Pissed Off and ready for round 2........FIGHT!

So yesterday I ordered the rest of the TB500 that I will need. I just got back from the gym. I did legs. I've been feeling pretty shitty lately. I'm constantly tired and I take pre-workout supplements to get my ass to the gym.

While I was loading the weights my bicep was hurting, but maybe not as much as last week. I did some squats 3x8 225lbs, leg press and leg curls. My legs and my energy were toast just from that. The gym is upstairs and I had a hard time getting down the steps. Felt like my legs were going to give out.

lcl was giving some pain while doing leg curls. The ankle is feeling about the same. Pec strain was pretty much out of the equation.

Nothing major to report.
Anyone else see a difference in these two? Maybe it's nothing, but there is definitely something fishy about the whole thing.

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Yes, RUI appear to use yellow flip tops. JK ;) Good luck, CA. It does suck when the product quality does not match the money you invest. I hope you get those injuries healed so you can start hitting PBs again :)

Just out of curiosity, and forgive me if you've mentioned it elsewhere, how old are you? You seem to have a lot of aches and pains. Are you on TRT? Have you considered HGH? I'm willing to bet some testosterone and HGH will make a significant difference regarding your predicament. HGH is probably cheaper long term too.
Yes, RUI appear to use yellow flip tops. JK ;) Good luck, CA. It does suck when the product quality does not match the money you invest. I hope you get those injuries healed so you can start hitting PBs again :)

Just out of curiosity, and forgive me if you've mentioned it elsewhere, how old are you? You seem to have a lot of aches and pains. Are you on TRT? Have you considered HGH? I'm willing to bet some testosterone and HGH will make a significant difference regarding your predicament. HGH is probably cheaper long term too.

That picture was meant to point out the amount of powder in RUI's vs the other. RUI had quite a bit more. Again not sure that has anything to do with it.

Anyway, I'm 38yrs old and I have never had a blood test done. I'm planning on one in the next month or so. I was taking clomid @ 50mg a day for 21 days and wanted to give it time before I get bloods. I stopped it a week ago. I would love to get some test and HGH, but it's complicated. My better half doesn't agree with all of this stuff and has the thoughts of the masses about it. It's illegal and that's all she cares about. I don't think I could afford HGH. I'd be willing to bet that I would feel like a new man, but it's going to be tough to gain ground on this issue. Besides that I don't have a source and at my age being a family man I can't really go asking around at the gym. I keep to myself and mind my business at the gym.

I actually convinced the wife to let me try the TB500 because she see's how miserable I am, so I guess that's a start.
That picture was meant to point out the amount of powder in RUI's vs the other. RUI had quite a bit more. Again not sure that has anything to do with it.

Anyway, I'm 38yrs old and I have never had a blood test done. I'm planning on one in the next month or so. I was taking clomid @ 50mg a day for 21 days and wanted to give it time before I get bloods. I stopped it a week ago. I would love to get some test and HGH, but it's complicated. My better half doesn't agree with all of this stuff and has the thoughts of the masses about it. It's illegal and that's all she cares about. I don't think I could afford HGH. I'd be willing to bet that I would feel like a new man, but it's going to be tough to gain ground on this issue. Besides that I don't have a source and at my age being a family man I can't really go asking around at the gym. I keep to myself and mind my business at the gym.

I actually convinced the wife to let me try the TB500 because she see's how miserable I am, so I guess that's a start.

You shouldn't be self medicating with Clomid before getting blood work. There's every chance it will give you a false testosterone reading. i.e. it may be temporarily elevated and not an accurate gauge on what your real levels are like. You shouldn't need to convince anyone but yourself on why you want to feel good again. After all, it is YOUR body. You're here, so it's quite evident you do want to solve this problem. Get your blood work done and let us know how it goes. I'm not to sure how it works in America, but some guys on here have discussed how their health insurance foots the bill for TRT. If your levels are low you'll most likely be a suitable candidate. If you want to self-medicate AFTER you've had bloods done as a doctor won't prescribe, send me a PM. There are also links on here for endos so you can do everything online. Good luck.
You shouldn't be self medicating with Clomid before getting blood work. There's every chance it will give you a false testosterone reading. i.e. it may be temporarily elevated and not an accurate gauge on what your real levels are like. You shouldn't need to convince anyone but yourself on why you want to feel good again. After all, it is YOUR body. You're here, so it's quite evident you do want to solve this problem. Get your blood work done and let us know how it goes. I'm not to sure how it works in America, but some guys on here have discussed how their health insurance foots the bill for TRT. If your levels are low you'll most likely be a suitable candidate. If you want to self-medicate AFTER you've had bloods done as a doctor won't prescribe, send me a PM. There are also links on here for endos so you can do everything online. Good luck.

The clomid was my pct for a dumb move that I made. I had a bunch of Tbol left over from last year and did a 1 month Tbol only cycle at 60mg a day. I never felt fully shut down, but I know now that doesn't mean shit without blood work. Then did 50mg clomid a day for 21 days. That's why I want to wait at least until the beginning of September to get the bloods. I stopped the clomid a week ago. I probably have my system all jacked up. I was feeling like shit before the tbol. Had I been on this site a few months earlier I might have been on a better path.

I'm not going to dwell on my mistakes. I'm just gonna have to wait it out and try to fix them.
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Well I pinned another 2mg this morning. It's day 8 and I'm still in pain, but there does seem to be just a slight difference. It's almost a sense of lubrication forming. Hopefully this continues.
Well the last 2 days I've woke up, but decided not to go to the gym. Reset my alarm to get an extra hr of sleep. I think that any relief I thought I was feeling was just wishful thinking because I woke up this morning and my bicep/forearm were in a good amount of pain. I feel like I'm falling into a depression. Trying to stay positive, but it's getting harder everyday.
Bro you just got started on legit stuff a very short time ago. Take a deep breath, regroup, and keep things in perspective. You write off the last chapter as live and learn. This is a new one. Give it the time it takes to work, do your part by not over training, and give it your best shot. If you want pm me, I know where you are at, I have been there, now is the time. You are where you are dig deep and refuse to accept where you are right now. Its taken years to do these things to your body, its gonna take time , patience, hard work, smart work, and determination to undo them.
Bro you just got started on legit stuff a very short time ago. Take a deep breath, regroup, and keep things in perspective. You write off the last chapter as live and learn. This is a new one. Give it the time it takes to work, do your part by not over training, and give it your best shot. If you want pm me, I know where you are at, I have been there, now is the time. You are where you are dig deep and refuse to accept where you are right now. Its taken years to do these things to your body, its gonna take time , patience, hard work, smart work, and determination to undo them.

Thanks man. There are some other things I'm dealing with right now that are compounding my situation. I'm dealing with a lot of stress right now. Job, family etc. I'm really self concious about the way I look. I know I'll get through it. It's just one of the shittier times in my life right now. Thanks for the support man. I need all I can get. I appreciate it.
Bro you just got started on legit stuff a very short time ago. Take a deep breath, regroup, and keep things in perspective. You write off the last chapter as live and learn. This is a new one. Give it the time it takes to work, do your part by not over training, and give it your best shot. If you want pm me, I know where you are at, I have been there, now is the time. You are where you are dig deep and refuse to accept where you are right now. Its taken years to do these things to your body, its gonna take time , patience, hard work, smart work, and determination to undo them.
Great advice ^^^^
Cap'n. If u think not working out is bad. Try not walking. I blew out my back and neck eight mons ago and have not been to the gym since. I first hurt my back and none the doctors can figure out what was wrong with it so that eventually crept up to my neck. I couldn't even walk for about two months. I had to convince the doctor for MRI and I found out I had a hairline fracture.I used to be a machine in the gym, I lost about 20 pounds. They wanted to do epidural shots and surgery. I was like just kill me now. My wife was freaking out, she thought I was gonna jump off a bridge.

I was in physical therapy for about four months with no improvement. Finally I went to a neurologist to determine if there was nerve damage, and he is the one that suggested I get blood work. When he got my blood work he called me and told me that I need to see a specialist to begin hormone treatment right away. I started with hrt and found a new physical therapist. Now I'm able to walk and do bodyweight stability exercises. I still have a long way to go back into the gym. But if you think we got a bad there's always someone who has it worse. I was damn near paralyzed with pain. The Hrt helps, but in my opinion you're looking at 2 mons minimum. If you are working out the injured area with weights it could be longer. That's just my opinion. I had to lay on the floor for a month with "minimal movement" just so my back could stabilize and I could walk. BUT I got my shape back, lost my chub and now strengthening SLOWLY.

Take the extra sleep, that's when your body heals.
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Damn man, in no way am I looking for sympathy and I know someone always has it worse. I'm sorry to hear all of what you went through and are still going through. I've been banged up since I was 26, but nothing like what you are going through.
I believe u are gonna get better. I had to let my pride simmer down during PT and learn to listen to my body. Body says stop gotta stop. My PT told me that I would not be back at the gym until mid2015. I threw a freaking fit, she said fine go back now and I will be treating you for the next 10 yrs. I think you're gonna make it back to the game.

I'm just curious if u ever tried blasting your legs and core? U can burn a ton of calories and get a good heart rate. You will probably lose weight, but keeping your core strong keeps you looking good. I am by no means an expert. I'm sure there are 100s on this board who know more about exercise than me. I do know its important to grab on to the positive. If you can blast your legs with no pain, do it. Might give you some good vibes.

Have you got blood work? I have asked advice from the mods here and they are steering me in the right direction, once I got the right information.
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I believe u are gonna get better. I had to let my pride simmer down during PT and learn to listen to my body. Body says stop gotta stop. My PT told me that I would not be back at the gym until mid2015. I threw a freaking fit, she said fine go back now and I will be treating you for the next 10 yrs. I think you're gonna make it back to the game.

I'm just curious if u ever tried blasting your legs and core? U can burn a ton of calories and get a good heart rate. You will probably lose weight, but keeping your core strong keeps you looking good. I am by no means an expert. I'm sure there are 100s on this board who know more about exercise than me. I do know its important to grab on to the positive. If you can blast your legs with no pain, do it. Might give you some good vibes.

Have you got blood work? I have asked advice from the mods here and they are steering me in the right direction, once I got the right information.

That's what I've been doing. Concentrating on legs and other upper body stuff that doesn't cause pain. It's pretty limited, but it's something.

I actually ordered bloodworm today. Hoping to get to the clinic tomorrow. I just stopped clomid a couple weeks ago, so I'm planning to get another test in about a month. I wanted to get a blood test now because I feel like crap and I want to know why. I'm learning a lot here. I only wish I was here about 15 yrs ago haha.
Until I realized this was a typo, I honestly thought you were about to undergo leech therapy! I was about to comment on how medieval that sounded! lol

Lol yeah man this old ass IPhone sucks donkey balls haha. I'll try anything if it will fix me! Send me some bloodworm!

On a side note my bicep definitely feels slightly better today. Pec strain is still jacked though.
Well I wish I had something good to report, but I don't. When I woke up yesterday my bicep was feeling better, but as soon as I started work one of my co-workers needed help flipping over a large piece of steel and it flared up again.

I'm 11 days and 12mg into this run so far and nothing yet. Going to the gym now to blast legs again.
I know exactly how you feel, and was just lamenting it in my log. Just try to remember you have not even completed two weeks yet and that you should not really expect any results for another two weeks. I have read that one month is the point where most people start saying "yeah, I am not imagining this, things ARE changing".
I know exactly how you feel, and was just lamenting it in my log. Just try to remember you have not even completed two weeks yet and that you should not really expect any results for another two weeks. I have read that one month is the point where most people start saying "yeah, I am not imagining this, things ARE changing".

That's exactly right, that's exactly what i've read on the tb500 logs.
Exactly rigt, its not an instant fix.
Also you have to alter your training man. You rehab the injured areas and train the uninjured ones. TB will not allow you to train as if you arent injured. Remember that.