Pinpointed s4 sarms as my high plod pressure culprit I think.


I am banned!
I was running 40 mg 2x/day s4 from sarms search along with 250 mg test c and 600 mg primo enth. Bp was consistently 160/100 for 10 days. Stopped everything but the test c for a solid week. last 2 days been coming down 130/80 then 120/78.

Does this seem right to you guys? My bp was less when j was running 750 mg test and 500 mg tren
Sort of running a bridge cycle do I picked primo because it was so mild and easy on lipids and such. J suspected the S4 because my bp came down in 10 days. The primo is/was still in my system.
Better.... Been steady around 120-130 / 80-85. .
Thought about adding s4 in @ smaller dose but decided not to until I get bloods done.
Well considering it looks like the s4 that caused it I am not going to try it out. Dont wanna chance it. Keep trucking brother!