Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Diet

pyrros dimas

New member
Okay ladies. I need some help here please. My wife is 30 years old and in overall excellent health. She works very hard at work, the gym and she gets 9 - 9.5 hours a sleep per night. She is 5'4", 118 lbs (she wants to lose about 5 - 7 lbs. or so), but she still gets into size 2/4 pants very comfortably. She has better than average strength in the gym then 75% of the ladies her size and she does cardio 30 minutes at a moderate intensity 3 - 4 times a week and then does free weights 3 - 4 times per week too. She is in the gym 5 - 6 days per week. She doesn't eat that much either ('maybe' 1600 - 1800 calories per day)

The problem is that she was diagnosed several years ago with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and this makes her 'borderline' Type II Diabetic like msot with this disease. She has talked to numerous Doctors (3 Endocrinologists now) and because of this disease she has been on birth control her whole, adult life. She has had 'the pill' changed several times. Sometimes one 'pill' will yield better results than others (less bloat water retention, etc...). Then other pills don't seem to work at all on her body composistion. She has been to 3, different Endocrinologists and one 'almost' put her on Metformin, but the Doctor didn't decided against it.

My wife and I don't want to self medicate - if we DON'T have to - (i.e order Metformin/Glucophage from one of my sources, etc..) given her medical history. What kind of diet would be the best for her body (I think she needs a particular diet - like Dr. Atkins whereby Insulin is controlled)? Do any of you out here think that she maybe needs to get on Metformin or any other OTC supplements, ALA, etc.? Do any of you ladies out there have Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome? I think maybe she needs to get a '4th' opinion. She has gained about 5 - 7 lbs. (of bad weight) since early 2000 and she is extremely frustrated. He wanted tom give T3 a try, but in my opinion that is NOT the answer and it ins't going to attack/fix the root cause of her problem (her thyroid levels on the blood work came back in the middle range of normal).

Help Please!!! We're both very frustatred!
Hi Pyrros,
I am sorry this thread has not gotten the attention you wanted.. i think your dilema is one that NEEDS the advice of a professional...

I do not have the disorder your wife does, nor do i know anyone that has it. I do however know alot about diabetes and low carb diets, so in that area i can offer advice.

I really DO NOT suggest she start T3... her hormones are in too much of a rampage to begin another hormone.. Let her get a fix on her bc first and see how to control her syndrome prior to self-medicating or jumping into a T3 medication which can have VERY adverse effects.

As per your otc ala question. I personally use R-ALA in my diet. I have felt the effect of hypoglycemia from it actually... it works that well.. so i almost feel like i get no sugar from my carbs with the use of R-ALA.. this may be too potent for your wife and you may want to avoid something that is going to manipulate her sugars in a temporary/pill based way.. There may be an alternative to get it under control first...

A low carb diet is always a plus.. or at least steer her away from the processed garbage carbs.. you know.. all the fun stuff lol.. all the processed white flours, simple sugars etc.. She would be better suited with oatmeal, brown rice, pumperknickel or rye, potato, greens etc.. and some good solid protein (chicken/tuna/ lean meat)... that is a great way to go and will help with her weight...

The most important thing here is honestly to get her situated on a birth control that is perfect for her body... this as you have already experienced takes trial and error which is a real pain in the ass... If you feel your doctors are not competant and you are not getting the advice, guidance and results you need, then YES, get another opinion... GET this shit right for her!! Do some research, find out who the top doctor for her syndrome is.. who is a revolutionist in that particular field.. then maybe you will get some answers!!!

Best of luck to both you and your wife and i am sorry i could not be more of a help...

Luv super
I'm sorry she has to deal with this. It is VERY frustrating... I was diagnosed with PCOS also but I got a 2nd opinion and was told that I don't have it. Do you have children? How are her periods? Did they give her a glucose tolerance test? Does she have cystic ovaries? If she is insulin resistant the Dr should have prescribed Metformin. Are you sure her thyroid levels were in the mid-normal range or is this what you were told by the Dr? Does she have acne? Suffering from hirsutism? Lethargic?