of the bottle that reminded me of how test crashes in low temperatures. After spending a couple hours using the search function and google I can't find a definitive answer about liquid proviron "crashing" and I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with this. I did try heating the vial and swirling the liquid, but the crystals do not appear to be dissolving.

I did find one thread on another board about something similar to this, but they thought that it could just be overdosed proviron and that the crystals were just excess that the solution couldn't hold. While this is feasible, I wanted to check with my 'ology brothers to see what they think.

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I would shoot them an e-mail and see what they say, I have no personal experience with it but im sure if there is an issue they will resolve it
I would shoot them an e-mail and see what they say, I have no personal experience with it but im sure if there is an issue they will resolve it

Oh I totally know Pinn will take care of me, but would rather see what you guys think first. It's one of those, "don't want to ask a dumb question" type deals.
hey halfwit , i wish could help you but im not sure either why this happened , seems possible that it can be that solution just couldnt hold the proviron that well , ive never seen it in oil either though . im taking proviron right now at 50mg per day and i can feel a slight difference in day to day libido and general feeling throughout the day . what exactly is the bottle dosed like mg/ml ? its possible proviron is better left in oral form then in oil suspension or maybe solution. Lik eu had in mind , if u dont get an answer shoot pin a message and ask them what they belive happened because im sure it must not have been like that when they bottled it . id also be curious to hear why that happened if u do find out
hey halfwit , i wish could help you but im not sure either why this happened , seems possible that it can be that solution just couldnt hold the proviron that well , ive never seen it in oil either though . im taking proviron right now at 50mg per day and i can feel a slight difference in day to day libido and general feeling throughout the day . what exactly is the bottle dosed like mg/ml ? its possible proviron is better left in oral form then in oil suspension or maybe solution. Lik eu had in mind , if u dont get an answer shoot pin a message and ask them what they belive happened because im sure it must not have been like that when they bottled it . id also be curious to hear why that happened if u do find out

Thanks for the info brother. It's 25mg/mL, and I'm planning on trying it out at 25mg ED to see how my E2 handles it. Yeah, if nobody can pipe in that knows, I'll shoot em an email and update folks. Thanks for the reply! :)
just got mine and im also curious on how to take this, mines looks like yours i didnt kno you had to take it orally tho
Sounds good halfwit... I have the same proviron with crystals as well, but it was sitting in freezing temperatures for about 3-4 hours before i got my mail. Im going to try and heat it up and see what happens

edit- heating didnt work for me either.....
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I was told by JB that it was still good, even though it had the crystals in it.

I wouldnt mind a little more of an explanation though. What if i ingest a bunch of the crystals.. wouldnt that be a really high dose? Is the remaining liquid still going to be 25mg?
I was told by JB that it was still good, even though it had the crystals in it.

I wouldnt mind a little more of an explanation though. What if i ingest a bunch of the crystals.. wouldnt that be a really high dose? Is the remaining liquid still going to be 25mg?

Not fair that you got a response first! I'll just go with avoiding eating them - kind of like a spodie and eating the fruit. ;)
I was told by JB that it was still good, even though it had the crystals in it.

I wouldnt mind a little more of an explanation though. What if i ingest a bunch of the crystals.. wouldnt that be a really high dose? Is the remaining liquid still going to be 25mg?
It is still NOT good,because that crystals are raw material , they are the actual mesterolone ( proviron) , if some of it is crystallized , you can never know how much is it.
That is why you can have absolutely no idea how much mg/ ml is the remaining product. How you gonna arrange your daily dosage.
And the big question , why they dont just manufacture tabs so everybody can use it comfortable. I see people try to figure out how they will divide doses in capsules.
and now people try to understand how much they will drink from proviron ... In the end these are steroids , dosage matters.
It is still NOT good,because that crystals are raw material , they are the actual mesterolone ( proviron) , if some of it is crystallized , you can never know how much is it.
That is why you can have absolutely no idea how much mg/ ml is the remaining product. How you gonna arrange your daily dosage.
And the big question , why they dont just manufacture tabs so everybody can use it comfortable. I see people try to figure out how they will divide doses in capsules.
and now people try to understand how much they will drink from proviron ... In the end these are steroids , dosage matters.

Yeah i agree with you. Although they are saying its still good... how can the dosage be correct when theirs raw material in crystal form at the bottum?? Dosage absolutely matters to me.
P has switched a few of their products over to liquid form. I prefer the caps.
I saw a thread like this one but the guy is trying to understand how the hell he gonna use 40 MCG clen capsules.
40 mcg is 1 GRAM / 25000 times , I am sure nobody can agree on , an UGL with home capsuling can properly dosage 40 mcg nicely in every single capsule
Thats why Real pharma companies use small tablets and professional mixers ect . for these small dosage drugs.
On the other hand , overdosing Clen seriously fuck you up. I mean in cardiovasculer way, maybe the user doesnt have a very solid heart or he is old ...
i think these things should be taken as a more serious matter than just tell people like : Enjoy !, Go for it , It is all good ...