**** Pix before starting a cycle... Low Natty Testosterone... Plz critique


New member
hey guys, new member here.

Just got my blood work results back and my natty total Test is at 314, with free Test reading of 73.3.... pretty damn low i guess.

stats: 31 male, 5'7, 185, lifting for 11yrs.

Never done any AAS or PH cycles before and will be doing my 1st Test E cycle @ 500 in a couple of weeks.

Just wanted to share these pictures before getting started, please feel free to critique.



Brother you have a good build,with alot of potential!!!

thank you very much... I am trying to push as much as i can.

I am being told by a few reputable members here that if i don't feel the symptoms of low test, i can still be doing okay, even if the numbers are low.
thank you very much... I am trying to push as much as i can.

I am being told by a few reputable members here that if i don't feel the symptoms of low test, i can still be doing okay, even if the numbers are low.

yea i agree,5 years ago,i felt good to,but my libido was aweful,and i thought it was just age,but when i got my test levels checked,they were way low
thank you very much... I am trying to push as much as i can.

I am being told by a few reputable members here that if i don't feel the symptoms of low test, i can still be doing okay, even if the numbers are low.

Good build man, how long have you been working out to get what you have now?
The pictures don't work for me.

When you go on, make sure you make the very best of it. I recommend getting some diet advice from 3J. Diet is the key to your success!
Good base. I have low T as well. Maybe you should consider getting on TRT.

I wanted to consider getting on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), yet again like i mentioned, i am being told if i don't feel that i have the symptoms, i should be ok... I am going to continue on doing blood-work throughout this whole coming year (before, during, and after a cycle if i can)

@bobistheman.... i agree with your advice, diet is the key... and like 3J puts it, it's 80% diet, 15% lifting, 5% gear. I will try to get a hold of him.
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I wanted to consider getting on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), yet again like i mentioned, i am being told if i don't feel that i have the symptoms, i should be ok... I am going to continue on doing blood-work throughout this whole coming year (before, during, and after a cycle if i can)

@bobistheman.... i agree with your advice, diet is the key... and like 3J puts it, it's 80% diet, 15% lifting, 5% gear. I will try to get a hold of him.
great post!!