Post Cycle Recovery - why it is important


New member
I've been reading a lot of posts lately about people not taking post cycle gear. I know myself that I need to take it but I would like to know a little more about why and the importance of it. I am on Clomid now and I was under the assumption that taking 50mg/day for 12 days was normal.. After reading everyone's posts I've come to realize how wrong I am. I see everyone suggests 300mg day 1, 100 day 2 & 3 and the 50 for 2 weeks. If there is another thread about this I apologize. Maybe this will help some people out so they won't get to the end of cycle and loose all their gains.
To cut a long story short we can say this:
most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) suppress natural testo production in our body.
So, when you stop your cycle you're out of natural test.
Post cycle therapy wants to restart your natural testosterone production. If your body remains out of testosterone you can easily understand the destiny of your hardly reached gains...
I started it a week after my last Sustanon (sust) injection. I was on a cutting cycle and with t3, clen, Winstrol (winny) and a low dose of Sustanon (sust). I started my clomid a week after my last 250mg Sustanon (sust) shot. Was that the right time for it or not?
roidjuice said:
I started it a week after my last Sustanon (sust) injection. I was on a cutting cycle and with t3, clen, Winstrol (winny) and a low dose of Sustanon (sust). I started my clomid a week after my last 250mg Sustanon (sust) shot. Was that the right time for it or not? should have waited 3 weeks after your last Sustanon (sust) shot. Most guys would run their Winstrol (winny) 3 weeks past the Sustanon (sust), then start Clomid day after last Winstrol (winny) dose.

Standard Clomid therapy;
Day 1- 300 mg
Day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50 mg/day
roidjuice said:
I started my clomid a week after my last 250mg Sustanon (sust) shot. Was that the right time for it or not?

No it was not. I can't remember offhand, but with sus it's like 3 weeks or so after the last shot. Which is one reason why many like to end with a fast acting oral or something like prop or suspension.
I need some advice then. Should I stop it and then start it back up again or just keep it going. I have access to more so that is not a problem.