Hey guys I ran 2 test cycles in the last 3 years and was quite happy. I am now going to try my first PH cycle, Im looking to use the PH while cutting to help lose weight and keep what muscle I have. I need a bit of help distinguishing what compounds to choose and what is the difference between compounds. I was thinking or running IronMagLabs Halo Extreme ( which I belive is halodrol aka Turinabol) right? But what is the difference between HELAdroll and Halodrol? Is it just branding?
I was thinking of running this
50/50/75/75/100/100 (HElADROLL)
I have aromasin as a AI on hand
I will also be on ECA stack
PCT will be
Nolva 30/30/20/20
Clomid 40/40/30/20
And multi plus fish oils+ some type of liver suport
So im assuming 2 pills for week 1-2 three for 2-4 and 4 week 5-6 daily?
What kind of gains are expected? Can anyone please
I looked for heladrol and found that 1 Bottle is enough to run 1 cycle (180 Caps) 25mg each
Any tips for a Canadian to getting the PHs shipped here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was thinking of running this
50/50/75/75/100/100 (HElADROLL)
I have aromasin as a AI on hand
I will also be on ECA stack
PCT will be
Nolva 30/30/20/20
Clomid 40/40/30/20
And multi plus fish oils+ some type of liver suport
So im assuming 2 pills for week 1-2 three for 2-4 and 4 week 5-6 daily?
What kind of gains are expected? Can anyone please
I looked for heladrol and found that 1 Bottle is enough to run 1 cycle (180 Caps) 25mg each
Any tips for a Canadian to getting the PHs shipped here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.