Please Post More In The Training Forum


pro powerlifter
We get like 4 new threads a day over there. Now I KNOW not everyone here is a guru, so I'm sure we all have a lot to learn still about lifting.

Juice is just a supplement people. I'm sick of threads like "Test/deca/dbol or test/eq/dbol?". It doesn't matter people. You'll grow off anything if you take enough. Now follow me on over to the training forum and let's learn how to REALLY get huge!

I'll bump this one...but I am kinda confused...are you saying we need to work out and stuff? I thought you could just take juice and get hyooge. :confused:

TxLonghorn said:
I'll bump this one...but I am kinda confused...are you saying we need to work out and stuff? I thought you could just take juice and get hyooge. :confused:


Ask GB about that one
Easto said:
Ask GB about that one

He's my trainer, and he said the only thing different you need to do is take juice and drink a lot on the weekends. He says the best use of gear is as a crutch.

Body by gorilla boy! :eek:
"Good to hear. Me? Eating like shit, training like a teenager, using juice as a crutch, the usual :D" - Gorilla_boy
I fucking love that quote. I laughed my ass off when I read that and almost spit up the milkshake I was drinking all over my twinkies.
TxLonghorn said:
I fucking love that quote. I laughed my ass off when I read that and almost spit up the milkshake I was drinking all over my twinkies.
milkshake and twinkies , you go all out when you entertain dont you:D
I worked out arms today...WAHOO!!!
Barbell Curls supersetted with Close Grip bench (5x5)
Incline Curls (12, 10, 8)
Rope push downs (12, 10, 8)

I would have done one more exercise for bi's and tri's, but I was too damn tired from home and my arms were toast from the supersets.