Please Critique my diet !


New member
DISCLAIMER: I am allergic to the following foods:

- All Nuts
- All fish
- Sesame Seeds/Oil
- Flax Seeds/Oil
- Cottage Cheese (Huge intolerance, most other dairy seem to be fine)


Age = 19
Weight = 187lbs +/- 2 lbs (Weigh myself in the morning only)
BF = ~18%
Height = 5"9.5

- Reduce BodyFat to 9%
- "Ripped/Shredded" Physique
- Maintain and put on more muscle mass
- My visual motivation and end goal would be to look like a smaller version of Zyzz / Josef Rakich.


Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

Meal 1: 7:00am

2 Large Whole Egg 12/2/10/140
1/2 Cup Broccoli 1/3/0/15
1 Cup Green Beans 1/4/0/20
1 Glutamine Capsule
1 Multivitamin/Mineral

Total: 14/9/10/160

Meal 2: 10:00am

1 Cups Skim Milk 9/12/0/80
7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150

Total: 12/47/0/230

Meal 3: 1:00pm

6 Oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 36/0/0/160
2 Cups Skim Milk 18/24/0/160
1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/5/45

Total: 54/24/12.5/415

Meal 4: 4:00pm

6 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 53/0/0/206
1/2 Cup Brown Rice: 8/68/3/320 [Should I find a better brown rice?]
1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30
1 Glutamine Capsule

Total: 63/73/17/556

Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
5g of Creatine mixed into shake
1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]
1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192
1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]

Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

Meal 7: 11:00pm

1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

Total: 24/3/1/120

Grand Totals: 315 / 267 / 43.4 / 2065

For reference, my workout routine:

Monday ***8211; Chest + Calfs

5 sets dumbbell bench press
5 sets barbell incline bench press
5 sets dumbbell flys
3 sets pec deck
3 sets cable cross-overs
3 sets seated calf raises
3 sets donkey calf raises
3 sets lying calf raises

Tuesday ***8211; Back + Abs + Obliques

5 sets Deadlifts
5 Sets Pull-Ups (Reps = Until Fail)
4 sets seated high rows
4 sets wide grip lat pull-downs
3 sets T-bar rows
3 sets oblique crunches

Wednesday ***8211; Biceps + Triceps

5 sets barbell curls
5 sets incline seated dumbbell curls
4 sets preacher curls
4 sets hammer curls
4 sets close grip bench press
4 sets rope pull-downs

THURSDAY ***8211; Quads + Hams + Calfs

5 sets squats
5 sets leg press
5 sets of leg extensions
5 sets lying hamstring curls
5 sets seated calf raises

Friday ***8211; Shoulders + Abs + Obliques

5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
5 sets lateral delt raises
3 sets front delt raises
3 sets rear delt face pulls
3 sets weighted knee ups
3 sets incline crunches


Strictly Cardio - 45 Minutes.


Day Off.
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honestly bud you take in a lot of milk for someone who wants to cut down. put it this way..the only time i drink milk(and only skim) is when I want to gain weight. Mix all your protein shakes with water. I find myofusion is the best tasting with water. plus at your weight your taking in too many calories, especially considering your looking to cut. i probably take in around 2000-2200 calories a day and im 215lbs. That calorie intake for me is the maintain my weight, and im already at a cal deficiency. Dont eat whole eggs..if your gonna boil them dont be lazy and take out the yolk. the yolk is just fat and cholesterol, take it out and you have a basically fat free protein source. your also taking in way too many carbs if your looking to cut weight. keep carbs in the morning. I prefer rolled outs. take about 40g. your other main source of carb should be pre-workout. take the yam you eat earlier in the day and put it as your pre-workout. then take out that brown rice and tomato sauce and add in just one cub of broccoli or a spinach salad. youll get more fibrous carbs, but they wont be a carb that your body stores as fat. also think of swapping the beef with a can of tuna or salmon. that way your getting your good fats with your meal. Post workout no oats again. only carb source should be dextrose added into your shake for fast absorption of your protein. if you want to maybe 1/4 the servings of oats but seeing your cutting it is not necessary. And stay away from condiments. They have a lot of sugar to taste good, but sugar is probably the simplest carb out there, and is easy to store as fat. I put salsa on everything when Im cutting. I know you think a tuna/broccoli/spinach salad w/salsa sounds nasty but it tastes awesome. also salsa is usually 0 calorie. and if you can hand a mild or hot salsa some say the pepper aids in raising metabolism. finally, add in a cup of green tea when you wake up and lunchtime. it should help raise metabolism, and aid in digestion.
honestly bud you take in a lot of milk for someone who wants to cut down. put it this way..the only time i drink milk(and only skim) is when I want to gain weight. Mix all your protein shakes with water. I find myofusion is the best tasting with water. plus at your weight your taking in too many calories, especially considering your looking to cut. i probably take in around 2000-2200 calories a day and im 215lbs. That calorie intake for me is the maintain my weight, and im already at a cal deficiency. Dont eat whole eggs..if your gonna boil them dont be lazy and take out the yolk. the yolk is just fat and cholesterol, take it out and you have a basically fat free protein source. your also taking in way too many carbs if your looking to cut weight. keep carbs in the morning. I prefer rolled outs. take about 40g. your other main source of carb should be pre-workout. take the yam you eat earlier in the day and put it as your pre-workout. then take out that brown rice and tomato sauce and add in just one cub of broccoli or a spinach salad. youll get more fibrous carbs, but they wont be a carb that your body stores as fat. also think of swapping the beef with a can of tuna or salmon. that way your getting your good fats with your meal. Post workout no oats again. only carb source should be dextrose added into your shake for fast absorption of your protein. if you want to maybe 1/4 the servings of oats but seeing your cutting it is not necessary. And stay away from condiments. They have a lot of sugar to taste good, but sugar is probably the simplest carb out there, and is easy to store as fat. I put salsa on everything when Im cutting. I know you think a tuna/broccoli/spinach salad w/salsa sounds nasty but it tastes awesome. also salsa is usually 0 calorie. and if you can hand a mild or hot salsa some say the pepper aids in raising metabolism. finally, add in a cup of green tea when you wake up and lunchtime. it should help raise metabolism, and aid in digestion.

Uhm, did you even read my post? I don't have a single condiment in my diet. A boiled egg's yolk is 1/2 the protein (3 or 3.5g - depending on the eggs you buy) in the entire egg. Also, switching to tuna or salmon would effectively cause me to commit suicide (Reading my disclaimer you would see I'm allergic to fish). Furthermore, I'm already at 1/4 a serving of oats.I don't see how 2065 calories is too much, considering I am doing 30 mins/cardio a day + 1hr workout. I'm already taking myofusion....

I also don't know your TDEE, BMI, height, or age, or workout routine so your caloric requirements could be completely different from mine.

Would anyone else who read my diet*+workout have any constructive criticism or see any holes in my current diet that would block me reaching my goals?
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honestly bud you take in a lot of milk for someone who wants to cut down. put it this way..the only time i drink milk(and only skim) is when I want to gain weight. Mix all your protein shakes with water. I find myofusion is the best tasting with water. plus at your weight your taking in too many calories, especially considering your looking to cut. i probably take in around 2000-2200 calories a day and im 215lbs. That calorie intake for me is the maintain my weight, and im already at a cal deficiency. Dont eat whole eggs..if your gonna boil them dont be lazy and take out the yolk. the yolk is just fat and cholesterol, take it out and you have a basically fat free protein source. your also taking in way too many carbs if your looking to cut weight. keep carbs in the morning. I prefer rolled outs. take about 40g. your other main source of carb should be pre-workout. take the yam you eat earlier in the day and put it as your pre-workout. then take out that brown rice and tomato sauce and add in just one cub of broccoli or a spinach salad. youll get more fibrous carbs, but they wont be a carb that your body stores as fat. also think of swapping the beef with a can of tuna or salmon. that way your getting your good fats with your meal. Post workout no oats again. only carb source should be dextrose added into your shake for fast absorption of your protein. if you want to maybe 1/4 the servings of oats but seeing your cutting it is not necessary. And stay away from condiments. They have a lot of sugar to taste good, but sugar is probably the simplest carb out there, and is easy to store as fat. I put salsa on everything when Im cutting. I know you think a tuna/broccoli/spinach salad w/salsa sounds nasty but it tastes awesome. also salsa is usually 0 calorie. and if you can hand a mild or hot salsa some say the pepper aids in raising metabolism. finally, add in a cup of green tea when you wake up and lunchtime. it should help raise metabolism, and aid in digestion.

i wouldn't wanna shy u away from giving advice, but please try to seperate ur thoughts with paragraphs.. it gets really hard and annoying to read this bunk of words stuck together..
DISCLAIMER: I am allergic to the following foods:

- All Nuts
- All fish
- Sesame Seeds/Oil
- Flax Seeds/Oil
- Cottage Cheese (Huge intolerance, most other dairy seem to be fine)


Age = 19
Weight = 187lbs +/- 2 lbs (Weigh myself in the morning only)
BF = ~18%
Height = 5"9.5

- Reduce BodyFat to 9%
- "Ripped/Shredded" Physique
- Maintain and put on more muscle mass
- My visual motivation and end goal would be to look like a smaller version of Zyzz / Josef Rakich.


Protein / Carbs / Fat / Total Calories:

Meal 1: 7:00am

2 Large Whole Egg 12/2/10/140
1/2 Cup Broccoli 1/3/0/15
1 Cup Green Beans 1/4/0/20
1 Glutamine Capsule
1 Multivitamin/Mineral

Total: 14/9/10/160

Meal 2: 10:00am

1 Cups Skim Milk 9/12/0/80
7 Oz Yam 3/35/0/150

Total: 12/47/0/230

Meal 3: 1:00pm

6 Oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 36/0/0/160
2 Cups Skim Milk 18/24/0/160
1 Tbsp EVOO 0/0/5/45

Total: 54/24/12.5/415

Meal 4: 4:00pm

6 Oz 100% Lean Ground Beef 53/0/0/206
1/2 Cup Brown Rice: 8/68/3/320 [Should I find a better brown rice?]
1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce/Juice 2/5/0/30
1 Glutamine Capsule

Total: 63/73/17/556

Meal 5: 7:00pm (Pre-Workout)

Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
5g of Creatine mixed into shake
1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]
1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192

Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

8:00 - 9:00 Workout, 9:00 - 9:30 CARDIO

Meal 6: 9:30pm (Post Workout)

Myofusion Protein Shake (2 Scoops Myo + 1 cup milk) 59/22/6/374
1/4 Cup Organic Rolled Oats 8/33.5/3.2/192
1/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites 7/0/0/30 [Added to Shake]

Total: 74/55.5/9.2/566

Meal 7: 11:00pm

1 Scoop MuscleMilk 100% Casein [Mixed with Water] : 25/2/0.5/110

Total: 24/3/1/120

Grand Totals: 315 / 267 / 43.4 / 2065

For reference, my workout routine:

Monday ***8211; Chest + Calfs

5 sets dumbbell bench press
5 sets barbell incline bench press
5 sets dumbbell flys
3 sets pec deck
3 sets cable cross-overs
3 sets seated calf raises
3 sets donkey calf raises
3 sets lying calf raises

Tuesday ***8211; Back + Abs + Obliques

5 sets Deadlifts
5 Sets Pull-Ups (Reps = Until Fail)
4 sets seated high rows
4 sets wide grip lat pull-downs
3 sets T-bar rows
3 sets oblique crunches

Wednesday ***8211; Biceps + Triceps

5 sets barbell curls
5 sets incline seated dumbbell curls
4 sets preacher curls
4 sets hammer curls
4 sets close grip bench press
4 sets rope pull-downs

THURSDAY ***8211; Quads + Hams + Calfs

5 sets squats
5 sets leg press
5 sets of leg extensions
5 sets lying hamstring curls
5 sets seated calf raises

Friday ***8211; Shoulders + Abs + Obliques

5 sets dumbbell shoulder press
5 sets lateral delt raises
3 sets front delt raises
3 sets rear delt face pulls
3 sets weighted knee ups
3 sets incline crunches


Strictly Cardio - 45 Minutes.


Day Off.
you dont need to answer back like that. my post was constructive. you asked for advice and i gave it to you. and an egg yolk contains 80% of the calories of an egg.
you are 19 asking for advice to cut weight. i gave it to you. just because you were looking for a different answer does not mean you need to reply to me like that.

I hate it when kids like you ask advice and answer back like that. sorry i didnt notice you were allergic to fish as i wrote this on a break from work and was rushing.

You dont think i know what im talking about?
im a d-1 athlete and last year did fitness competitions at 195 and 4% body fat. before you go and disrespect me with an answer you gave me be respectful and just ask for advice elsewhere. :wavey:

Uhm, did you even read my post? I don't have a single condiment in my diet. A boiled egg's yolk is 1/2 the protein (3 or 3.5g - depending on the eggs you buy) in the entire egg. Also, switching to tuna or salmon would effectively cause me to commit suicide (Reading my disclaimer you would see I'm allergic to fish). Furthermore, I'm already at 1/4 a serving of oats.I don't see how 2065 calories is too much, considering I am doing 30 mins/cardio a day + 1hr workout. I'm already taking myofusion....

I also don't know your TDEE, BMI, height, or age, or workout routine so your caloric requirements could be completely different from mine.

Would anyone else who read my diet*+workout have any constructive criticism or see any holes in my current diet that would block me reaching my goals?
you dont need to answer back like that. my post was constructive. you asked for advice and i gave it to you. and an egg yolk contains 80% of the calories of an egg.
you are 19 asking for advice to cut weight. i gave it to you. just because you were looking for a different answer does not mean you need to reply to me like that.

I hate it when kids like you ask advice and answer back like that. sorry i didnt notice you were allergic to fish as i wrote this on a break from work and was rushing.

You dont think i know what im talking about?
im a d-1 athlete and last year did fitness competitions at 195 and 4% body fat. before you go and disrespect me with an answer you gave me be respectful and just ask for advice elsewhere. :wavey:
u know i gotta say if you wanted to be constructive then u should have read through everything..

u kinda just dumped your philosophy on him in a very mashed up manner that's hard to follow..

and i dont agree with some things u said, but hey that's ur philosophy not mine..

i agree, there was no need for him to react the way he did.. but lets just be a little more throughly active in our advice giving
Or if you kept the same diet id put some.more cardio in thats just me though good luck. I tend to do cardio every other day preworkout at maximum heart rate for 20 minutes preworkout and also that way im all warmed up and ready to hit the weights.
u know i gotta say if you wanted to be constructive then u should have read through everything..

u kinda just dumped your philosophy on him in a very mashed up manner that's hard to follow..

and i dont agree with some things u said, but hey that's ur philosophy not mine..

i agree, there was no need for him to react the way he did.. but lets just be a little more throughly active in our advice giving

i didnt mean to come off that i said, i was in a rush and i apologize. by no means do i think i know everything, im just stating what ive learned or what has worked for me. I will never compare my nutritional background to that of yours cause hell i just asked you for advice hahaha. im grateful that there are guys like you on here to learn from.
everyone has their own viewpoints on bodybuilding/diet/training because everybody's body reacts differently. I just get irritated where I had no bad intention on the advice i gave and i receive a smart ass answer back from a kid who just joined this site and his 2nd post on here is telling me off...