Post-cycle libido problems


New member
I concluded my post cycle therapy (pct) about a month ago, and the libido still hasn't recovered. There's no real evidence of atrophy, and everything seems to be functioning properly, but the drive is just not there at all. I'm starting to worry about this. Is this normal, and will my libido return eventually? Thanks. :(
Some people just get shut down harder then others. Was your cycle a heavy one? Just give it some time but if it really bothers you then order some cialis or viagra to get it working.
Bimmer said:
Some people just get shut down harder then others. Was your cycle a heavy one? Just give it some time but if it really bothers you then order some cialis or viagra to get it working.

My cycle was Test/EQ for 8 wks, low doses...I'm just worried that my libido won't recover. Is there any way this could end up being permanent?
First off why would you run test and EQ for only 8 weeks. ITs not enough time, especially for the eq. But do not worry, your libido will eventually recover. Some people takes a few weeks and some it takes a few months. Who knows it might just be in your head.
I disagree that 8 weeks isn't enough time to make good gains.

There's no telling how much you damaged the HPTA and when it will recover fully. But it's unlikely it will be permanent.

As for the libido issue, what can I say? Your best bet, short of HRT, is to use Unleashed and Post-Cycle.