Piss! I used the same needle twice!


New member
I was in a rush to work. So first i messed upy dose and only did half. When i realized it i use te needle i used to inject my glute and stuck it in a brand new vial and injected the rest. Im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) an dont have funds to order a new vial. Did i just ruin the entire vial? Im freaking out
Accept your mistake and move on, I'm sure you'll be fine. But, just some advice. This isn't a thing you just do in a rush. Sometimes with the sheer number of people on here doing it, it becomes some what sort of a "common" everyones doing it thing. But at the end of the day, you're injecting directly into your body. Take your time, do it right.
Weird now i se hella viens and did colored skin. But its nowhere near injection spot. Probably just paranoid
Did I understand correctly? You stuck a dirty (contaminated) needle back into your vial? If so, that's not okay. That's no where near okay.
nope its growing in there as we speak. and pls dont tell me ba and bb are going to kill it.
I don't understand ho this is possible an this is the 2nd thread I've seen about this type of idiot move. It's very simple, when a needle goes into your body, you THROW IT AWAY after. I also don't understand pulling more juice than you need. THIS IS YOUR BODY we are talking about. Plan out your dosing. To answer your question, I'd throw the vial away, before I risked infection.
you have to see his previous posts, he's a complete moron. I have no idea why he's attempting to do his testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) himself, he's the type of person that needs a dr. to do it for him. he's going to end up harming himself because of his stupidity. complete idiot, that's all.
ba most likely will kill the bacteria. If youre super paranoid bake the vial at 350 for 15-20 minutes. No bacteria can withstand that much temp nd it wont hurt the gear.
This is another reason to always follow strict sterile procedure. Take a shower first with antibacterial soap. Sterilize the stoppers on your vial with alcohol. Resterilize your injection site with alcohol. NEVER touch the end of the barrel or any part of the needle. Use the sterile packaging to hold these things. If you fail at any point, START OVER.
If you followed all these guidelines, you should be ok. See a doctor right away if you're not.
I agree with being cautious here.... Just throw the possibly contaminated vial away. Live and Learn!
Your health first.
This is another reason to always follow strict sterile procedure. Take a shower first with antibacterial soap. Sterilize the stoppers on your vial with alcohol. Resterilize your injection site with alcohol. NEVER touch the end of the barrel or any part of the needle. Use the sterile packaging to hold these things. If you fail at any point, START OVER.
If you followed all these guidelines, you should be ok. See a doctor right away if you're not.
I agree with being cautious here.... Just throw the possibly contaminated vial away. Live and Learn!
Your health first.

Do you really take a shower before every injection? I can just see some dude in the shower scrubbing his quad with a bar of soap haha just kidding good to see people using precautions i agree with your protocol except for the shower thing.
I didnt read your story i just read the thread's title and i must say, you my man, you are a complete idiot. You shouldnt even be doing AAS if you're dumb enough to use the same needle twice.
Do you really take a shower before every injection?

I usually do but, I take two showers a day so it's not that difficult to time the shot after a shower. If you're on cycle you should be taking two showers a day, to minimize oily skin to keep the acne in control. I take one in the morning and then another after working out.
I usually do but, I take two showers a day so it's not that difficult to time the shot after a shower. If you're on cycle you should be taking two showers a day, to minimize oily skin to keep the acne in control. I take one in the morning and then another after working out.

i shower once a day and i am not suffering from oily skin at all. only on my ass lol
I can honestly say I am glad oily skin and acne are not a side effect I suffer from. Sucks for those that do suffer from it.

Although MPB I have a bit of :)