Please Critique my pics (Left shoulder/pec Problem)


New member
hey heres a pic of my progress.... these 2 pics are exactly 1 year apart
Pic 1: March 2004 Flexed
Pic 2: March 2005 Flexed
Pic 3: March 2005 Unflexed
Also feel free to critique me and tell me what I need to work on more. Also I NEEED HELP with my left pic and left shoulder its lagging behind and looks bad in pictures.
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I don't see any difference in your left pec & left shoulder. Honestly bro. Your are worried over nothing. Looking good. Huge difference in a years time.
Thanks, but there is a big difference... my left shoulder is about 1/2 - 2/3 the size of my right shoulder and my left pec is also smaller... you can tell if you compare the 2 nips, the left pec hangs lower
TRicKtOutT said:
Thanks, but there is a big difference... my left shoulder is about 1/2 - 2/3 the size of my right shoulder and my left pec is also smaller... you can tell if you compare the 2 nips, the left pec hangs lower

i have the same problem but no one else notices apart from me, dont worry so much could be fat distribution that makes one nip higher than the other
Sorry bro. I still don't see any difference. You are way to critical of yourself. But, that is normal. I am very critical of myself too.
ok maybe the pic isnt very clear... this is a 3-4 month old pic... my imbalance is a little better now but still noticable...
Yeah dude, you can barely notice it. Ever when you point it out, its hard to see. No will ever notice that just looking at you. Don't worry about it.
It is normal for your weak and strong sides to be different. You use your strong side much more and it causes a slightly different growth rate. Everyone has this small issue, but some just feel it's more of a problem than others. Really not much you can do about it and like mentioned, it's not noticable to anyone but you.
thanks for all the boost in confidence everyone... Maybe I am a little too harsh on myself, it's just that I compare myself with a bunch of my other friends who dont have the same problem like myself thats why I treat this as a big issue. Is there any thing I can do to help out the weaker side more? Like do more reps or an extra set on my left. Also is there anything that I need to work on more?
oh yea im 20 years, 5'9.5, 190lb, bodyfat 11-15%? (I really have no idea, but someone can make a guess) 44" chest 16" arms, max at 315lb
is that the info you were looking for tman86x?

I dont see the difference either bro. keep up the good work though

how are the wheels?

ehh... theres nothing great about my legs to tell you the truth.. I mean I work them out because I do the DC training but I don't work them as hard as I should. I don't know my max squat but I do 20 straight reps of 150lb on each side on the smith machine, so you can guess what my max would be on free weights. Also for some reason no matter how hard I work out my calves they never seem to grow bigger.. I get stronger but the size is always the same.