Pissed Off and ready for round 2........FIGHT!

I know you guys are trying to pound it home and thank you. I have already altered my training. Really all I've been doing is legs and lateral raises, shrugs and triceps! Sucks, but it is was it is. Patience has never been one of my strong suits, so this is really hard for me lol.
Stabbed another 2mg this morning. Training has really slowed down. I wasn't lean to begin with and I feel like I'm gaining a little weight. I'm 13 days into this. Nothing to report in the way of healing yet. Onward and upward.
Well I could say things felt a little better throughout my work day. A little less pain in the bicep during my normal activities today. I haven't been to the gym in a couple of days. I'm starting to fall off the wagon. I'm trying my best to keep at it. If you guys are following any of my other threads you will understand why I feel this way. Low test coupled with all of these injuries is really putting a burden on things. I will keep updating this log. I will force myself to get to the gym tomorrow.
Are u taking anything for low test? Mine was 125 and dr put me on approx 150 mg wk. it helped for sure. I combine with mod129 and ghrp2. If I was forced to pick I would lose the test and keep the peps. Just my opinion, someone maybe able to comment on tb500 and test. Your low test maybe a contributing factor, my muscle spasms are not as intense as they used to be, and a lot of the minor dings and things are slowly fading away. But I have only been Hrt for 6 wks.
Are u taking anything for low test? Mine was 125 and dr put me on approx 150 mg wk. it helped for sure. I combine with mod129 and ghrp2. If I was forced to pick I would lose the test and keep the peps. Just my opinion, someone maybe able to comment on tb500 and test. Your low test maybe a contributing factor, my muscle spasms are not as intense as they used to be, and a lot of the minor dings and things are slowly fading away. But I have only been Hrt for 6 wks.

I just did the blood work last Friday and got the results today. It was 308. Not as low as some, but definitely not optimal. I do think that it is a contributing factor in my pain because as a result of the low test my estradiol is low (10) as well which is probably not helping my joint pain. I'm going to continue the TB500 regardless and see what happens.
OK guys, I woke up this morning and threw another 2mg in my gut. I can honestly say that my biceps tendonitis feels better today than it has in a long while. The normal daily things like putting on boots or opening a jar of peanut butter that were causing pain are very minimal today compared to a few days ago. It wasn't as bothersome during work yesterday either. I hope this continues to get better. I can't tell you the last time I worked out bicep directly. I miss the pump.

2 weeks in......
So I just got back from the gym and even though I feel like a cheesdick with the weight and exercises that I am able to right now I have to say I feel a small sense of victory. My plan for today was to try some light cable curls to bring some blood into the area that has been causing me pain. I started very low with just 7.5lbs and did a set of 15 with each arm. I then did 2 more sets of 15 with 12.5lbs with virtually no pain through that range of motion! I tried some dumbbell curls, but the soupination motion caused some slight pain, so I didn't push it and stopped on a positive note.

I had the same plan for my pec strain / pec tie in on my left side, so I threw 135lbs on the BB flat bench just to due some reps nice and slow to bring some blood into the muscles. I could feel something wasn't quite right, so after a set of 15 I changed my grip for a more narrow one to bring more triceps into it and it helped, but it was still just not right so after 3 very light sets I called it quits on the bench.

I finished off with some side lateral raises and some scare crows and the hit the elliptical for 10min and left. all in all, I'm very happy that the tendonitis in the bicep is starting to feel better.
Well I'm 18 days and 18 MG into this run and what seemed promising a couple days ago has not moved forward any. In fact it may be hurting a little bit more. The biceps tendonitis is the only thing that is feeling a little better than when I started, but my lack of lifting could be a contributing factor.

There has been no change in any of the other injuries......pec strain, lcl tear and high ankle sprain. I'm really starting to lose hope. I'm not sure how this has worked for so many others and doesn't seem to have any effect on me. Only 3 more weeks left and the dose will be getting smaller, which is also adding to my skepticism.

I wish I had better news, but I don't. Trying to be patient and positive, but it's hard when nothing is happening and the gear is running out.
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Make that decision after a month - you are not even three weeks in yet. I know exactly how you feel, though, as I am having the same thoughts!
Make that decision after a month - you are not even three weeks in yet. I know exactly how you feel, though, as I am having the same thoughts!

I hear ya man, but I've been dealing with this shit for so long. I'm tired of being held back. I just wish I could let the bear out of the cage already.
Pinned another 2 MG this morning. My new plan is to keep the dose at 6 MG per week for 6 weeks and then switch to a maintenance dose. Obviously this depends on how I'm feeling. If the 6 weeks of 6 MG don't change anything I feel there will be no reason to continue.

I've started using some cross section massage on some of my problem areas to try and break up scar tissue and promote blood flow and healing to these areas.

I'm also going to start using my voodoo bands for the bicep and lcl and see how it goes.
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So this morning is exactly 21 days since I started. I pretty much stopped training all together. I'm a strong person, but these injuries and my recent findings of low testosterone have me in a good amount of depression. I go from feeling hopeless to being super angry during the day. I'm mad at the world right now.

I wake up in the morning and flex my bicep to gauge the pain and it hasn't really changed. It's still very painful. It's a little better than when I started, but I think it's more logical to attribute that to my increased rest. None of the other injuries feel any better. Going into the fourth week here and I'm starting to feel like I'm flushing money down the toilet. Sorry for the negativity, but I'm just letting you know how I feel.

I will keep marching, but my motivation is gone. I think I have hit rock bottom.
Don't give up - even if this stuff does not fix your problems it did give you hope. Hope is one of the most powerful drugs out there. Think about it, placebos work to a degree because people think they will. This means the mind has amazing healing powers all by itself. However, stress (and anger) overrides this ability and actively fights healing as the body is saving its energy for survival instead of repair. Relax, take up meditation or slow walks, anything that calms you. It will certainly aid in healing and recovery and have the added effect of making you a more fun person to be around (not saying you are not now, but everyone can be improve).

I have had my fair share of anger issues - especially when I first started TRT. Getting everything sorted out was a nightmare for me and anger was my normal state for some time. Now that I am shedding that anger I am finding my body feels better throughout the day. So give it a shot - worse case is you do not heal but you feel happier on a regular basis. :)
The low test is a pain in the butt. I certainly felt better once I got it situated. It took probably 6 wks for me to feel any benefits of TRT. But I had/ have injuries so it make go quicker for a healthy person.
So this morning is exactly 21 days since I started. I pretty much stopped training all together. I'm a strong person, but these injuries and my recent findings of low testosterone have me in a good amount of depression. I go from feeling hopeless to being super angry during the day. I'm mad at the world right now.

I wake up in the morning and flex my bicep to gauge the pain and it hasn't really changed. It's still very painful. It's a little better than when I started, but I think it's more logical to attribute that to my increased rest. None of the other injuries feel any better. Going into the fourth week here and I'm starting to feel like I'm flushing money down the toilet. Sorry for the negativity, but I'm just letting you know how I feel.

I will keep marching, but my motivation is gone. I think I have hit rock bottom.

this will also negatively impact your injuries or recovery. I would do the HRT thing AND TB500 IMO. maybe even try other things before hrt to boost T.
it might feel like bottom, but lowt will make you feel crappy, beinghurt will make you feel crappy, missing workouts will make you feel crappy.. you have reasons too feel crappy. but as you push on and fix your t levels, start working out you will feel better. just keep the motivation up, watch motivational videos. you can do it man.
Thanks guys. Good news is I saw the endo today and she put me on 100mg a week of test and wrote a script for Cialis as well. I'm about to pin another 2mg of TB500 right now. It really made my day. I hope I'm on the road to recovery.
So I realize that this has slowed down quite a bit, but I'm still taking the tb500. I have seen the inside of the gym maybe 2-3 times in the last 2 weeks.

My daily activities at work are still bringing pain to all of the I jury areas. My bicep tendonitis feels slightly better this morning, but I feel like every time I mention that it's getting better I regress.

I'm still not on trt, so not really that motivated at the moment. I'm 25 days into this now and not much difference. I'm actually going to order more when the sale starts. I've been on 6mg a week, so if it doesn't do anything after 6 weeks I'll never touch this stuff again. As you all know it isn't cheap.

Heading to the gym today. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Well I just got back from the gym and I'm lying in bed with an ice pack on my shoulder/pec. I guess I over did it, which is some what of a positive. My bicep tendonitis definitely hurt less. I was able to go up to 25 lb dumbells for a couple sets of 10. There was slight pain, but it wasn't too bad. I wanted to get some blood in the area.

I'm starting to think the pec strain is not a strain at all, but the tendons seem like they are just too tight if that makes sense. I don't know how to describe it. I'm icing the area to keep the inflammation down. The massage seems to be helping.

I took 15 mg of cialis pre workout and had no side effects. I got a pretty good pump. Did a lot of lateral raises, some pull downs and some flat bench. The flat bench is where it went wrong. I did a couple sets of 20 with 135 lbs and it started getting tight, so instead of stopping I threw 185 lbs on and did a set of 10. After that it got really tight.

I'll check back in tomorrow and report how I'm feeling. I need to order more tb500 as I only have 2 mg left, but I'm going to wait for the big sale on the 26th.
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Well knock on wood, but after today's workout I have hope again. I feel like I may have turned the corner in this battle. I've been feeling lazy, discouraged, depressed you name it.

Today I went to walgreens and picked up some bronkaid. I got home and took 1 and 10mg of cialis and headed off to the gym. I got one of the best pumps I've had in a while. I didn't really feel the ephedra until I started working out and then I didn't want to stop!

I started with close grip seated rows. I was in shock as I was doing them with virtually no pain. The whole time I was thinking it was too good to be true, but after my 4th pain free set, I was starting to get excited. I then went and did the 2 min ultimate shoulder warm up (diesel crew) and all was well. My shoulders felt a great pump.

I did a bunch of other stuff that I won't bore you with. The main thing that I wanted to mention was that I worked my way up to 2 sets of dumbell curls with the 35's. There was slight pain on certain reps, but over all it was very minimal.

My pec still feels really weird at the tie in, but I just did some light stretching and didn't do any chest exercises. I'll be ordering some more TB500 when the sale starts tomorrow in hopes that I continue to progress. I feel really good about today and I'm hoping that I've turned the corner.
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