Pissed Off and ready for round 2........FIGHT!

I also wanted to add that I have been using my voodoo bands and also some cross friction massage. The combination seems to be working slowly, but surely.
Well I pinned the last of my TB500 on Tuesday the 26th and ordered some more that day. I was waiting for the rui labor day sale to begin. The order was already in my mail box today when I got home.

I pinned another 2mg today. Planning another 2mg on Saturday.

While in the gym today I noticed that pull downs still hurt quite a bit, so I stuck to low pulley seated rows. I feel absolutely no pain while doing those. I was also able to hit curls with 40 lb dumbells today for a couple sets of 10. The pec tie in is starting to feel a little better as well, but it's still pretty jacked up.

I have also noticed that my lcl is feeling a bit better. There is a certain point when squatting where I would get a sharp pain and now it seems to be a little less painful. A sense of lubrication and not so dry if that makes sense?

So far I have spent a pretty good amount of money trying to heal these injuries. Once what I have now is gone that will be it. I hope that I just got a slow start and the product just takes time to build up in your system. I'm hoping I improve even more in these next 4 weeks, so I can get back to tearing things up.
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As I understand it, that is exactly what it does. It attaches itself to the substance that goes to where inflammation is, since that is where damage is found. It then works with the fibers on the cells to aid in cell repair and replacement. It takes time.
As I understand it, that is exactly what it does. It attaches itself to the substance that goes to where inflammation is, since that is where damage is found. It then works with the fibers on the cells to aid in cell repair and replacement. It takes time.

It's costing a fortune. I don't have much expendable income, so I'm really praying that these last few weeks do the trick. I'mean also hoping that starting trt will help with these injuries, as it should help with inflammation.
Will be following more closely over the next 4 weeks and hoping things really turn corner for you man. Continued slight improvements would be awesome bro....
Well I'm 34 days into this now and although I did not go to the gym all weekend, I have noticed things are feeling better. There are things in my daily routine that would normally cause some discomfort and for the last couple of days I've noticed less pain.

I pinned another 2mg about an hour ago. I'm still on the 6mg per week. I'll be getting my 2nd dose of test cypionate Wednesday morning. I also think that will have a very positive effect on inflammation.

I should be hitting the gym tomorrow evening. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Alright guys, for those of you who are following this a few of you told me to be patient. (Not one of my strongest virtues :)) Well here I am on day 35 and I just had the best workout in what seems like forever. (2 months or so)

It should be noted that other than taking my 1st 100mg shot of test cypionate (started TRT last week) last week I have not taken any other supplement that would have any anti-inflammatory effects what so ever. Not ibuprofen, advil, Tylenol, super cissus.......nothing. I did this purposely because I did not want to throw any monkey wrenches in there to leave any doubt about what was actually at work here.

This has been a gradual thing, but it definitely seems to be paying off. I have (8) 2mg vials of TB500 left and I plan on taking 6mg a week for the next two weeks and then 2mg per week for 3 weeks.

There is not a doubt in my mind that this stuff is working right now. Jimi and Cybersage thanks for following along and trying to keep me motivated when I was getting down on myself. It really helped to hear from you guys throughout this run, so thank you!

I hope to continue to heal up and it should be noted that every ailment that I have is still not 100%, but everything that was hurting is now feeling much better!

Hopefully more good news in the coming days and weeks!
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It really does seem like TB500 is the tortoise in this race - slow and steady but in the end it wins. Most likely it has a synergistic effect with the Testosterone you are taking. I am on TRT as well, so that could be why my lower dosage has had a faster and greater effect than your higher dosage has.

I fucking love science, it helps us make ourselves into better versions of us!
So I pinned another 2mg when I got home from work and went to the gym. I did some dumbell shoulder presses for the first time in I don't know how long. I stayed with the 50's for a couple sets of 15. Things started to feel tight, so I stopped and moved to another exercise.

I feel like I'may making some good progress. I'll take tomorrow of and give the injuries a rest and then see what kind of damage I can do this weekend.
So day 38 and I pinned another 2mg this morning. I went to the gym today and little by little I am making progress. I was able to do light barbell bench (185lbs) today which I haven't touched in quite some time. I still have some tightness here and there, but I've been trying to keep it stretched and mobile.

At this point I know the TB500 is working and I actually ordered another (5) vials of TB500 before the RUI sale ended. I want to continue it for at least 2 months. With that said I'm now going to start taking the Osteo-Bi flex triple strength as well.
Congrats on the progress. Nothing wrong with slow and steady. If I'm not mistaken some of the ppl on the forum take a regular dosage of 2 mg every 2 wks long term. Might be something to consider down the road. Also, why use Osteo-Bi flex triple strength instead of super cissus. I'm currently on cissus but would like to try something else cuz little concerned it might interfere with my PRP.
Congrats on the progress. Nothing wrong with slow and steady. If I'm not mistaken some of the ppl on the forum take a regular dosage of 2 mg every 2 wks long term. Might be something to consider down the road. Also, why use Osteo-Bi flex triple strength instead of super cissus. I'm currently on cissus but would like to try something else cuz little concerned it might interfere with my PRP.

Thanks, we'll to answer your question I've used super cissus before and it didn't help much and it's super expensive compared to the osteo biflex. I wanted to try it based on the recommendation of some of the guys here and it has great reviews online. Besides that you can get the biflex in a 2 pack at Walmart for about $30. 1 bottle has 60 servings, so for $30 you are getting a 4 month supply! If it works it will be well worth it and if it doesn't than I didn't lose much.
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Just an FYI, I was just in Costco and the Kirkland brand of glucosamine with MSM was $12.99 for 187 servings. I have enough to last me a year. There is 1500mg of MSM which is more than the whole 1288 ,"proprietary blend" in the Osteo biflex triple strength.
Day 39

So I started a new training split today and I'm hoping I can stick with it. Today was back and bi's. I did seated close grip cable rows, later pull downs and straight arm pull downs for back. I can go heavy on the seated rows be a use I have no pain there. With the pull downs I was very careful and kept the weight light and just tried to fatigue the muscles.

For bi's I did incline dB curls with just 25's and tried to concentrate on the negatives as I have read that negatives are good for rehabbing. I also did some ez bar cable curls with a really light weight just to get some more blood flowing, again concentrating on the negatives.

Biceps are actually sore because I haven't worked them in so long. Tomorrow will be an off day.
Day 41

I shot another 2mg today and went to the gym. I've been taking osteo biflex triple strength for about 3 days now and I've been on trt for 2 weeks now. I believe there is a synergistic effect going on right now. I did chest and triceps today and had the best workout that I've had in months! I worked my way up to 3 sets of 10 with 225 lbs on flat bench. Pretty much no pain what so ever.

I've been pushing myself a little more each week, but stopping if I feel something isn't right. So far that has been working pretty good because I seem to keep making progress in the right direction.
Day 48

Well Im lowering my dose from 6mg down to 4mg for the next couple weeks and then maybe down to 2mg for a few weeks. Wednesday will be my 4th trt injection and I have been taking osteo biflex for going on 2 weeks now.

This morning I went to the gym and felt great. Shoulder still isn't 100%, but I'm still benching 225 lbs for 3 sets of 10. Shoulder feels like it's starting to tighten up. Over all things are feeling really good. I dead lifted on Saturday and had no pain in my lcl.

I'm really close right now.
day 51

Still progressing. I did seated military presses for the 1st time in over a year. I kept it light and did 20 with 95lbs. My shoulder started to get tight at the pec tie in and started to hurt a bit, so I stopped and moved to something else. I did a bunch of shoulder exercises and it went well. I even threw in some hi rep biceps and triceps work with pretty much no pain.
So it's been a while and I figured I can make a final entry. I haven't taken tb500 for about 3 weeks now. I was gradually feeling better and better, but it definitely didn't happen over night.

Shortly after starting trt is when I really started to feel like I was moving in the right direction. I'm now in my 8th week of trt and I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. I honestly think that the trt did way more for my injuries than the tb500 did. For the cost I'm not real sure I would try the tb500 again.

It could have been a timing thing as well though. Maybe I started trt right as the tb500 was in full tilt boogie. I guess I will never really know. It's too bad, but I wasn't about to put off the trt just so I could continue my research with tb500.

I'm sorry if this log leaves more questions than answers, but I'm glad I'm pretty much back to my new normal right now.
I have seen no research on it, but I would surmise that running both Testosterone AND TB500 at the same time gives a greater affect than the sum of their parts - like the Test helps the TB500 work better. Dunno, just glad you are feeling much better!