
not enough post you need 40 or something

oh ok gotcha...kinda funny bc im a member on at least 10 boards and i come over here and cant even gf joined her 1st board bc she liked alot of posts and info supergirl had and now she cant PM either...none the less its a busy board and i like it and i lots of other bro's i know from the other boards im on...who woulda thought ?? lol
thanks nate
Welcome!! Glad to see both you here with us,.looking at your avi your one big MOFO!!,.

thanks broski....i was 165 @8%bf in that pic...most people think im

i never get higher that 10% bf....which im at now and im 175lbs but its cutting time for summer...getting ready to start Anavar (var) and test E....I'm a blaster and cruiser so im dropping everything but the test and adding in the Anavar (var) ...this will be my 1st run with Anavar (var) will be 50mg for 8-10 weeks...along with 600-800mg of test e...haven't decided yet...right now im on 800mg test E ew and a blend of nnp100/mast100 oh yeay TNE75/dbol50 pre-workout....i run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through out at 500 iu ew split into two 250iu inj's.

ill be 38 this month
New to this board and I love the support being thorwn back and forth I think I finally found a home lol.
31yrs old
Just finished my clen/cytomel stack and my Test,and Winstrol (winny) are on the way from Thailand. My wife comes home in June so I am on the war path to perfection she would be gone 6 months to Iraq by the time she comes home.