Please help me to connect peptides with course of Aas


New member
Hey guys! First of all sorry for my English, I am not local. And pls don't judge me very strictly.
I am 25 y.o, 181 cm, 90 kg. have already used test, turinabol, boldenone and winstrol

Have read a lot on American forums about peptides. Well here in Ukraine nobody has experience of using them. For our ppl they r unknown. I decided to try and made an order from american internetshop
So I have GHRP-6 and CJC-1295.
Also I have deca, equipoise, turinabol and Winstrol

The task is:
1. I've heard that I should use peptides for 6 month at least to have good results. Is that true?
2. For better effect is better to combinate with steroids. I have already written what I have. So what combination will be the best?
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