Planning out new cycle, first time with NPP.


Never Satisfied
So I've ran tren ace the last 3 cycles with var, this time I want to do NPP. Reason why I don't want to go with the long ester of deca is because I'm not sure of the side effects that I can possibly get. Thus I thought it would be fine if I was to use a short ester with Test E, instead of test p.

Week 1-14 Test E 600mg/week
Week 1-12 NPP 400mg/week
Week 10-15 var70mg/ed
Week 1-16 HCG 500iu/week

2.5 weeks after last injection of test E
Torem 120/90/60/60/30
You don't have to stop the NPP two weeks before stopping the Test E. That is only with Deca.

No AI? Test and NPP aromatize...

Do you have a DA on hand? Which one?

Having you done that PCT before?
Why want to do a 14 week of cycle ? The muscle grow will hit a plateau after 10-12 week, longer cycle means harder recovery time .
looks good,, just a side note. I've ran high test dosage with high nandrolones before and high nandrolones dosage and lower test. I had less sides with the high nandro/deca and a lower test dosage. Just saying with NPP at the 400-500 range you could easily get by with running less test then 600mg a week and thus have less amortization and less sides but just as good as results.

the whole "your test dosage has to be much higher then your nandrolone/deca dosage" thing, otherwise you'll get "deca dick" is an old school myth, and proper use of an AI and controlling estrogen and prolactin will take care of this issue without having to have a way higher dose of test over deca (or NPP).

but hey if you like running 600 mg of test thats cool too,, just saying, sometimes best to leave the test dose on the lower side and let the new compound you are trying out for the first time do its thing and shine alone (without the added sides of high testosterone dosages). my 2 cents
You don't have to stop the NPP two weeks before stopping the Test E. That is only with Deca.

No AI? Test and NPP aromatize...

Do you have a DA on hand? Which one?

Having you done that PCT before?

sorry I was writing this fast, yes i do have an AI, liquid dex .5ml eod. And I do have prami which ill do 0.3ml eod. I have ran that pct before, I think its better than using clomid/tamox
Why want to do a 14 week of cycle ? The muscle grow will hit a plateau after 10-12 week, longer cycle means harder recovery time .

I agree with you, however the last cycle i ran was about 24 weeks. I had a faster and better recovery. I know this seems odd, and not true. But this was the case for me.
looks good,, just a side note. I've ran high test dosage with high nandrolones before and high nandrolones dosage and lower test. I had less sides with the high nandro/deca and a lower test dosage. Just saying with NPP at the 400-500 range you could easily get by with running less test then 600mg a week and thus have less amortization and less sides but just as good as results.

the whole "your test dosage has to be much higher then your nandrolone/deca dosage" thing, otherwise you'll get "deca dick" is an old school myth, and proper use of an AI and controlling estrogen and prolactin will take care of this issue without having to have a way higher dose of test over deca (or NPP).

but hey if you like running 600 mg of test thats cool too,, just saying, sometimes best to leave the test dose on the lower side and let the new compound you are trying out for the first time do its thing and shine alone (without the added sides of high testosterone dosages). my 2 cents

Sounds good, what would you run the test e at then, and how much would you run NPP at?
Bump.... Anyone run NPP with high test or Low test high NPP, let me know how that cycle went. I'm planning leaning out with this cycle, instead of using var, i decided to use dbol since it's been 4 years since I've used it haha.
you're looking at leaning out but are using dbol? that seems contradictory.
I know diet is the main aim of the game...but dbol isn't a var/tren/nandrolone/primo that works for bulking and cutting. Dbol is nearly always bulking.

Otherwise, I've always run high test high nandrolone. I have never kept test below 500mg on cycle.
Bump.... Anyone run NPP with high test or Low test high NPP, let me know how that cycle went. I'm planning leaning out with this cycle, instead of using var, i decided to use dbol since it's been 4 years since I've used it haha.

Yes I've done it with low test..

I ran a deca cycle but front loaded it for 6 weeks with NPP to get the nandrolone juices flowing
off the top of my head it was something like
Test E - 300mg a week - weeks 1- forever
Deca - 400 mg a week - weeks 1-14
NPP - 100 mg EOD - weeks 1-6
Dbol 50 mg ED - weeks 1-4

front loading the Deca cycle with NPP was a good choice.. running a low dose of test with that much Nandrolone (deca and NPP) went just fine,, especially down the road around week 6 as the nandrolone was in full effect, instead of waiting the normal 8 weeks for the deca to really kick in. the only issue I had was around week 3,, the Dbol really spiked my estrogen and I had to use Letro along with my normal AI dose to get it under control.

I've also ran 600 mg of test front loaded with Test Prop for 4 weeks at 100 mg eod,, along with 400 mg deca.. so this was High test lower Deca. . I prefer the low test method better with NPP now that I've done it both ways.
you're looking at leaning out but are using dbol? that seems contradictory.
I know diet is the main aim of the game...but dbol isn't a var/tren/nandrolone/primo that works for bulking and cutting. Dbol is nearly always bulking.

Otherwise, I've always run high test high nandrolone. I have never kept test below 500mg on cycle.

T-Bol would be a better choice as an oral for leaning out compared to Dbol,, its very similar, yet Tbol does not Aromatize like Dbol does,, and thus your more likely to stay lean without having to 'babysit' your estrogen levels every day.
T-Bol would be a better choice as an oral for leaning out compared to Dbol,, its very similar, yet Tbol does not Aromatize like Dbol does,, and thus your more likely to stay lean without having to 'babysit' your estrogen levels every day.

I forgot about tbol, good catch
you're looking at leaning out but are using dbol? that seems contradictory.
I know diet is the main aim of the game...but dbol isn't a var/tren/nandrolone/primo that works for bulking and cutting. Dbol is nearly always bulking.

Otherwise, I've always run high test high nandrolone. I have never kept test below 500mg on cycle.

I agree, I've always used tren, and var, tried tbol. Feel like with the droll it will be faster to gain more size. With that said, I'll be running, and being on a strict diet.
why are you running long ester test and short ester nandrolone? to me that makes no sense. also what's the point of running var if you're gonna be on test e?
NPP= short ester = minimal bloat
var= no bloat
test e= long ester = bloat

makes no sense. switch the test to prop
why are you running long ester test and short ester nandrolone? to me that makes no sense. also what's the point of running var if you're gonna be on test e?
NPP= short ester = minimal bloat
var= no bloat
test e= long ester = bloat

makes no sense. switch the test to prop

Ester makes no difference with bloating. Estrogen control controls bloat. Test is test, no matter the ester.
why are you running long ester test and short ester nandrolone? to me that makes no sense. also what's the point of running var if you're gonna be on test e?
NPP= short ester = minimal bloat
var= no bloat
test e= long ester = bloat

makes no sense. switch the test to prop

running a long ester test is one of the best 'bases' of any cycle,, no matter if the other compounds are short ester or long ester, no matter the half life. It does not make a bit of difference,, and bloat has everything to do with estrogen control and not the ester or half life of the drug.

Ever hear of a Test E , Dbol cycle ? of course you have,, pretty common, Test E has a half life of like 14 days while D-bol has a half life of 8 hours. but they are ran together all the time.

Ever hear of Sustanon-- Duh,, its full of long ester and short esters. Why the hell would they invent that if long ester and short ester compounds should not be ran together. plenty of other long ester and short ester blends have been put together as well.

that's Bro science MYTH that a long ester compound can't be run with a short ester compound
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running a long ester test is one of the best 'bases' of any cycle,, no matter if the other compounds are short ester or long ester, no matter the half life. It does not make a bit of difference,, and bloat has everything to do with estrogen control and not the ester or half life of the drug.

Ever hear of a Test E , Dbol cycle ? of course you have,, pretty common, Test E has a half life of like 14 days while D-bol has a half life of 8 hours.

Ever hear of Sustanon-- Duh,, its full of long ester and short esters. Why the hell would they invent that if long ester and short ester compounds should not be ran together.

that's Bro science MYTH that a long ester compound can't be run with a short ester compound
i never said short and long esters cant be run together, all i'm saying is that i am a firm believer that long ester compounds that aromatize will bloat you more. i only speak from experience. i held a lot less water when i was running 700mg test prop a week vs 750mg test cyp. i was using the same AI @ the same dose. i got my e2 control down to a science i know exactly how much adex or aromasin i need per 250mg of test going into my body.