Possible injection site infection


New member
View attachment 552939

So i just took my last shot of my cycle im running
Test e now a few times i would get lumps that would
Last a few days but go away this time its all red
With a big lump and its sore to sit on im thinking infection
Cause of the redness
I'd take an ibuprofen, quit touching it and give it a week. If it doesn't subside or you develop a fever, I'd then go to the doctor for a really bad B-12 injection. ;)
View attachment 552939

So i just took my last shot of my cycle im running
Test e now a few times i would get lumps that would
Last a few days but go away this time its all red
With a big lump and its sore to sit on im thinking infection
Cause of the redness

Could be a couple things. Is it hot to the touch? And it could be that you did not go deep enough or hit the muscle like you are suppose to. If you miss or don't go deep enough and get in the fat SubQ, then a hard lump will be there and it will be painful usually, espesially if you are injecting 1cc's or more. Take some Aleve and leave it alone for awhile. But if you develope fever or feel sick then go ti the emergey room and do the B12 trick like HalfWit said.
Yes its warm to the touch and i left work today cause it felt like i was getting the flu
Its the bottom of my back piece lol not a tramp stamp

hhey man dont blame meee, if op (you) had taken a full picture i woulda known that, either way when u bend over and ur shirt raises a bit, it'd look likea tramp stamp, be honest, how it is with the ladies ;) ? haha do they love it or hate it