Pondering this cycle...


New member
Wk1: Test Enanthate 1,000mg -- EQ 400mg -- D-BOL 40mg/ED
Wk2: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- D-BOL 40mg/ED
Wk3: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- D-BOL 40mg/ED
Wk4: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- D-BOL 40mg/ED
Wk5: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg
Wk6: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg
Wk7: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg
Wk8: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk9: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk10: Test Enanthate 500mg -- EQ 400mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk11: Test Enanthate 500mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk12: Test Enanthate 500mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk13: Test Enanthate 500mg -- Winstrol 50mg/ED
Wk14: Test Propionate 150mg/EOD
Wk15: Test Propionate 150mg/EOD
Wk16: OFF
Wk17: Clomid Therapy
Wk18: Clomid Therapy
Notice i frontloaded the enanthate but not the EQ. Why you ask? Because i dont have enough to frontload :) Im just playing around with what i have, but i think i might like this when im done with it
Grafix.....I need to talk to you...clean out your box bro...LOL

BTW...the cycle looks good bro....
i suggest running the eq 12 weeks at least along with all long ester anabolics , otherwise looks good
StoneColdNTO said:
Well then........ you can forget about me going to say that you should front-load the EQ too......LOL !!

Oooopppps........I guess I should have read your explanation at the bottom of the first post.