Planning my first cycle


New member
Hello all,
im new here, my name is Zé.
i bumped into this forum while searching info on cycles and i have found very valuable info here.

i have been reading and searching information about cycles because i eat normal, i used weight gainers, vitamins and nothing did the trick.

Im 32 years
Im 1.80 m tall
i have something like 61kg

My goal is to get mass, some fat i wouldnt mind

so... for my first cycle i was thinking on:

week 1 to week 10 : 2 shots of test proviron / (250mg mondays and 250mg thursdays)
week 12 to week 14 : nolvadex because i cant find clomid here

i was thinking on using some proviron during cycle so i could try to bypass the estrogen side effects

but im a litle confused about the dosages i should use on the proviron during cycle and the nolvadex for pct

does this look good to put some mass ?
Can u tell me if i am choosing the good things ?

thank you soo much for reading this and for helping too.
Brother for your first cycle I would just do a Test only cycle and leave any orals out first go around,plan it something like this

Test C or E 500mg-14-16 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg/ed

PCT:2-3 weeks after last pin
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

you should have a good cycle with this and save orals for next time
hello bullseye, thank you soo much for replying to my post.

i though proviron was just some anti-e i should take to prevent gyno and other sides, but u recomend aromasin instead of proviron right ?
u recomend to use clomid and nolva together as pct or i can pick 1 of the 2 ?

Im asking this cause, i cant seem to get clomid here at my country.
And for my first, i agree 100% u said about just using Test, all people seem to recomend the same.

Can u tell me wich u think best for someone skinny as me ? Test C or E ?

thank you soo much for your help and support.
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Thank you Kane, i will go to testoviron then, cause seems to be the only one avaylable to me.

this is what the cycle will look like :

Week 1 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 2 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 3 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 4 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 5 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 6 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 7 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 8 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 9 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 10 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 11 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 12 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
Week 13 = 2 vials Test E( monday and thursday) and aromasin ED
week 14 = Rest i wont be taking anything
Week 15 = Rest i wont be taking anything
Week 16 =Nolva 40/clomid 50
Week 17 =Nolva 40/clomid 50
Week 18 =Nolva 20/clomid 50
Week 19 =Nolva 20/clomid 50

Im just having problems with clomid cause i cant get it here, is there other one i could use ?

and is it correct the way i wrote the cycle ?

thx again.
Do the test twice a week. Each injection should be 250 mg. 500 mg each week. For clomid, just check out a sponsor up top. GTG.
hello bullseye, thank you soo much for replying to my post.

i though proviron was just some anti-e i should take to prevent gyno and other sides, but u recomend aromasin instead of proviron right ?
u recomend to use clomid and nolva together as post cycle therapy (pct) or i can pick 1 of the 2 ?

Im asking this cause, i cant seem to get clomid here at my country.
And for my first, i agree 100% u said about just using Test, all people seem to recomend the same.

Can u tell me wich u think best for someone skinny as me ? Test C or E ?

thank you soo much for your help and support.

yes cause proviron is an oral steroid,aromasin is what you need

As Kane stated either test c or e is fine,very little difference between the 2
Thank you soo much all :)

you all have been a great help to me.

i already tried to change my food habits, i even went to a nutricionist that gave me royal jelly.
even that didnt do anything to me i was eating like every 3 hours but i probably burn it all very quick :(.

is it possible to retain the gains of a cycle or probably i will loose them too ?

anyway im realy thinking in doing it to see if i can change my body.

thank you all for replying and for helping me understand the things i was making confusion with.

Get your diet squared away too buddy.

61kg is like 135lbs and 1.8m is about 5'9".

You do not need steroids, you need food. Throw that Royal Jelly in the garbage can and start eating like a full grown man. You are NOT eating enough and steroids will not help you without a great increase in calories.

You need to get your diet in check to get results bud, GL its not easy.
. Throw that Royal Jelly in the garbage can

lolol that was very funny and i agree with u was a waste of money.

i was a smoker, i dont smoke now.

i eat around 4 meals and snacks between them.

i take weight gainer muscle tech after my workouts and before going to sleep.

im also taking celltech creatine.

i dont feel im getting bigger and i dont feel more strenght to increase the wheight every week.

my familiars are also skinny as me :) believe me i eat much more than my friends that are way bigger than me :(

its just suplemets like this weight gainer and the creatines are expensive and i dont see any help from them.
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even steroids will not make you gain weight without eating more.

yeah you may eat more than your bigger friends and to grow you will need to eat even more than that. some people need more than others.

talk to 3J.
ok so i need food , probably more than what im eating but i dont think i can or i will throw up.

i dont knhow how i can eat even more than every 3 hours.

can u someone plz help me with a meal plan to see if i can gain some wheight ?

whos 3j ?
ok so i need food , probably more than what im eating but i dont think i can or i will throw up.

i dont knhow how i can eat even more than every 3 hours.

can u someone plz help me with a meal plan to see if i can gain some wheight ?

whos 3j ?

im 3j.. a sport nutritionist and mod on this forum...

you need food.. you cant gain a pound over 135 naturally what makes you think you can gain with a cycle.. or keep what you gain after the fact? your gonna have to eat more food regardless
Hello 3J, thank you for replying.

i have been at a nutricionist but i didnt gained more.

well wheight gainers and creatine seems not to help either, if steroids wont help too im a lost case :(.

When i said earlier in this treath, i eat normal is i eat what i can.
I dont jump meals, i try to eat every 3 hours ( to be honest i even search cakes with sugar to get some fat ) weird i cant seem to go up 61 kg only down and when i get better im at 61 :( stupid metabolism is killing me.

i dont knhow what to do...
Look at my avatar. It helps with eating problems. Helps me eat like a horse. I have to force feed myself sometimes as well. Even when you're not hungry, you have to eat to grow. When the clock says food, it's time to shovel it in. I don't even like the food I eat most of the time. I use no condiments or additives to anything, so I basically just shovel my boiled yams into the pie hole, close my eyes and swallow. Rinse/repeat.