planning a 2nd cycle with test400 & Deca300


New member
Hi there Im planning on running a 2nd cycle in the next up and coming weeks and looking for some advise on planning it all out, i have Test400 and Deca300 both from Cambridge research labz, has anybody had any experiences with this lab?

Weeks1-12 600mg of test
Weeks1-10 300mg of deca

3weeks after last injection planning on running a Basic nolva and clomid pct i also have arimadex.

The test400 i have is a blend of
Test-prop 70mg/ml
Test-cyp 165mg/ml
Test-enanth 165mg/ml

What would be the best way to split the injections up with having the prop involved? Let me know What you guys think any advise would be appreciated thanks.
I would use the adex throughout. An oral is good for a kick start but you have a decent dose of prop in that test blend if you pin eod. If not a kick start will help. Maybe some hcg to run in the last 4 weeks before pct.
you need to put ur stats and goals so we can better advice you. But if i was to Just judge ur cycle and fix it id say this on my opinion;

prop should be pinned eod, but I'm not sure what it is u should do with the test;meaning how often to inject it since its 3 blends.

inject deca till week 12 at the least, try till 14 if you can.
test needs to be 2-3 weeks longer then deca so whenever u decide to stop deca u should cont using test for 2-3 weeks longer.
i would add Dbol since thats a classic cycle for mass but you didn't mention your goals so that would be hard to give u an advice on that.
you need hcg so you can bounce back up during pct
you need an AI to control ur E.

get your blood work done before a cycle mid cycle and end of cycle.
I would use the adex throughout. An oral is good for a kick start but you have a decent dose of prop in that test blend if you pin eod. If not a kick start will help. Maybe some hcg to run in the last 4 weeks before pct.
Yes i do plan on running the arimadex from day1, Hcg for the last 4weeks ok Ill look into that one thanks.
you need to put ur stats and goals so we can better advice you. But if i was to Just judge ur cycle and fix it id say this on my opinion;

prop should be pinned eod, but I'm not sure what it is u should do with the test;meaning how often to inject it since its 3 blends.

inject deca till week 12 at the least, try till 14 if you can.
test needs to be 2-3 weeks longer then deca so whenever u decide to stop deca u should cont using test for 2-3 weeks longer.
i would add Dbol since thats a classic cycle for mass but you didn't mention your goals so that would be hard to give u an advice on that.
you need hcg so you can bounce back up during pct
you need an AI to control ur E.

get your blood work done before a cycle mid cycle and end of cycle.

Age 27
BF% Im unsure Ive not checked for a Long time

My main goal really is to be sitting at a solid 200lb at some point this year and with the hope that this cycle will help get me nearer to it, my last cycle i kept 10lb of gains using a 12 week course of 500mg test-c p/w & 40mg Dbol e/d first 4 weeks, i thought the cycle went Well especially having no sides at all.

My blood work will be done also cheers.
Like i say my last cycle i ran dbol at 40mg e/d if i do decide to add the dbol again should i maybe up the dosage or lengh on?
Hi there Im planning on running a 2nd cycle in the next up and coming weeks and looking for some advise on planning it all out, i have Test400 and Deca300 both from Cambridge research labz, has anybody had any experiences with this lab?

Weeks1-12 600mg of test
Weeks1-10 300mg of deca

3weeks after last injection planning on running a Basic nolva and clomid pct i also have arimadex.

The test400 i have is a blend of
Test-prop 70mg/ml
Test-cyp 165mg/ml
Test-enanth 165mg/ml

What would be the best way to split the injections up with having the prop involved? Let me know What you guys think any advise would be appreciated thanks.

Is your test a bottle dosed at 400mg/10 ml
Is your deca a bottle dosed at 300mg/10 ml. ?

Personally I would bump the deca dosage up to 450 instead of 300 weekly.
Your injection protocol, while limiting the amount of injections per week could look like this.

Inject on mon- weds-fri
Fill your syringe with a half a cc (1/2 ml) of test and a half a cc of deca.. And inject on those days.
Each injection (x 3) will give you 200 mg of test and 150 mg of deca,, for a weekly total of
600mg test
450 mg deca
Hi there Im planning on running a 2nd cycle in the next up and coming weeks and looking for some advise on planning it all out, i have Test400 and Deca300 both from Cambridge research labz, has anybody had any experiences with this lab?

Weeks1-12 600mg of test
Weeks1-10 300mg of deca

3weeks after last injection planning on running a Basic nolva and clomid pct i also have arimadex.

The test400 i have is a blend of
Test-prop 70mg/ml
Test-cyp 165mg/ml
Test-enanth 165mg/ml

What would be the best way to split the injections up with having the prop involved? Let me know What you guys think any advise would be appreciated thanks.

U should inject more ml than that start off with 500ml of test then 3rd week inject 1 ml on Monday and another ml on Thursday then you will be at 800 ml a week and your deca is to small start off with doin 1ml Monday and 1ml Thursday mix bold and test together and inject Mondays and Thursday threw out your cycle
That's pretty much a carbon copy of my second cycle too...

Test400 blend is fine every 3.5 days so pin 300mg in each injection to get your 600mg weekly
I will say, you need to prepare yourself for the pip - whenever I've used Test 400 the pip has been tough to deal with.

You might want to go a little bit higher with your deca dose unless your running it for joint relief - I'd say around 400/500mg would be a good start point - again split in 2 - you can pin the Test and Deca together for less jags.

I would definitely run an AI and HCG throughout from week one - be sure to get all relevant pre/mid/post bloods and adjust the AI accordingly.

I'd run the HCG at 250iu every 3.5 days taken SubQ. Run it throughout the cycle and beyond, stopping 3 days before PCT.

If this is your first deca run, I'd drop the D'bol.... if you show sides, you aren't going to know what's caused them.

And my final tip: get a cheap diary. Write in it when every injection and pill is due, and tick them off as you go. You'll never skip a beat!

Good luck bro!

Just seen that someone recommended running HCG for the last 4 weeks, that's bad advice...

You need that stuff from Day 1 - why let your balls shrink and then try and blow them back up again?

It's an inexpensive compound - get enough for the full course... no point trying to reverse something you needn't have caused in the first place!
Is your test a bottle dosed at 400mg/10 ml
Is your deca a bottle dosed at 300mg/10 ml. ?

Personally I would bump the deca dosage up to 450 instead of 300 weekly.
Your injection protocol, while limiting the amount of injections per week could look like this.

Inject on mon- weds-fri
Fill your syringe with a half a cc (1/2 ml) of test and a half a cc of deca.. And inject on those days.
Each injection (x 3) will give you 200 mg of test and 150 mg of deca,, for a weekly total of
600mg test
450 mg deca

Test-400 10ml vail 400mg/ml
Deca-300 10ml vail 300mg/ml

Yes i like the way youve based that out, up the dosage of deca to 450mg ok and that will give me a lot better reaction than the 300mg yea?
Test-400 10ml vail 400mg/ml
Deca-300 10ml vail 300mg/ml

Yes i like the way youve based that out, up the dosage of deca to 450mg ok and that will give me a lot better reaction than the 300mg yea?

For sure.. I've ran lower doses of deca before for joint relief,, but when I bumped it up to 500 my strength went way up 6 weeks in and I put on 20 lbs,, def worth it to bump it up
That's pretty much a carbon copy of my second cycle too...

Test400 blend is fine every 3.5 days so pin 300mg in each injection to get your 600mg weekly
I will say, you need to prepare yourself for the pip - whenever I've used Test 400 the pip has been tough to deal with.

You might want to go a little bit higher with your deca dose unless your running it for joint relief - I'd say around 400/500mg would be a good start point - again split in 2 - you can pin the Test and Deca together for less jags.

I would definitely run an AI and HCG throughout from week one - be sure to get all relevant pre/mid/post bloods and adjust the AI accordingly.

I'd run the HCG at 250iu every 3.5 days taken SubQ. Run it throughout the cycle and beyond, stopping 3 days before PCT.

If this is your first deca run, I'd drop the D'bol.... if you show sides, you aren't going to know what's caused them.

And my final tip: get a cheap diary. Write in it when every injection and pill is due, and tick them off as you go. You'll never skip a beat!

Good luck bro!


Ok sweet man thanks for the Hcg advise, so you seen good gains from this cycle?
This is my first time running deca but i have ran dbol in my first cycle with no sides.
Ok sweet man thanks for the Hcg advise, so you seen good gains from this cycle?
This is my first time running deca but i have ran dbol in my first cycle with no sides.

I saw great gains from this cycle, but don't be expecting to look shredded at the end, and watch for those raised E2 sides... it's very easy to get bloat and 'big red shiny face' on Deca with the wrong AI dosage!
For sure.. I've ran lower doses of deca before for joint relief,, but when I bumped it up to 500 my strength went way up 6 weeks in and I put on 20 lbs,, def worth it to bump it up

The OP says he wants added size and bodyweight...
Who gives a flying fuck what his strength is doing?

Too many people aim for size AND strength gains - wrong attitude!

If his goal is more muscle, then he needs to eat, train and use AAS with size in mind.

If he changed his goals for strength gains, then his rep ranges and AAS intake need to change accordingly.

Have ONE goal - and tailor everything to achieve that ONE goal.... you are much more likely to succeed (and not get injured in the process!)

My thoughts...

The OP says he wants added size and bodyweight...
Who gives a flying fuck what his strength is doing?

Too many people aim for size AND strength gains - wrong attitude!

If his goal is more muscle, then he needs to eat, train and use AAS with size in mind.

If he changed his goals for strength gains, then his rep ranges and AAS intake need to change accordingly.

Have ONE goal - and tailor everything to achieve that ONE goal.... you are much more likely to succeed (and not get injured in the process!)

My thoughts...


I agree if your training for physique then strength isn't important (unless your a power lifter or strength athlete)...
But, non the fucking less, if your running test and deca your strength goes up. Doesn't matter if your goal is strength or not, it goes up, period (call it a negative side effect if you want lol)

Note: if your strength doesn't go up on a test deca cycle then your gear is prob bunk,, u may not be training for strength, but if it's legit your strength simply goes up.. And strength is more then how much weight u can throw around. Personally I gauge strength by how many reps I can bench my own body weight,, if I start a cycle and it's 12 reps,, and mid cycle it's 20 reps, I know my gear has kicked in (I don't train for strength, period, but it goes up and it's proof my gear is working)
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I agree, strength is a pleasant by-product of Deca for sure...

But it should NOT alter how much you lift, or your training plan whatsoever...

Going for 1RM and shit like that on-cycle is a recipe for disaster - trust me, I learnt the hard way.

You need to overpower that feeling of invincibility you get when you are on gear, and make it work for you not against you.

When I cycle, I get my sensible head on... yes of course I test myself, but by supersetting, dropsetting, shortened recovery periods etc... I don't go lifting stupid weights...

I'm not picking fights here Roush, but I just get sick of hearing about people forget their initial goals when they cycle...

If he wants size, then his training doesn't alter, he reps and eats for size... the strength will take care of itself!
OP: You don't need to pin Test400 EOD... the Prop isn't the major factor in this compound, it's the minor one.

Every 3.5 days is sufficient for Test 400 - the bonus being that the Prop will kick in nice and early! :)
I completely agree Big Ben,,
Again that's why I gauge strength by benching my body weight (not one rep max).. I don't lift weights to be a weight lifter, I train for physique, I can care less how much I can lift.. Too many sore joints and pains from ego lifting in the past,, now I do light weight high volume and lots of isolation exercises (does someone big like Kai Greene look funny curling 20 lb dumbells instead of 100 lb dumbells,, sure, but he doesn't give a shit he's training for his physique, not a weight lifter).

The last time my wife went to the gym with me for chest day (8 months ago) we threw on 4- 45lb plates and 2- 25lb plates.. Well the other day she trained chest with me again,, I threw on 4- 10lb plates (that's it).. She laughed and thought I was joking (lifting what she usually warms up with).. Nope dead serious: I pumped out 10 sets of 25 reps of guillotine presses. I didn't care about lifting heavy.
Note: guillotine presses is where you bench Press but bring the bar down to your neck instead of chest.. It stretches the chest out and works the upper chest