I like running anavar different than most people but when I do run it the way most people do it's usually between 80-100mg.
Anavar is an interesting compound and is considered a week steroid - however, milligram for milligram it displays
as much as six times the anabolic activity of testosterone - not stronger than test... we're talking about anabolic activity.
I really don't use it as a cutting compound, because the magic is seen more so when you stack it... So let's look at what we have so far
in contrast from what we see in the field...
Anavar is a Class I anabolic steroid - it was designed to have a very strong separation of anabolic - and - androgenic effect - it is
most effectively stacked with
Class II compounds i.e. Dianabol or Androl - more so than
high levels of test or tren (which are Class I)
- we still need testosterone within the cycle -
we're just looking at bang for buck - "within" - the stack.
Most people do not stack Anavar with Dbol - for two reasons - first we think of Anavar for cutting and Dbol for bulking - so it only makes
sense to start the cycle with Dbol and end with Anavar - second both compounds aren't typically used for more than 6 weeks - but I am
able to run them longer
for this reason...
Normally running both compounds together - you would break the - "only one oral rule" - however I like running these two at medium or
a little lower level so you're not overdoing the oral compounds - which allows me to take advantage of these two together for much longer periods.
The best of both worlds takes place in
Dbol increases strength (and bloat)
Anavar increases strength (no bloat - lean gains)
I'm a rep for P.S.L. and have only tried theirs, which is carried in the tablet form... but I don't see why the liquid would be any different as
long as the mg's are the same.
I first gave this a test several years ago and have always seen great results running it this way - either when I'm cutting or when I'm bulking
Just an FYI.
Again, by itself 80-100mg has worked well.